Hayagriva Jayanti Monday 3rd August 2020
Hayagriva Puja Muhurat = 4:26 PM to 7:06 PM
Duration = 2 Hours 39 Mins
Purnima Tithi Starts = 9:28 PM on 2-August-2020
Purnima Tithi Starts = 9:27 PM on 3-August-2020
About Hayagriva Jayanti:
Hayagriva Jayanti is observed as the birth anniversary of Lord Hayagriva, who is regarded as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to Hindu scriptures, it was Lord Hayagiva who restored all Vedas to Brahma.
Lord Vishnu incarnated as Hayagriva who had a unique form with the head of a horse and the body of a human being. The purpose of this Avatar was to retrieve the Vedas, which were stolen by the demons. Brahmin community observe this day as Upakarma day.
Hayagriva Strotram:
‘Jyananadamayam devam
Nirmala spatikakrutim!
Aadaram sarpavidyanam
Hayagriva Mupasmahe!!’