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Hinduism Glossary of Terms – T

Tamas =  One fo the constituents of Prakrti- the principle of inertia and delusion. Tantrika =  follower of Tantra; pertaining to Tantra. Tanmatra =  Lit. that only; the primary elements of perception; the general elements of the particulars of sense-perception, viz. sabda, sparsa, rupa, rasa, gandha Tantra =  A scripture in general; Science of the cosmic spiritual forces, […]

Hinduism Glossary of Terms | Dictionary of Key Hindu Terms

This Glossary / Dictionary of Hinduism would be helpful for those who want the understand the Hindu technical terms better furthering their understanding of Hinduism. Please send your questions/comments/suggestion Hinduism Glossary of Terms – (A) Hinduism Glossary of Terms – (B) Hinduism Glossary of Terms – (C) Hinduism Glossary of Terms – (D) Hinduism Glossary […]

Ganesha Mantra

AUM GAJANANAM BHOOTGANADHISEVITAM KAPITTHYA JAMBOO PHALCHARU BHAKSHANAM UMASUTAM SHOKVINASHKARAKAM NAMAMI VIGHNESHWAR PADPANKAJAM AUM Translation Elephant-faced, worshipped by the existing beings, of all living beings, tasting the elephant apple (kaith) and jambolana (jamun), the son of Uma, destroyer of grief, I bow to the lotus feet of Ganesha who is Lord of all.

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