Annamayya Keerthana – Puttu Bhogulamu Memu lyrics in English:
puttubhogulamu memu bhuvi haridasulamu |
nattanadimi doralu nakiyyavalena ||
pallakilu nandanalu padivage tejilu
vellaviri mahalaksmi vilasamulu |
talliyake maganine daivamani kolicemu
vollage make sirulu voruliyyavalena ||
gramamulu vastramulu gajamukhya vastuvulu
amani bhukantaku nangabhedalu ||
bhamini yake magani pranadhari lenka-
lamu voli makatade yicci voruliyyavalena ||
pasagala padavulu brahma nirmitamulu
vesa brahmatandri sri venkatesudu |
yesagi yatade mammuneli yinniyu nicce
vosagina masommulu voruliyyavalena ||
Annamayya Keerthana – Puttu Bhogulamu Memu Meaning:
We, the devoted servants of Srihari are fortunate by birth. Why do we expect any favor from upstart rich?
We have pallanquins, briddled horses and also merciful gestures of Mahalakshmi. We worship her and her consort as our deities. What else we want from others?
We have villages, gems, elephants and other important things. His consort Bhudevi bestows us spring season and prosperity. When we are their devotees, why do we want anything from others?
Venkatesa is father of Brahma the creator. Venkatesa bestows power and positions. When he bestows us so much, why do we expect riches from others.
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Puttu Bhogulamu Lyrics in Hindi | English | Bengali | Kannada | Malayalam | Telugu | Tamil