Shri Swaminarayan Temple Wheeling Daily Darshan & Open Hours:
Morning: 6:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Evening: 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Shri Swaminarayan Temple Wheeling Daily Aarti Time:
Morning: 7:30 AM
Evening: 6:30 PM
Shri Swaminarayan Temple Wheeling Sunday Sabha:
Evening: 5.00 PM to 9.00 PM
Shri Swaminarayan Temple Wheeling MISSION:
1) The mission of Shri Swaminarayan Temple, Wheeling, IL (ISSO of Chicago) is to be a pillar for Shri Laxminarayandev Vadtal Gadi (diocese) as established by Lord Shri Swaminarayan. We shall:
2) Make our temple the focal point and forum for preaching and practicing the teachings of Lord Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan Worship the established Murti of Bhagwan and perform with faith and all the prescribed daily rituals. Provide means to promote regular Bhajan, Katha, Shibir, and other religious sermons.
3) Celebrate all Hindu religious festivals with appropriate confinements as established by Lord Shri Swaminarayan.
4) Spread the teaching of Lord Shri Swaminarayan using all traditional and modern media, such as printed publications, online live telecasts, audio, video, and social media appropriately, and regularly publish the temple’s periodical, Shriji Sandesh, the message of Lord Shri Swaminarayan.
5) Facilitate the imparting of Hindu philosophies to the next generation of devotees by providing children a fun, engaging environment to learn the history of the Hindu dharma and Lord Shri Swaminarayan.
6) Promote welfare of community by contributing to health and human services.
Shri Swaminarayan Temple Wheeling Free Medical Clinic:
It is our pleasure to let you all know free medical clinic at our mandir finished first year of operation. During past year, we served well over 250 patients who made more than 600 visits!
Given current healthcare situation with uncertainty around providing healthcare coverage repeal healthcare coverage promised by so called ‘Obamacare’ health plan, approved by prior Congress. Mounting deficit at federal and state levels along with poor economic outlook is pushing more and more Americans with no healthcare coverage. Unfortunately, no community is an exception in this nightmare.
In order to provide very basic healthcare services, our mandir decided to start free medical clinic where anyone is invited to seek free health.
Given various environmental, dietary and now genetic factors, many of the patients suffer with certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus (high sugar), hypertension (high BP), dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), hypothyroidism (thyroid problems), etc.
At clinic, our patients receive free screening for above mentioned diseases and receive ongoing testing and treatments for the same.
Following services are provided:
Physician / nurses visit
Routine blood tests including
CBC- blood count
CMP – metabolic panel including glucose, kidney and renal function
TSH – thyroid test
Lipid Profile – cholesterol tests
HgA1c – average blood sugar level over last 3 months period
They also receive free medications to help them control diseases mentioned above by pharmacist.
Diabetes Education Nurse – we have Ms. Diptiben Shah, who is specialized in providing education to diabetic patients. She provides one to one teaching and once or twice a year, she runs diabetic teaching camp where she discusses how to manage diabetes including dietary restrictions and early detection of complications.
All these services are provided TOTALLY FREE to all patients who come to the clinic. In order to serve more needy patients, we advise patients without any healthcare coverage to seek care from clinic.
The Clinic usually runs between 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM on third Sunday of the month at mandir on second floor. In order for us to serve as many patients as possible, please register by 2:15 PM on clinic days.
Thank you all, our patients and wonderful volunteers for supporting much needed free health clinic. In order for us to serve more patients, we are looking for volunteers (who can help with filing of records, phlebotomists, pharmacists or pharmacy technicians, physicians, etc.) Please feel free to meet Diptiben during clinic hours. I would also like to thank mandir administration for their unparalleled support. -Dr. Sanjay Amin
Car Pooja:
Got a new car and wants to get it’s pooja done? You can visit our temple during any operation hours to get car pooja done by our swami.
Blood Drive:
Our principals suggest to give back and support community. So we arrange blood drives regularly to give back those in needs. Please contact us to find out more information on upcoming blood drives arrange by our temple.
Our Sampraday:
One day when Bhagavan Narayan was doing katha at Badrikashram i Himalayas. Dharma, Bhakti, Udhdhavji, etc. were present in the sabha. Later, Durvasa Rishi arrived there. But all attendees were so much into katha that no one noticed Durvasha’s arrival. Due to not receiving any attention from the attendees, he got very angry and gave a curse (shraap) to everyone present there. His command was that everyone present there goes back to earth and suffer from bad people. Actually, bhagvan himself planned this drama, so he told everyone not to panic. He told Dharma and Bhakti to get ready and assured that he would take birth as their son.
Bhagavan Swaminarayan was born on Chaitra Sud 9th 1837 (or April 2, 1781) at 10:10 PM at Chhapaiya, Uttar Pradesh, India. His parents were Dharmadev and Bhaktimata. Bhagavan had two brothers, eldest brother named Rampratapbhai and youngest named Ichharamji . On 6th day after the birth, Bhagavan was given 3 names by Markandeya Rishi – Hari, Krishna, and HariKrishna. The people of Chhapaiya gave one more name, Ghanshyam. Bhagavan learned all the knowledge from his father by the time he was 7 years old! He learned everything from the different religious books, literature, etc. He also summarized all these books into one small book for himself, called Gutko. Bhagavan’s mom (Bhaktimata) passed away first followed by his dad (Dharmadev). As a son, bhagvan performed very good seva to his parents until the last moment of their lives. Only after completing the responsibilities towards his parents, he now decided to begin his real mission, for which he took this avatar.
At about age of 11 years, he left home and started his journey (Van-Vicharan) towards his mission. He took very minimal things with him, like Shaligram or Lalji (for puja), a mala, a small book (Gutko), a pot for water (Kamandal) and very minimal cloth (Kopin). He started in the direction of Himalayas, where he performed taap and gave darshan to thousands of Rishies (~900,000). Then he continued his journey to East India and then to South India. He visited many religious places, ashrams and dangerous places. There he re-established good religious and social values. All along, he searched for a real/true GURU, but he was unsuccessful. This phase of his life is referred as van-vicharan (or the journey in the forest). During the van-vicharan, he was named as Nilkanth Varni. Finally, after about 7 years of van-vicharan, bhagvan arrived at Loj in Gujarat.
In Loj, there was an ashram established by Ramanand swami (who was Udhdhavji during the Krishna-avatar). Early in the morning, at the vav (a step-well) of Loj, women of the village and Shukhanand swami saw bhagwan (Nilkanth Varni). Then Shukhanand, a follower/shishya of Ramanand swami, invited and took him to his Ashram. At this time, Ramanand swami was not there (he was in Bhuj at this time), but Muktanand swami welcomed him in the ashram. Before deciding to stay here, bhagwan asked five questions to verify his destined place and Guru. The questions were: “What is Jiv, Ishwar, Maya, Brahma and Parbrahma ?”). Muktanand swami (on behalf of his Guru Ramanand swami) answered all these questions to bhagvan’s satisfaction Thus, Bhagwan concluded to stay here. Here bhagvan was given one more name – Sarjudas. Now he was very eager to meet Ramanand swami. Eventually, Muktanand swami and Bhagwan both wrote two separate letters to Ramanand swami. Ramanand swami got excited too, because he felt that now his responsibilities will be over and bhagvan will take over from him. He replied and said we will meet in Piplana in few months. Finally, Bhagwan and Ramanand swami met in Piplana for the first time. Some months later, Ramanand swami gave diksha to Bhagwan (i.e. Ramanand swami became bhagvan’s Guru). At this time Ramanand swami gave two new names to Bhagwan, Sahjanand Swami and Narayan Muni. Later he decided to hand over all of his establishment to bhagvan. Finally, the grand ceremony is planned in Jetpur, and Bhagwan was made the head or Acharya of the Ramanand swami’s sampraday. Few months later, in Faneni, Ramanand swami left the body and returned to Akshardham. On the 14th day after Ramanand swami’s death, bhagwan called a grand sabha, and asked everybody to chant “SWAMINARAYAN”. Everybody went into samadhi, and they all were able to see their own preferred God in bhagvan (Sahajanand swami) himself ! This was just unique. Obviously, only a God can do this. Everybody got convinced that Shajanand swami is the SUPREME GOD !!
Thus, on the 14th day past Ramanand swami’s death, bhagvan named himself – “Swaminarayan”. Because bhagvan named himself as “SWAMINARAYAN“, it is a very powerful name. It is not only bhagvan’s name, but “Swaminarayan” is a “Mahamantra” !
It works with its own power !!
Shri Swaminarayan Temple Wheeling Address:
ISSO of Chicago
397 Northgate Pkwy,
Wheeling, IL 60090
Tel: +1 (847) 808-9980