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Dakshina Kali Mantra Japa Lyrics in English

Dakshina Kali Mantra Japa in English:

॥ sri Daksinakali Maha Mantrah ॥

1. rsyadi nyasah:
asya sri daksinakali mahamantrasya । bhairava rsih । usnik chandah  । daksinakalika devata ॥
open the right palm and touch the top of the forehead । right palm on the mouth । right palm on the heart chakra ॥

krim bijam । hum saktih । krim kilakam ॥

bijam; saktih; kilakam
touch right shoulder with right hand; touch left shoulder with right hand;  touch the center of the chest. The only tip of the fingers to be used.

sri daksinakali devi darsana bhasana Siddhartha sri daksinakali maha mantra jape viniyogah ॥
open both the palms and run them over all parts of the body; from head to feet.

2. Karanyasah:
kram- angusthabhyam namah । – use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs.
krim – tarjanibhyam namah । – use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers.
krum – madhyamabhyam namah । – both the thumbs on the middle fingers.
kraim – anamikabhyam namah। – both the thumbs on the ring fingers.
kraum- kanisthikabhyam namah । – both the thumbs on the little fingers.
krah – karatalakaraprsthabhyam namah । – open both the palms; run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm.

3. Hrdayadi nyasah:
kram – hrdayaya namah । – open index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand and place them on the heart chakra.
krim – sirase svaha । – open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and touch the top of the forehead.
krum – sikhayai vasat । – open the right thumb and touch the back of the head. This is the point where tuft is kept.
kraim – kavacaya hum । – cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms from shoulders to fingertips.
kraum – netratrayaya vausat । – open the index, middle and ring fingers of the right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and touch the point between the two eyebrows (ajña chakra) with the middle finger.
krah – astraya phat ॥ – open up the left palm and strike it three times with the index and middle fingers of the right hand.
bhurbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhah ॥ –  by using right-hand thumb and middle fingers make rattle clockwise around the head.

4. Dhyanam:
sadyasichannasirah krpanamabhayam hastairvaram bibhratim ghorasyam sirasam sraja muruciramunmukta kesavalim ।
srkkasrkpravaham samasananilayam srutyoh savalamkrtim syamangim krtamekhalam savakarairdevim bhaje kalikam ॥

Meaning: Kali Devi holds in her lower left hand, a freshly severed head; with her upper hand She shows Abhaya mudra (removal of fear). She shows with her lower left hand, varada mudra (granting boons); in the upper right hand, She holds a sword. She is wearing a garland of human skulls and her hair is untidy. From her lips, blood is oozing out. She dwells in crematoriums. her ears have two infant corpses as ear studs. She is dark in complexion. She wears a girdle made up of hands of corpses.

5. Pañcapuja:
lam – prthivyatmikayai gandham samarpayami । – use both the index fingers and run them on both the thumbs.
ham – akasatmikayai puspaih pujayami । – use both the thumbs and run them on both the index fingers.
yam – vayvatmikayai dhupamaghrapayami । – both the thumbs on the middle fingers.
ram – agnyatmikayai dipam darsayami । – both the thumbs on the ring fingers.
vam – amrtatmikayai amrtam mahanaivedyam nivedayami । – both the thumbs on the little fingers.
sam – sarvatmikayai sarvopacara pujam samarpayami ॥ – open both the palms and join together as if offering something to her.

6.sri Daksinakali Maha Mantrah ॥
om krim krim krim hrim hrim hum hum daksine kalike krim krim krim hrim hrim hum hum svaha ॥
Mantra Explanation: There are three krims, which represent creation, sustenance and dissolution. After this, there are two hrims, which represent the process of creation and the process of sustenance. Then there are two hum-s, which provide knowledge (towards emancipation). The name of the Devi mentioned here ensures closeness to Devi. The name of the Devi is encased (samputikarana) with these bijaksaras, which makes this mantra powerful.

7. Dhyanam:
madyasichannasirah krpanamabhayam hastairvaram bibhratim ghorasyam sirasam sraja muruciramunmukta kesavalim ।
srkkasrkpravaham samasananilayam srutyoh savalamkrtim syamangim krtamekhalam savakarairdevim bhaje kalikam ॥

8. Pañcapuja:
lam – prthivyatmikayai gandham samarpayami ।
ham – akasatmikayai puspaih pujayami ।
yam – vayvatmikayai dhupamaghrapayami ।
ram – agnyatmikayai dipam darsayami ।
vam – amrtatmikayai amrtam mahanaivedyam nivedayami ।
sam – sarvatmikayai sarvopacara pujam samarpayami ॥

9. Samarpanam:
guhyati guhya goptri tvam grhanasmat-krtam japam ।
siddhirbhavatu me devi tvatprasadanmayi stira ॥
Meaning: You sustain the secret of all secrets. Please accept this Japa performed by me and bestow Your perpetual Grace on me.

Additional Information:

The number of prescribed counts is 100,000 for purascarana.
There is a curse removal verse for this mantra, which is given below. I am not sure whether this verse is correct. I also do not know whether this verse is only a guide to derive the actual Dakshina kali curse removal mantra. Please read this link and the comments therein, before using this curse removal mantra.

Daksinakali Sapavimochana Mantra:

kalim kurcam param nama daksine daksine kalike tata ।
vasistha mantram proccyartha mocaya dayamisvari
kalim kurcam pare niramesasyascapaharini ॥
kalim bhimam thatam bhadrakali bhimam sivasyahi
sapam mocaya yugmapo vidhyeyam capaharini ॥

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Dakshina Kali Mantra Japa Lyrics in English

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