श्रीजगदम्बा स्तुतिः Lyrics in Hindi:
नमोऽस्तु ते भगवति पापनाशिनि
नमोऽस्तु ते सुररिपुदर्पशातनि ।
नमोऽस्तु ते हरिहरराज्यदायिनि
नमोऽस्तु ते मखभुजकार्यकारिणि ॥ १॥
नमोऽस्तु ते त्रिदशरिपुक्षयङ्करि
नमोऽस्तु ते शतमखपादपूजिते ।
नमोऽस्तु ते महिषविनाशकारिणि
नमोऽस्तु ते हरिहरभास्करस्तुते ॥ २॥
नमोऽस्तु तेऽष्टादशबाहुशालिनि
नमोऽस्तु ते शुम्भनिशुम्भघातिनि ।
नमोऽस्तु लोकार्त्तिहरे त्रिशूलिनि
नमोऽस्तु नारायणि चक्रधारिणि ॥ ३॥
नमोऽस्तु वाराहि सदा धराधरे
त्वां नारसिंहि प्रणता नमोऽस्तु ते ।
नमोऽस्तु ते वज्रधरे गजध्वजे
नमोऽस्तु कौमारि मयूरवाहिनि ॥ ४॥
नमोऽस्तु पैतामहहंसवाहने
नमोऽस्तु मालाविकटे सुकेशिनि ।
नमोऽस्तु ते रासभपृष्ठवाहिनि
नमोऽस्तु सर्वार्तिहरे जगन्मये ॥ ५॥
नमोऽस्तु विश्वेश्वरि पाहि विश्वं
निषूदयारीन् द्विजदेवतानाम् ।
नमोऽस्तु ते सर्वमयि त्रिनेत्रे
नमो नमस्ते वरदे प्रसीद ॥ ६॥
ब्रह्माणी त्वं मृडानी वरशिखि-
गमना शक्तिहस्ता कुमारी
वाराही त्वं सुवक्त्रा खगपति-
गमना वैष्णवी त्वं सशार्ङ्गी ॥ ७॥
दुर्दृश्या नारसिंही घुरघुरि-
तरवा त्वं तथैन्द्री सवज्रा
त्वं मारी चर्ममुण्डा शवगमन-
रता योगिनी योगसिद्धा ।
त्रिनेत्रे भगवति तव चरणानुषिता
ये अहरहर्विनतशिरसोऽवनताः
नहि नहि परिभवमस्त्यशुभं च
स्तुतिबलिकुसुमकराः सततं ये ॥ ८॥
इति जगदम्बा स्तुतिः समाप्ता ।
Shrijagadamba Stutih Meaning:
Salutations to You, Who is the Goddess, Who destroys the sins, Who destroys the haughtiness of demons (enemy of demi-gods), Who gives territories to Hari and Hara, and Who finishes all the branches of a sacrifice! || 1 ||
Salutations to You, Who diminishes the enemies of demi-gods 1, Whose feet is worshipped by Indra, Who causes the destruction of Mahiṣasura, and Who is eulogized by Hari, Hara and Bhaskara (sun)! || 2 ||
Salutations to You, Who possesses eighteen hands, Who hurts (kills) Sumbha and Niśumbha, Who absolves the pain of worlds, Who has a trident in hand, Who is Narayani, and Who holds a discus! || 3 ||
Salutations to You, Who is Varahi, Who always holds the earth, and Who is Narasimhi! I am prostrate before You. Salutations to You, Who holds lightening-bolt, Who has an elephant on Her flag, Who is Kaumari, and Who has a peacock as a vehicle. || 4 ||
Salutations to You, Who has the swan of Brahma as a vehicle, Who has a terrific garland, Who has beautiful hairs, Who has a donkey as a vehicle, Who absolves the pain of everyone, and Who is all pervading! || 5 ||
Salutations to You, Who rules the world! Please protect the world. Slay the enemies of Brahmana and demi-gods. Continuous salutations to You, Who is all pervading, and Who has three eyes! O You, Who bestows boons! Please be happy on me. || 6 ||
You are Brahmani, You are the abode of mercy, You have the peacock as a vehicle, You have power in hands, You are Kumari, You are Varahi, You have a beautiful face, You go on the king of birds (Garuḍa) as Vaiṣnavi, You are hard to watch, You are Narasimhi, You are accompanied by the sounds of howling monkeys, You are Aindri, You have the thunderbolt, You destroy, You are adorned with skull and skin, You go on the corpses (as Camunḍa), You are Yogini, and You are skilled in all the Yoga. || 7 ||
O Goddess, Who has three eyes! Those who submit themselves to Your feet, and pray You with humility, and sacrifice flowers to You are always free of defeat, abuse, and bad happenings. || 8 ||