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Gaurangashtakam Lyrics in Hindi With Meaning | गौराङ्गाष्टकम्

गौराङ्गाष्टकम् Lyrics in Hindi:

मूर्तिमनोहरविश्वपवित्रम् ।
शुद्धकनक रय गौर नमस्ते ॥ १॥

जीवदयामयतापविदीर्णम् ।
शुद्धकनक रय गौर नमस्ते ॥ २॥

लोचनकलियुगपाप स शङ्के ।
शुद्धकनक जय गौर नमस्ते ॥ ३॥

सिंहगमन जिति ताण्डवलील
दीनदयामयतारणशील ।
शुद्धकनक जय गौर नमस्ते ॥ ४॥

मेरुविलम्बितगङ्गाधारे ।
शुद्धकनक जय गौर नमस्ते ॥ ५॥

कुङ्कुमरञ्जितदेहविशाल ।
शुद्धकनक जय गौर नमस्ते ॥ ६॥

गमनसुनर्तकभोगविशेष ।
शुद्धकनक जय गौर नमस्ते ॥ ७॥

शिखामोचनलोकप्रवेश ।
शुद्धकनक जय गौर नमस्ते ॥ ८॥

इति सार्वभौम भट्टाचार्यविरचितं गौराङ्गाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ।

Gaurangashtakam Meaning:

Finely dressed and limbs decorated with sandalwood, Your enchanting form purifies the universe and Your radiant toenails shame the moon. Jaya Gaura, pure and golden. Obeisances unto You!”

Your hairs bristle and Your eyes are with tears in saving the souls, You become very merciful following Your example, You chant thousands of names. Jaya Gaura, pure and golden. Obeisances unto You!”

With roars of pleasure, you tremble the rays that storm. You give fear to sinners in Kaliyuga. The dust of Your lotus feet strikes all guilty persons. Jaya Gaura, pure and golden. Obeisances unto You!”

Your pastimes of having the lion subjugating to Your dance, and helping the fallen souls, Your lila has immersed Brahma and Siva. They adore Your moon like toonails. Jaya Gaura, pure and golden. Obeisances unto You!”

Gaura covers a bad malati flower like the Mountain Meru covering the Ganges. His moon like face smiles between verses. Jaya Gaura, pure and golden. Obeisances unto You!”

With red sandalwood paste, His front side shines. With saffron clothing, His body becomes resplendent. His toenails are each like the moon which serve His devotee, Lord Siva. Jaya Gaura, pure and golden. Obeisances unto You!”

Peace takes form once one surrenders to devotion. Lord Gaura dances in beautiful movements and covers His body with beautiful garlands. Jaya Gaura, pure and golden. Obeisances unto You!”

He renounced all pleasures in His sannyasa form. To the people, His head appears to be shaven. He is impulsed by intense desire and bhakti. Jaya Gaura, pure and golden. Obeisances unto You!”

Gaurangashtakam Lyrics in Hindi With Meaning | गौराङ्गाष्टकम्

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