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Namaste Meaning, Spirituality, Anjali Mudra

Sanskrit roots of Namaste are Namah + Te which translates to bow + to you. It is a non-contact form of Hindu greeting and emphasizes seeing divinity in everyone.

The feminine form of Namaste is Namastasyai which can be used while greeting women. Here, the third syllable ‘te’ is replaced by its feminine form ‘tasyai’.


The “te” or to you in Namaste refers to the divinity in the person we are greeting.

Namaste is a constant reminder to see divinity in everyone. If we see the sacred in all, then we are likely to treat them equally and with compassion, care and respect.

Anjali Mudra:

There are many nerve endings on our palms, and pressing our palms together in Anjali Mudra activates some special pressure points.

Anjali Mudra is said to balance our energies and bring calmness.

Creating Anjali Mudra:

While doing Namaste, one should join their hands with palms open, facing and touching each other. The joined hands should be placed just where the heart is located.

Then we close our eyes, bow down and say Namaste filled with the feeling of fullness within one.


Namaste is a common greeting during recent Covid times.
This form of greeting helps us keep our distance while greeting others.


Namaste is a common greeting across Dharmic cultures.
Nepali say Namaskar, while Sri Lankans say Ayubowan, the Japanese say Gassho, and the Thai and Indonesian say Wai. ou

Namaste Meaning, Spirituality, Anjali Mudra

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