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Remedies to Reduce Malefic Effects of Rahu

Rahu gives a lot of unfavourable results during its Dasha or transit. Person under the influence of Rahu is not interested in religious acts or spirituality. Person’s ideas differ from all other family members. Rahu is one of the unfavourable planets. If the planet forms any relation with any house then it negatively affects that […]

How to Make Rahu Positive, Remedies for Rahu Deva, Rahu Remedies

In general, people are afraid of Rahu, let us have some input about it. Rahu’s Effects on Home: We can identify by seeing one’s home, a block of flats, a neighborhood etc., if Rahu is in a positive or negative position. If we could see a house without love, unity, peacefulness, fights, sibling rivalry etc., […]

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