Ananda Nilayam:
The glittering gold plated “gopuram” of the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Tirumala Temple is called Ananda Nilayam which means the “Adobe of Happiness”. It is the sacred place where the Lord Venkateshwara receives his ‘Poojas’ and ‘Archanas’. As per mythology, Garuthmantha (Vehicle of Sri Vishnu) brought this Ananda Nilaya Vimanam from Vaikuntam and consecrated it in this sacred place as desired by Sri Vishnu. However, Pandyan, Pallava and Vijayanagara rulers also takes the credit of gold plating the gopuram during heir respective periods. The new gold polish was finally done by TTD in 2006.
Very old Photo of Ananda Nilayam![Ananda-nilayam]()
Sree Venkateshwara Temple View
Vimana Venkateshwara Swamy
Ananda Nilayam Tirumala | Vimana Venkateshwara Swamy