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Best Early Morning Prayer

Mantra when lighting the lamp Prayer for a Happy Living Lyrics in Sanskrit with Meaning

Chant this Mantra when lighting the lamp to the deity of your choice: Shubham karoti kalyaanam aarogyam dhana sampadaa shatru buddhir vinaashaaya dipa jyotir namostute Sanskrit to English Word Meaning: Subham- auspiciousness; karoti – which brings; kalyaanam- prosperity; arogyamgood health; dhanasampadah- abundance of wealth; shatrubuddhih- of the intellect‟s enemy (ignorance); vinashaaya- for the destruction; dipajyotir- […]

Mantra When Taking Bath Prayer for a Happy Living Lyrics in Sanskrit with Meaning

Chant this Mantra when taking a Bath Gange cha yamune chaiva godavari saraswathi narmade sindhu kaveri jalesmin sannidhim kuru Sanskrit to English Word Meaning: Ganga, Yamana, Godavari, Saraswathi, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri-names of holy Indian rivers; Ca- of; Jalesmin- In this water; Sannidhim- presence; Kuru- Invoke Meaning: In this water, I invoke the presence of holy […]

First Step out of Bed Morning Prayer for a Happy Living Lyrics in Sanskrit with Meaning

Chant this Mantra when you first step out of bed in the Morning: Samudravasane devi parvatsthanmandale Vishnupatni namastubhyam padsparsham kshamaswa me Sanskrit to English Word Meaning: Samudra-vasane devi! – O ocean-robed goddess! ; Parvatha-sthana-mandale! – The mountain ranges are your bosoms (adorned prettily by the mountains). mandithe is also correct Vishnu-patni namastubhyam – Salutations, O […]

Morning Prayer for a Happy Living Lyrics in Sanskrit with Meaning

Chant this Mantra when you wake up in the morning: Karagre vasate lakshmi kara madhye saraswati kara mule tu govindah prabhaate kara darshanam Sanskrit to English Word Meaning: Karagre-on the tip of your fingers; vasate- dwells; Lakshmi- the Goddess of Prosperity; aramadhye-palm; Saraswati- the Goddess of Knowledge Saraswati; karamule- in the wrist; tu-whereas; Govindah-the Lord […]

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