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Shri Radhika Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram Lyrics in Tamil and Meaning | Shri Radha Slokam

Raghunatha dasa Goswami, also known as Dasa Goswami, was a disciples of the Sri Yadunandan-acaarya (see Vilaapa Kusumanjali, verse 4, Caitanya-Caritamrta Adi chapter 12 and Antya 6) one of the apostle of the Vaishnava saint, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,, the primary six of which were collectively known as the Six Goswamis of Vrindavan. Together the Six Goswamis established the philosophical writings and records which became the theological basis of the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. Among the six, Raghunatha dasa was renowned for his qualities of simplicity and renunciation.

Sri Radhika Ashtottarashatanama Stotram Lyrics in Tamil:

அவீக்ஷிதேஶ்வரீ காசித்³வ்ருʼந்தா³வநமஹேஶ்வரீம் ।
தத்பதா³ம்போ⁴ஜமாத்ரைகக³தி: தா³ஸ்யதிகாதரா ॥ 1 ॥

பதிதா தத்ஸரஸ்தீரே ருத³த்யார்தரவாகுலம் ।
தச்ச்²ரீவக்த்ரேக்ஷணப்ராப்த்யை நாமாந்யேதாநி ஸஞ்ஜகௌ³ ॥ 2 ॥

ராதா⁴ க³ந்த⁴ர்விகா கோ³ஷ்ட²யுவராஜைககாமிதா ।
க³ந்த⁴ர்வாராதி⁴தா சந்த்³ரகாந்திர்மாத⁴வஸங்கி³நீ ॥ 3 ॥

தா³மோத³ராத்³வைதஸகீ² கார்திகோத்கீர்திதே³ஶ்வரீ ।
முகுந்த³த³யிதாவ்ருʼந்த³த⁴ம்மில்லமணிமஞ்ஜரீ ॥ 4 ॥

பா⁴ஸ்கரோபாஸிகா வார்ஷபா⁴நவீ வ்ருʼஷபா⁴நுஜா ।
அநங்க³மஞ்ஜரீஜ்யேஷ்டா² ஶ்ரீதா³மாவரஜோத்தமா ॥ 5 ॥

கீர்திதா³கந்யகா மாத்ருʼஸ்நேஹபீயூஷபுத்ரிகா ।
விஶாகா²ஸவயா: ப்ரேஷ்ட²விஶாகா²ஜீவிதாதி⁴கா ॥ 6 ॥

ப்ராணாத்³விதீயாலலிதா வ்ருʼந்தா³வநவிஹாரிணீ ।
லலிதாப்ராணரக்ஷைகலக்ஷா வ்ருʼந்தா³வநேஶ்வரீ ॥ 7 ॥

வ்ரஜேந்த்³ரக்³ருʼஹிணீ க்ருʼஷ்ணப்ராயஸ்நேஹநிகேதநம் ।
வ்ரஜகோ³கோ³பகோ³பாலீஜீவமாத்ரைகஜீவநம் ॥ 8 ॥

ஸ்நேஹலாபீ⁴ரராஜேந்த்³ரா வத்ஸலாச்யுதபூர்வஜா ।
கோ³விந்த³ப்ரணயாதா⁴ரா ஸுரபீ⁴ஸேவநோத்ஸுகா ॥ 9 ॥

த்⁴ருʼதநந்தீ³ஶ்வரக்ஷேமா க³மநோத்கண்டி²மாநஸா ।
ஸ்வதே³ஹாத்³வைததாத்³ருʼஶ்டாத⁴நிஷ்டா²த்⁴யேயத³ர்ஶநா ॥ 10 ॥

கோ³பேந்த்³ரமஹிஷீபாகஶாலாவேதி³ப்ரகாஶிகா ।
ஆயுர்வர்தா⁴கரத்³வாநாரோஹிணீக்⁴ராதமஸ்தகா ॥ 11 ॥

ஸுப³லாந்யஸ்தஸாரூப்யா ஸுப³லாப்ரீதிதோஷிதா ।
முக²ராத்³ருʼக்ஸுதா⁴நப்த்ரீ ஜடிலாத்³ருʼஷ்டிபா⁴ஸிதா ॥ 12 ॥

மது⁴மங்க³ளநர்மோக்திஜநிதஸ்மிதசந்தி³ரகா ।
முக²ராத்³ருʼக்ஸுதா⁴நப்த்ரீ ஜடிலாத்³ருʼஷ்டிபா⁴ஸிதா ॥ 12 ॥

மது⁴மங்க³ளநர்மோக்திஜநிதஸ்மிதசந்தி³ரகா ।
பௌர்ணமாஸீப³ஹி:கே²லத்ப்ராணபஞ்ஜரஸாரிகா ॥ 13 ॥

ஸ்வகு³ணாத்³வைதஜீவாது: ஸ்வீயாஹங்காரவர்தி⁴நீ ।
ஸ்வக³ணோபேந்த்³ரபாதா³ப்³ஜஸ்பர்ஶாலம்ப⁴நஹர்ஷிணீ ॥ 14 ॥

ஸ்வீயப்³ருந்தா³வநோத்³யாநபாலிகீக்ருʼதப்³ருʼந்த³கா ।
ஜ்ஞாதவ்ருʼந்தா³டவீஸர்வலதாதரும்ருʼக³த்³விஜா ॥ 15 ॥

ஈஷச்சந்த³நஸங்க்⁴ருʼஷ்ட நவகாஶ்மீரதே³ஹபா:⁴ ।
ஜபாபுஷ்பப்ரீதஹரீ பட்டசீநாருணாம்ப³ரா ॥ 16 ॥

சரணாப்³ஜதலஜ்யோதிரருணீக்ருʼதபூ⁴தலா ।
ஹரிசித்தசமத்காரி சாருநூபுரநி:ஸ்வநா ॥ 17 ॥

க்ருʼஷ்ணஶ்ராந்திரஶ்ரேணீபீட²வல்கி³தக⁴ண்டிகா ।
க்ருʼஷ்ணஸர்வஸ்வபீநோத்³யத்குசாஞ்சந்மணிமாலிகா ॥ 18 ॥

நாநாரத்நேல்லஸச்ச²ங்க²சூட³சாருபு⁴ஜத்³வயா ।
ஸ்யமந்தகமணிப்⁴ராஜந்மணிப³ந்தா⁴திப³ந்து⁴ரா ॥ 19 ॥

ஸுவர்ணத³ர்பணஜ்யோதிருல்லங்கி⁴முக²மண்ட³லா ।
பக்வதா³டி³மபீ³ஜாப⁴ த³ந்தாக்ருʼஷ்டாக⁴பி⁴ச்சு²கா ॥ 20 ॥

அப்³ஜராகா³தி³ஸ்ருʼஷ்டாப்³ஜகலிகாகர்ணபூ⁴ஷணா ।
ஸௌபா⁴க்³யகஜ்ஜலாங்காக்த நேத்ராநந்தி³தக²ஞ்ஜநா ॥ 21 ॥

ஸுவ்ருʼத்தமௌகித்காமுக்தாநாஸிகாதிலபுஷ்பிகா ।
ஸுசாருநவகஸ்தூரீதிலகாஞ்சிதபா²லகா ॥ 22 ॥

தி³வ்யவேணீவிநிர்தூ⁴தகேகீபிஞ்சவரஸ்துதி: ।
நேத்ராந்தஸாரவித்⁴வம்ஸக்ருʼதசாணூரஜித்³த்⁴ருʼதி: ॥ 23 ॥

ஸ்பு²ரத்கைஶோரதாருண்யஸந்தி⁴ப³ந்து⁴ரவிக்³ரஹா ।
மாத⁴வோல்லாஸகோந்மத்த பிகோருமது⁴ரஸ்வரா ॥ 24 ॥

ப்ராணாயுதஶதப்ரேஷ்ட²மாத⁴வோத்கீர்திலம்படா ।
க்ருʼஷ்ணாபாங்க³தரங்கோ³த்³யத்ஸிமதபீயூஷபு³த்³து⁴தா³ ॥ 25 ॥

புஞ்ஜீபூ⁴தஜக்³க³லஜ்ஜாவைத³க்³தீ⁴தி³க்³த⁴விக்³ரஹா ।
கருணாவித்³ரவத்³தே³ஹா மூர்திமந்மாது⁴ரீக⁴டா ॥ 26 ॥

ஜக³த்³கு³ணவதீவர்க³கீ³யமாநகு³ணோச்சயா ।
ஶச்யாதி³ஸுப⁴கா³ப்³ருʼந்த³வந்த்³யமாநோருஸௌப⁴கா³ ॥ 27 ॥

வீணாவாத³நஸங்கீ³த ரஸலாஸ்யவிஶாரதா³ ।
நாரத³ப்ரமுகோ²த்³கீ³தஜக³தா³நந்தி³ஸத்³யஶா: ॥ 28 ॥

கோ³வர்த⁴நகு³ஹாகே³ஹக்³ருʼஹிணீகுஞ்ஜமண்ட³நா ।
சண்டா³ம்ஶுநந்தி³நீப³த்³த⁴ப⁴கி³நீபா⁴வவிப்⁴ரமா ॥ 29 ॥

தி³வ்யகுந்த³லதாநர்மஸக்²ய தா³மவிபூ⁴ஷணா ।
கோ³வர்த⁴நத⁴ராஹ்ணாதி³ ஶ்ருʼங்கா³ரரஸபண்டி³தா ॥ 30 ॥

கி³ரீந்த்³ரத⁴ரவக்ஷ: ஶ்ரீ: ஶங்க²சூடா³ரிஜீவநம் ।
கோ³குலேந்த்³ரஸுதப்ரேமகாமபூ⁴பேந்த்³ரபட்டணம் ॥ 31 ॥

வ்ருʼஷவித்⁴வம்ஸநர்மோக்தி ஸ்வநிர்மிதஸரோவரா ।
நிஜகுண்ட³ஜலக்ரீடா³ஜிதஸங்கர்ஷணாநுஜா ॥ 32 ॥

முரமர்த³நமத்தேப⁴விஹாராம்ருʼததீ³ர்கி⁴கா ।
கி³ரீந்த்³ரத⁴ரபாரிண்த்³ரரதியுத்³த⁴ருஸிம்ஹிகா ॥ 33 ॥

ஸ்வதநூஸௌரபோ⁴ந்மத்தீக்ருʼதமோஹநமாத⁴வா ।
தோ³ர்மூலோச்சலநக்ரீடா³வ்யாகுலீக்ருʼதகேஶவா ॥ 34 ॥

நிஜகுண்ட³ததீகுஞ்ஜ க்ல்ருʼப்தகேலீகலோத்³யமா ।
தி³வ்யமல்லீகுலோல்லாஸி ஶய்யாகல்பிதவிக்³ரஹா ॥ 35 ॥

க்ருʼஷ்ணவாமபு⁴ஜந்யஸ்த சாருத³க்ஷிணக³ண்ட³கா ।
ஸவ்யபா³ஹுலதாப³த்³த⁴க்ருʼஷ்ணத³க்ஷிணஸத்³பு⁴ஜா ॥ 36 ॥

க்ருʼஷ்ணத³க்ஷிணசாரூருஶ்லிஷ்டவாமோருரம்பி⁴கா ।
கி³ரீந்த்³ரத⁴ரத்³ருʼக்³வக்ஷேமர்தி³ஸுஸ்தநபர்வதா ॥ 37 ॥

கோ³விந்தா³த⁴ரபீயூஷவாஸிதாத⁴ரபல்லவா ।
ஸுதா⁴ஸஞ்சயசாரூக்தி ஶீதலீக்ருʼதமாத⁴வா ॥ 38 ॥

கோ³விந்தோ³த்³கீ³ர்ணதாம்பூ³ல ராக³ரஜ்யத்கபோலிகா ।
க்ருʼஷ்ணஸம்போ⁴க³ ஸப²லீக்ருʼதமந்மத²ஸம்ப⁴வா ॥ 39 ॥

கோ³விந்த³மார்ஜிதோத்³தா³மரதிப்ரஸ்விந்நஸந்முகா² ।
விஶாகா²விஜிதக்ரீடா³ஶாந்திநித்³ராலுவிக்³ரஹா ॥ 40 ॥

கோ³விந்த³சரணந்யஸ்தகாயமாநஸஜீவநா ।
ஸ்வப்ராணார்பு³த³நிர்மச்ச²ய ஹரிபாத³ரஜ: கணா ॥ 41 ॥

அணுமாத்ராச்யுதாத³ர்ஶஶய்யமாநாத்மலிசநா ।
நித்யநூதநகோ³விந்த³வக்த்ரஶுப்⁴ராம்ஶுத³ர்ஶநா ॥ 42 ॥

நி:ஸீமஹரிமாது⁴ர்யஸௌந்த³ர்யாத்³யேகபோ⁴கி³நீ ।
ஸாபத்ந்யதா⁴மமுரலீமாத்ரபா⁴க்³யகடாக்ஷிணீ ॥ 43 ॥

கா³ட⁴பு³த்³த்⁴ப³லக்ரீடா³ஜிதவம்ஶீவிகர்ஷிணீ ।
நர்மோக்திசந்தி³ரகோத்பு²ல்ல க்ருʼஷ்ணகாமாப்³தி⁴வர்தி⁴நீ ॥ 44 ॥

வ்ரஜசந்த்³ரேஜ்தி³ரயக்³ராம விஶ்ராமவிது⁴ஶாலிகா ।
க்ருʼஷ்ணஸர்வேந்தி³ரயோந்மாதி³ ராதே⁴த்யக்ஷரயுக்³மகா ॥ 45 ॥

இத³ம் ஶ்ரீராதி⁴காநாம்நாமஷ்டோத்தரஶதோஜ்ஜ்வலம் ।
ஶ்ரீராத⁴லம்ப⁴கம் நாம ஸ்தோத்ரம் சாரு ரஸாயநம் ॥ 46 ॥

யோঽதீ⁴தே பரமப்ரீத்யா தீ³ந: காதரமாநஸ: ।
ஸ நாதா²மசிரேணைவ ஸநாதா²மீக்ஷதே த்⁴ருவம் ॥ 47 ॥

இதி ஶ்ரீரகு⁴நாத²தா³ஸகோ³ஸ்வாமிவிரசிதஸ்தவாவல்யாம்
ஶ்ரீராதி⁴காஷ்டோத்தரஶதநாமஸ்தோத்ரம் ஸம்பூர்ணம் ।

Sri Radhika Ashtottarashatanama Stotram Meaning:

1) Some maidservant, unable to find her mistress, has fallen on the bank of Radhakunda, crying in great anxiety, being very eager to take exclusive shelter of Her lotus feet, glorifying Her by singing the following names of Her:

2) 1. Radha, 2. Gandharvika, 3. The only girl desired by the prince of Vraja, 4. Who is worshipped by the Gandharva-angels, 5. Whose luster is like the moon, 6. Who accompanies Madhava.

3) 7. Damodar’s unrivalled girlfriend, 8. The queen who bestows fame on the Kartika month, 9. The crestjewel of Mukunda’s ladyfriends.

4) 10. Who worships the sun, 11. Who belongs to King Vrsabhanu, 12. Who is born from King Vrsabhanu, 13. Ananga Manjari’s older sister, 14. Sridama’s younger sister, 15. The greatest (fem.)

5) 16. Kirtida’s daughter, 17. Who is the nectarean object of Her mother’s affection, 18. Who is of the same age as Visakha, 19. Who is dearer than life to Visakha.

6) 20. Who is none other than Lalita’s very life, 21. Enjoys in Vrndavana, 22. Who saves Lalita’s life lakhs of times, 23. Queen of Vrndavana.

7) 24. Who is as dear to Mother Yasoda as Krsna, 25. Who is the only life of the life of the cows, cowherdsmen and cowherdgirls of Vraja.

8) 26. Who is the object of King Nanda’s affection, 27. Who gets parental affection from Balaram, 28. Who is the object of Govinda’s love (Govinda is eager to serve His surabhi cows).

9) 29. Who is very eager to go to Nandisvara for serving Krsna, 30. Who is regarded as non-different from her by Dhanistha and seen in her meditations, (Dhanistha is Yasoda’s maidservant).

10) 31. Who is seen in Mother Yadosa’s kitchen, 32. Whose cooked grains increase Krsna’s life, 33. Whose head is smelt by Rohini.

11) 34. Who has bestowed a form equal to Hers to Subala, 35. Who is very fond of Subala, 36. Who is nectar in Mukhara’s eyes, 37. Who is afraid to see Her mother-in-law, Jatila.

12) 38. Who smiles like the moonbeams after hearing Madhumangala’s jokes, 39. The she-parrot of Whose heart is caught in Paurnamasi’s cage.

13) 40. Who is the only life of Her friends, 41. Who increases the pride of Her relatives, 42. Who is very happy to touch Upendra’s feet with Her friends.

14) 43. Who has placed Vrnda in charge of Vrndavana’s gardens, 44. Who is known by all the vines, trees, deer and birds of Vrndavana.

15) Whose body shines with fresh vermillion ground with some sandalpaste, 46. Whose silken dress shines more reddish than the java flower.

16) 47. Whose lotus footsoles make the surface of the earth shine crimson-red, 48. Who astonishes Hari’s mind with the sweet sound of Her anklebells.

17) 49. The nice sounds of whose waistbells remove Krsna’s fatigue, 50. The pearl necklace on whose firm, raised breasts is everything to Krsna.

18) 51. Whose two beautiful arms are adorned with conchshell bangles inset with various jewels, 52. On Whose wrist the beautiful Syamantaka jewel shines.

19) 53. The shining of Whose face defeats that of a golden mirror, 54. Whose teeth, that shine like ripe pomegranate seeds, attract the parrot-like Aghabhit (Krsna).

20) 55. Whose ruby earrings are shaped like lotus buds, 56. Whose wagtail-like eyes are anointed with beautiful eyeliner, giving great joy to the eyes.

21) 57. Whose nose, that is beautiful as a sesame flower, is adorned with a round pearl, 58. Whose forehead is adorned with beautiful tilak made of fresh musk.

22) 59. Whose divine hairbraid is worshiped by peacock feathers (being defeated in beauty), 60. The arrows of Whose glances destroy the patience of Krsna, Who defeated the Canura wrestler.

23) 61. Who is blooming teenage beauty personified, 62. Who pleases Madhava, 63. Who maddens Madhava with Her sweet, cuckoo-like voice.

24) 64. Who is more attached to Madhava’s great glories than to millions of lives, 65. Whose nectarean smiles provide bubbles on the waves of Krsna’s glances.

25) 66. Who is the very form of cleverness, embarrassing the whole world, 67. Whose body melts in kindness, 68. Who is abundant sweetness personified.

26) 69. Whose glories arre loudly sung by all the great ladies of the world, 70. Who is incessantly praised by beautiful ladies like Saci.

27) 71. Who is expert in singing and playing vina in the rasa dance, 72. Whose pure glories are sung by sages headed by Narada, giving joy to the world.

28) 73. She is the housewife in the caves in Govardhana, 74. She decorates the kunja, 75. She has a sisterly relationship with Yamuna, (Yamuna is the daughter of the sun and Radha is thedaughter of Vrsabhanu, the sun in Taurus).

29) 76. She is adorned with the wreath of divine Kundalata’s friendship, 77. She is the professor in amorous rapture, giving joy to the holder of Govardhana.

30) 78. She is Laksmi on the chest of the holder of Govardhan, 79. She is the life of the enemy of Sankhacuda, 80. She is the settlement of Cupid for the love of the son of Gokulendra.

31) 81. Who made Her own pond after the killer of Arista mocked Her, 82. Who defeats Sankarsana’s younger brother in sports in Her own pond.

32) 83. She is the ambrosial pond of enjoyment for the intoxicated elephant who defeated Mura, 84. She is a powerful lioness fighting amorous sports with the king of lions, the holder of the best of mountains.

33) 85. Who enchants Madhava with Her intoxicating bodily fragrance, 86. Who agitates Kesava by playfully showing Her armpit.

34) 87. Who expands Her artful plays in the kunja on the bank of Her own pond, 88. Who makes a bed of divine jasmine flowers there with joy.

35) 89. Who places Her beautiful right cheek on Krsna’s left arm, 90. Who holds Krsna’s right arm with Her left vine-like arm.

36) 91. Whose beautiful, broad, banana-like left hip touches Krsna’s right hip, 92. Whose nice, mountain-like breasts are being massaged by the Holder of Govardhana.

37) 93. Whose leaf-like lips are scented by the nectar of Govinda’s lips, 94. Whose beautiful words distribute nectar, cooling Madhava off.

38) 95. Whose cheeks are colored by the pan from Govinda’s lips, 96. Who realizes Krsna’s fancies of amorous enjoyments.

39) 97. The profuse perspiration from whose face is wiped off by Govinda, 98. Who is being fanned by Visakha when She falls asleep after playing with Krsna.

40) 99. Who has placed Her life, body and mind at Govinda’s lotus feet, 100. Who worships the dust of Hari’s lotus feet with billions of hearts.

41) 101. Who curses Her eyes for every second that they do not see Acyuta, 102. Who beholds Govinda’s ever-fresh moonlike face.

42) 103. Who is the only enjoyer of Hari’s endless sweetness and beauty, 104. Who can only blink at the fortune of Her co-wife, the Murali flute.

43) 105. Who takes Krsna’s flute after defeating Him in a gambling match, 106. Who increases the ocean of Krsna’s desires by the full moonbeams of Her joking words.

44) 107. Who is the moonlike resting place for all the senses of the moon of Vraja (Sri Krsna), 108. The two syllables of Whose name Ra-dha madden all of Krsna’s senses.

45) Whoever recites these 108 names of Sri Radha, that consists of all beautiful, nectarean Radha-nama, with great love, humility and eagerness, will certainly and swiftly behold Her Master.

Also Read:

Shri Radhika Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram in Hindi | English | Bengali | Gujarati | Punjabi | Kannada | Malayalam | Oriya | Telugu | Tamil

Shri Radhika Ashtottara Shatanama Stotram Lyrics in Tamil and Meaning | Shri Radha Slokam

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