Narayaniyam Dvitiyadasakam in English:
॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ dvitīyadaśakam ॥
nārāyaṇīyaṁ dvitīyadaśakam (2) – bhagavataḥ svarūpamādhuryaṁ tathā bhaktimahattvam
kāruṇyākulanētramārdrahasitōllāsaṁ sunāsāpuṭam |
gaṇḍōdyanmakarābhakuṇḍalayugaṁ kaṇṭhōjjvalatkaustubhaṁ
tvadrūpaṁ vanamālyahārapaṭalaśrīvatsadīpraṁ bhajē || 2-1 ||
śrīmadbāhucatuṣkasaṅgatagadāśaṅkhāripaṅkēruhām |
mālaṁbē vimalāṁbujadyutipadāṁ mūrtiṁ tavārticchidam || 2-2 ||
yattrailōkyamahīyasō:’pi mahitaṁ sammōhanaṁ mōhanāt
kāntaṁ kāntinidhānatō:’pi madhuraṁ mādhuryadhuryādapi |
saundaryōttaratō:’pi sundarataraṁ tvadrūpamāścaryatō-
pyāścaryaṁ bhuvanē na kasya kutukaṁ puṣṇāti viṣṇō vibhō || 2-3 ||
tattādr̥ṅmadhurātmakaṁ tava vapuḥ samprāpya sampanmayī
sā dēvī paramōtsukā cirataraṁ nā:’stē svabhaktēṣvapi |
tēnāsyā bata kaṣṭamacyuta vibhō tvadrūpamānōjñaka-
prēmasthairyamayādacāpalabalāccāpalyavārtōdabhūt || 2-4 ||
lakṣmīstāvakarāmaṇīyakahr̥taivēyaṁ parēṣvasthirē-
tyasminnanyadapi pramāṇamadhunā vakṣyāmi lakṣmīpatē |
yē tvaddhyānaguṇānukīrtanarasāsaktā hi bhaktā janā-
stēṣvēṣā vasati sthiraiva dayitaprastāvadattādarā || 2-5 ||
tvadrūpaṁ paracidrasāyanamayaṁ cētōharaṁ śr̥ṇvatām |
sadyaḥ prērayatē matiṁ madayatē rōmāñcayatyaṅgakaṁ
vyāsiñcatyapi śītabāṣpavisarairānandamūrchōdbhavaiḥ || 2-6 ||
ēvaṁbhūtatayā hi bhaktyabhihitō yōgassa yōgadvayāt
karmajñānamayādbhr̥śōttamatarō yōgīśvarairgīyatē |
saundaryaikarasātmakē tvayi khalu prēmaprakarṣātmikā
bhaktirniśramamēva viśvapuruṣairlabhyā ramāvallabha || 7 ||
niṣkāmaṁ niyatasvadharmacaraṇaṁ yatkarmayōgābhidhaṁ
taddūrētyaphalaṁ yadaupaniṣadajñānōpalabhyaṁ punaḥ |
tattvavyaktatayā sudurgamataraṁ cittasya tasmādvibhō
tvatprēmātmakabhaktirēva satataṁ svādīyasī śrēyasī || 2-8 ||
atyāyāsakarāṇi karmapaṭalānyācarya niryanmalā
bōdhē bhaktipathē:’thavāpyucitatāmāyānti kiṁ tāvatā |
kliṣṭvā tarkapathē paraṁ tava vapurbrahmākhyamanyē puna-
ścittārdratvamr̥tē vicintya bahubhissiddhyanti janmāntaraiḥ || 2-9 ||
tvadbhaktistu kathārasāmr̥tajharīnirmajjanēna svayaṁ
siddhyantī vimalaprabōdhapadavīmaklēśatastanvatī |
sadyassiddhikarī jayatyayi vibhō saivāstu mē tvatpada-
prēmaprauḍhirasārdratā drutataraṁ vātālayādhīśvara || 2-10 ||
iti dvitīyadaśakaṁ samāptam |
Narayaniyam Dvitiyadasakam Meaning:
I always meditate on your Vaikunta form,
With the crown brighter than the Sun God,
The shining forehead with the long thilaka,
The eyes from which mercy flows and ebbs,
The shine of the smile is comforting,
The pretty nose, the cheeks which are reflecting your ear studs,
The Kousthubha gem which adds to the shine of the neck,
And forest and golden bead garlands and the Sri Vathsa. ॥ 2.1 ॥
I surrender to your form which is beyond description by words,
Which has four arms wearing gem-studded armlets, bangles, bracelets and rings,
Holding the mace, the conch, the wheel and the lotus flower,
Which is bedecked with yellow silk, tied over by a gem-studded waist belt,
Which has holy feet which shines like a pure lotus flower,
And which destroys all sorts of sorrows. ॥ 2.2 ॥
Oh Vishnu, Oh Lord, who in this world would not be enchanted by your form,
Which is holier than the holiest in all the three worlds,
Which is more attractive than the most attractive,
Which shines more than the best shining object,
Which is sweeter than the sweetest, which is prettier than the prettiest,
And which is more wonderful than the most wonderful. ॥ 2.3 ॥
After getting and reaching your wonderful and greatly joyous form,
That goddess who controls wealth has become more attached to you,
And because of this even after reaching the homes of her great devotees,
She does not prefer to stay there, Oh Lord, Oh changeless one,
Due to the deep, strong and stable love towards your very pretty form,
She has got a very bad name as the unstable one, is it not uncharitable? ॥ 2.4 ॥
Oh Consort of Goddess Lakshmi, I will tell another reason to say,
That Goddess Lakshmi does not stay long with others,
That is because of her attractiveness to your pretty form,
For in the case of devotees of yours who are busy in meditating,
And singing about you, she is interested in hearing about,
The news of her darling and never leaves but stays with them. ॥ 2.5 ॥
This great form of yours, which is the starting, place of,
The nectar called all-round wealth and luck,
Which is the extract of the divine concept of Brahmam,
And which is pretty and sweet to hear,
Would attract the mind instantly, make it exuberant,
And make the hairs all over our body stand erect,
And make us drench in the tears of joy welling from our eyes. ॥ 2.6 ॥
Due to this, only the great godlike sages have chosen the path of devotion*,
Over the two paths called the path of action** and path of realization based on enquiry***,
And have sung and praised it as the most suitable path,
And so oh God who is very dear to the Goddess Lakshmi,
This path based on the devotion based concept of your prettiness,
Is very easily available for use to all persons of this world. ॥ 2.7 ॥
*Bhakti yoga **Karma yoga ***Jnana Yoga
While Karma yoga consisting of all actions without desire for results,
Would yield results only after a very long time and while Jnana Yoga,
Which is available in the concepts enunciated in the Upanishads,
Is extremely difficult to follow, due to its being not in the grip of various sensory organs,
Oh Lord, the devotion to you based on love to you is very sweet and satisfying. ॥ 2.8 ॥
What is the use of some people struggling after doing several karmas,
Which are exhausting and hard,
Getting their mind cleaned and becoming suitable to follow Jnana or Bhakti Yoga,
And others struggling and getting troubled with intellectual exercises,
Without their mind getting softened but meditating on the concept of Brahmam,
And getting salvation after passing through several cycles of birth? ॥ 2.9 ॥
Oh Lord who is the God of Guruvayur, since devotion consists of getting drowned,
In the nectarine happiness of telling and hearing the stories about you,
And leads to easy and comfortable steps for opening the doors of divine knowledge,
It leads to victorious salvation instantly, please bless me,
To speedily make my mind melt with wonderful love towards you. ॥ 2.10 ॥
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