Sri Venkata Krishna Temple Timings:
Monday to Friday
Morning: 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Evening: 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Temple Timings on Weekends and Special Days:
Morning:7:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Evening:5:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Pooja Details: HOMAS Details:
Pooja | At Temple | AT Home | Outside City |
Sudarshana Homa | $ 201 | $ 251 | $ 351 |
Chandika Homa | $ 251 | $ 251 | $ 351 |
Mruthyunjaya Homa | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Dhanwantari Homa | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Ayushya Homa | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Ganapati Homa | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Laxmi Narasimha Homa | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Durga Homa | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Pavamana Homa | $ 251 | $ 251 | $ 351 |
Laxmi Hrudaya Homa | $ 151 | $ 251 | $ 301 |
Special Pujas:
Pooja | At Temple | AT Home | Outside City |
Gruha Pravesham | N/A | $ 125 | $ 501 |
Gruha Pravesham (Special) | N/A | $ 301 | $ 501 |
Gruhapravesha Pooja and Satyanarayana Pooja | N/A | $ 251 | $ 501 |
Sri Sathyanarayana Pooja | $ 125 | $ 125 | $ 251 |
Ganapati Homa and Satyanarayana Pooja | $ 201 | $ 251 | $ 301 |
Durga Namaskara / Bhagavathi Seva | $ 251 | $ 251 | $ 251 |
Vayu Stuthi Purashcharane for Anjaneya | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Swayamvara Parwathi Pooja / Japam | $ 201 | $ 251 | $ 251 |
Shani Kalpokta Pooja | $ 108 | $ 125 | $ 251 |
Navagraha Pooja | $ 108 | $ 125 | $ 251 |
Dhanalaxmi Pooja | $ 108 | $ 125 | $ 251 |
Bhoomi Pooja / Ground Breaking Ceremony | ———— | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Ashlesha Bali | $ 251 | $ 301 | $ 351 |
Pooja | At Temple | AT Home | Outside City |
Wedding | $ 351 | $ 351 | $ 501 |
Engagement ( Lagna Nishchaya ) | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Upanayanam | $ 301 | $ 351 | $ 501 |
Seemantham | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Namakaranam | $ 108 | $ 125 | $ 251 |
Punyaha Vachana and Namakarana | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Punyaha Vachana | $108 | $125 | $151 |
Annaprashana | $ 108 | $ 125 | $ 251 |
Chowla Karma | $ 108 | $ 125 | $ 251 |
Aksharabhyasa ( Vidyarambha) | $ 108 | $ 108 | $ 251 |
Pooja | At Temple | AT Home | Outside City |
Navagraha Shanthi Homa | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Vastu Shanthi | N/A | $ 125 | $ 501 |
Shashtyabdhi Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Kuja-Rahu Sandhi Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Rahu-Bruhaspathi Sandhi Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Shukra-Adithya Sandhi Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Shani Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
KalhaSarpa Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Janma Nakshatra Shanthi | $ 125 | $ 125 | $ 501 |

Pooja | At Temple | AT Home | Outside City |
Navagraha Shanthi Homa | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Vastu Shanthi | N/A | $ 125 | $ 501 |
Shashtyabdhi Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Kuja-Rahu Sandhi Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Rahu-Bruhaspathi Sandhi Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Shukra-Adithya Sandhi Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Shani Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
KalhaSarpa Shanthi | $ 151 | $ 151 | $ 501 |
Janma Nakshatra Shanthi | $ 125 | $ 125 | $ 501 |
Pooja | At Temple | AT Home | Outside City |
Archana | $ 21 | N/A | N/A |
Car Pooja | $ 35 | $ 51 | N/A |
Vadamala Seva For Sri Anjaneya | $ 108 | N/A | N/A |
Sathyanarayana Pooja at Temple (Poornima) | $51 | N/A | N/A |
Venkateshwara Abhishekam (Every Saturday) | $ 75 | N/A | N/A |
Ekadasa Rudra Abhishekam | $ 251 | $ 251 | $ 501 |
Rudra Abhishekam (Individual) | $ 108 | $ 151 | $ 301 |
Rudra Abhishekam (Every Monday) | $ 51 | N/A | N/A |
Srinivasa Kalyana Utsavam | $ 501 | N/A | N/A |
Anna Dana | $ 108 | N/A | N/A |
Navagraha Japam (Per 1000) | $ 51 | N/A | N/A |
Nakshatra Japam (Per 1000) | $ 108 | N/A | N/A |
Ranga Pooja | $ 108 | N/A | N/A |
DurgaSapthashathi Parayanam | $ 151 | $ 151 | N/A |
SankashtaHara Chaturthi Pooja / Homa | $ 108 | N/A | N/A |
Tottilu / Cradle Krishna Pooja | $ 51 | N/A | N/A |
Sarva Seva – Udayaastamana Seva | $ 501 | N/A | N/A |
Shraadda | At Temple | AT Home | Outside City |
Shraddam(Pinda Pradana) | $ 125 | $ 151 | $ 251 |
Sankalpa Shraddam(Hiranya Shradda) | $ 51 | $ 125 | $ 251 |
Yearly Sponsorship:
Venkateshwara Abhishekam (Every Saturday)- Rs.2,501.00
Rudrabhishekam (Every Monday)- Rs.2,501.00
Annadaanam (1 Year)- Rs.10,001.00
Grand Sponsorship for 1 year (Including all special events)- Rs.25,001.00
Annadaanam 1 year (Weekly one day)- Rs.5,001.00
Archana 1 year (Weekly one day)- Rs.501.00
Sankatahara Chaturthy Pooja for 1 year – Rs.1,008.00
About Booking Pooja Services:
Names of the priests
Sri Kiran Kumar
Sri Madhusudan Kadsur
Sri Ramamohana Kodancha (for Prasadam)
Booking the Pooja:
At least one week notice (In case of emergency, 3 day notice is OK)
Timings to call:8.00 am to 2.00 pm and 5.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Whom To Call:
To Talk to the Priest For Your Pooja Call
Temple: (480) 785-5217 or Cell : (480) 274-3039
Items to be brought for service:
Temple fee is only for priest service. The Website lists the items required for the pooja. Devotees are responsible for bringing the items for the Pooja. Temple can also provide SAMAGRI at nominal charge if a prior request is done.
Picking up the priest and bringing back is the responsibility of the devotees. They are expected to pick up the priest at least 30 minutes or more depending upon the distance where they live. We expect the devotees to be punctual and strictly follow the schedule timings and of course we understand about emergencies.
Please make your Donation Payable to “SRCF” (Tax deductible).
Priest Dakshina:
Separate Cash or Check in the name of the priest.
As always, we appreciate your cooperation and support. Thank You.
Temple Rules and Regulations – Do’s & Dont’s:
Do not touch the temple deities.
Do not touch the priest in the temple.
Archana request must be turned in before the Mangala Arathi.
No Cooked food items into the temple for offering.
You can offer groceries, fruits, flowers and saathvik vegetables(no onion,no garlic)
Do not talk inside the Gharbalaya.
Park only in the legal spots, in the temple premises or on the street.
No smoking on the temple premises.
Do not throw trash (Prasadam Boxes, Napkins, fruits etc) in the parking lot or near by park.
Leave your foot wear in the storage shelves.
Please ensure that your children help maintain silence.
Temple Dress code:
Do not wear Shorts, sleeveless tops, or mini-skirts while entering the temple
Set your Cell Phones, PDAs and Pagers to SILENT mode before entering in the Temple Premises
Volunteer Details:
Volunteering: There are plenty of opportunities for volunteering at the VenkataKrishna Kshetra.
Volunteers help in the office by answering phones or questions of devotees who come in. Those who are good at making garlands make them for the deities as needed. Volunteers are needed to help cut vegetables, clean the kitchen and dining area and the temple prayer halls. Volunteers also help maintain order, direct lines for Prasadam. Volunteers box and distribute Prasadam on a daily basis.
For Events:
Volunteers are key to the success of any event. Prior to the event itself there is a lot of planning. There are different committees to do different tasks.
The Hospitality team: takes care of airport runs to get visitors or house them either n volunteers’ homes or hotels
The Fund-raising team: works on raising funds for the event including getting advertisements for souvenirs and exploring ways to raise funds for the event and sponsorship details for the pooja.
The Parking team: organizes event parking and organizes shuttle buses if needed to drop and pick devotees to and from the event parking site.
The Prasadam team: Prior to the event works on getting the vegetable, fruits, groceries needed, by creating spreadsheets and tracking what is donated. A couple of days before the event, the sorting, cleaning, cutting and assisting with all that is needed in the kitchen. On the day of the event getting the to-go boxes ready or serving prasadam as decided.
The Decoration team: Helps with the decor of the stage and the temple before the event. It may involve making garlands, putting kolam and other decorations as needed.
The Audio-Visual Team: organizes the audio for the event and TV screens to view the event. Sometimes the events are web cast and photos or videos taken.
The Security and crowd-control Team: maintains the order and the logistics of what happens with the devotees and when. They organize the lines and ensure that at every stage there is no chaos and keeps things under control.
The Cleanliness and Up-keep team: ensures that the trash is not left lying around and is picked up and disposed. The team ensures that the environment is clean and tidy at all times.
The Front-desk: Plan where the desk should be set-up prior to the event. Ensure that electric power, internet access is available as needed. Ensure that there is a flow of devotees to the event and that devotees have a quick way to sponsor for the various poojas for the event. The team greets visitors explains the event and is responsible for answering all questions. The Volunteers list, emergency phone numbers are all maintained at this desk. Credit card transactions, checks and cash transactions are done at this desk.
The Religious Activities team: They work with Kiranji ahead of the event to plan the step-by-step ceremonies and on the day of the event, participate/ help the priests with the religious activities for the event. They are responsible for the smooth running of the religious ceremonies.
Volunteers are always welcome. If you are interested in volunteering, please send an e-mail to:
Sri VenkataKrishna Kshetra Temple Address:
615 S Beck Ave, Tempe,
Arizona – 85281
Office: 480 785 5217
Mobile: 480 274 3039