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Narayaniyam Navanavatitamadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneyam Dasakam 99

Narayaniyam Navanavatitamadasakam in English:

॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ navanavatitamadaśakam ॥

nārāyaṇīyaṁ navanavatitamadaśakam (99) – vēdamantramūlātmakā viṣṇustutiḥ |

viṣṇōrvīryāṇi kō vā kathayatu dharaṇēḥ kaśca rēṇūnmimītē
yasyaivāṅghritrayēṇa trijagadabhimitaṁ mōdatē pūrṇasampat |
yō:’sau viśvāni dhattē priyamiha paramaṁ dhāma tasyābhiyāyāṁ
tadbhaktā yatra mādyantyamr̥tarasamarandasya yatra pravāhaḥ || 99-1 ||

ādyāyāśēṣakartrē pratinimiṣanavīnāya bhartrē vibhūtē-
rbhaktātmā viṣṇavē yaḥ pradiśati havirādīni yajñārcanādau |
kr̥ṣṇādyaṁ janma yō vā mahadiha mahatō varṇayētsō:’yamēva
prītaḥ pūrṇō yaśōbhistvaritamabhisarētprāpyamantē padaṁ tē || 99-2 ||

hē stōtāraḥ kavīndrāstamiha khalu yathā cētayaddhvē tathaiva
vyaktaṁ vēdasya sāraṁ praṇuvata jananōpāttalīlākathābhiḥ |
jānantaścāsya nāmānyakhilasukhakarāṇīti saṅkīrtayadhvaṁ
hē viṣṇō kīrtanādyaistava khalu mahatastattvabōdhaṁ bhajēyam || 99-3 ||

viṣṇōḥ karmāṇi sampaśyata manasi sadā yaiḥ sa dharmānabadhnād-
yānīndrasyaiṣa bhr̥tyaḥ priyasakha iva ca vyātanōtkṣēmakārī |
vīkṣantē yōgasiddhāḥ parapadamaniśaṁ yasya samyakprakāśaṁ
viprēndrā jāgarūkāḥ kr̥tabahunutayō yacca nirbhāsayantē || 99-4 ||

nō jātō jāyamānō:’pi ca samadhigatastvanmahimnō:’vasānaṁ
dēva śrēyāṁsi vidvānpratimuhurapi tē nāma śaṁsāmi viṣṇō |
taṁ tvāṁ saṁstaumi nānāvidhanutivacanairasya lōkatrayasyā-
pyūrdhvaṁ vibhrājamānē viracitavasatiṁ tatra vaikuṇṭhalōkē || 99-5 ||

āpaḥ sr̥ṣṭyādijanyāḥ prathamamayi vibhō garbhadēśē dadhustvāṁ
yatra tvayyēva jīvā jalaśayana harē saṅgatā aikyamāpan |
tasyājasya prabhō tē vinihitamabhavatpadmamēkaṁ hi nābhau
dikpatraṁ yatkilāhuḥ kanakadharaṇibhr̥t karṇikaṁ lōkarūpam || 99-6 ||

hē lōkā viṣṇurētadbhuvanamajanayattanna jānītha yūyaṁ
yuṣmākaṁ hyantarasthaṁ kimapi tadaparaṁ vidyatē viṣṇurūpam |
nīhāraprakhyamāyāparivr̥tamanasō mōhitā nāmarūpaiḥ
prāṇaprītyaikatr̥ptāścaratha makhaparā hanta nēcchā mukundē || 99-7 ||

mūrdhnāmakṣṇāṁ padānāṁ vahasi khalu sahasrāṇi saṁpūrya viśvaṁ
tatprōtkramyāpi tiṣṭhanparimitavivarē bhāsi cittāntarē:’pi |
bhūtaṁ bhavyaṁ ca sarvaṁ parapuruṣa bhavān kiñca dēhēndriyādi-
ṣvāviṣṭō:’pyudgatatvādamr̥tasukharasaṁ cānubhuṅkṣē tvamēva || 99-8 ||

yattu trailōkyarūpaṁ dadhadapi ca tatō nirgatō:’nantaśuddha-
jñānātmā vartasē tvaṁ tava khalu mahimā sō:’pi tāvānkimanyat |
stōkastē bhāga ēvākhilabhuvanatayā dr̥śyatē tryaṁśakalpaṁ
bhūyiṣṭhaṁ sāndramōdātmakamupari tatō bhāti tasmai namastē || 99-9 ||

avyaktaṁ tē svarūpaṁ duradhigamatamaṁ tattu śuddhaikasattvaṁ
vyaktañcāpyētadēva sphuṭamamr̥tarasāṁbhōdhikallōlatulyam |
sarvōtkr̥ṣṭāmabhīṣṭāṁ tadiha guṇarasēnaiva cittaṁ harantīṁ
mūrtiṁ tē saṁśrayē:’haṁ pavanapurapatē pāhi māṁ sarvarōgāt || 99-10 ||
[** kr̥ṣṇa rōgāt **]

iti navanavatitamadaśakaṁ samāptam |

Narayaniyam Navanavatitamadasakam Meaning:

Who will narrate the greatness of Lord Vishnu?
Who is there to count the atoms of the entire earth?
With which Vishnu’s feet this earth was measured and was filled with wealth?
Which Maha Vishnu wears all the earth?
This me who is here should reach the place of Mahavishnu
Which is very great and is very dear to me as your devotees,
Enjoy divine bliss there and there is a flow of nectar in that place. ॥ 99.1 ॥

That devotee, who with devotion in his mind worships through
Yagas and worship by offering oblations in Homa,
That great Vishnu who existed much before the creation of the world,
Who created the world, who is new every moment of time,
And who rules over wealth or describes the great incarnation of Krishna,
Is the only one who would live with joy and fame and would reach,
At the end of life Vaikunta your place of residence speedily. ॥ 99.2 ॥

Oh great poets, who write the poems of praise, please praise,
Lord Vishnu who is the essence of Vedas, as you understand him here,
By narrating clearly his story and exploits and also tell his names,
After understanding them as the ones which cause comfort to everyone,
And Oh Lord Vishnu, let me attain the wisdom of philosophy. ॥ 99.3 ॥

Please meditate on those actions by which
That greatly effulgent Vishnu established the Dharma,
And also on his deeds for promoting the welfare of Indra by becoming,
His dear friend as well as his servant and on the great abode of his,
Which is constantly meditated and seen always by great sages,
And is described in detail by great Brahmins with enthusiasm,
In the great poems of praise composed by them. ॥ 99.4 ॥

Oh, God Vishnu, all those who are already born and also those,
Who are going to be born have not yet found the limit of your greatness,
And understanding their greatness, I, again and again, chant your names,
I also praise you with several prayers, you who live in Vaikunta,
Which is shining above all these three worlds. ॥ 99.5 ॥

Oh God, The water which was there at the start of creation,
Held first in its womb, you, the Narayana who sleeps on water,
And the individual souls joined together and merged with this form of yours,
Oh Lord, on the naval of yours who does not have any birth,
A lotus flower was born and that flower which had the directions as petals,
And Maha Meru mountain as its pericarp and it was called a world. ॥ 99.6 ॥

Oh World, you do not know that this world was created by Lord Vishnu,
And also that within your heart there is another image of Vishnu,
And in spite of that fact you spend your time,
With illusion covering your mind like a film of snow,
With thoroughly misunderstanding the names and forms,
With the mind and body satisfied with the pleasure of senses,
And with interest in rituals like Yaga but with no interest in Vishnu. ॥ 99.7 ॥

Oh Lord, you have thousands of heads, eyes and feet,
And though you are everywhere in the world and also outside it,
You shine well even in the mind with a very small opening,
And Oh Lord who is the divine Purusha,
You are all that is past and all that is going to happen,
And not only that, though you are pervading in body and senses,
You are much above them and enjoy the supreme bliss of liberation ॥ 99.8 ॥

Due to that reason by which, though you assume the form of the three worlds,
You exist outside it as the endless and purest knowledge,
And your greatness is indeed wonderful for only a very small part of yourself,
Is seen occupying all the three worlds and the rest of it,
Which is nearly three fourth of the whole shines above the three worlds,
Oh Lord my salutations to you who is like that. ॥ 99.9 ॥

I find it difficult to understand that abstract form of yours which is not clear,
But find it very easy to comprehend that pure Sathva form of yours,
Which is equivalent to the waves of the great ocean of nectar,
And due to that greater than everything that I perceive here,
And very pleasant to my mind and I surrender to that form of yours,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, Oh Krishna, please protect me quickly. ॥ 99.10 ॥

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Narayaniyam Navanavatitamadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneyam Dasakam 99

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