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Sri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations in ISKCON Temples

History of ISKCON: ISKCON is an acronym of International Society for Krishna Consciousness. The organisation was founded by Swami Prabhupada, an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna. Swami Prabhupada was 69 years when he left for United States. In 1965, ISKCON with headquarter in New York was established. ISKCON is a monotheist faith organisation. It believes […]

Sri Krishna Janmashtami in Dwarka | Janmashtami at Dwarka

Dwarka Temple Darshan Timings: Morning: 6.30 am to 1.00 pm. Evening: 5.00 pm to 9.30 pm Temple Pooja Details: 6.30 am – Mangla Arti 7.00 am to 8.00 am – Mangla Darshan 8.00 am to 9.00 am – Abhishek Pooja [Snan Vidhi]: Darshan Closed 9.00 am to 9.30 am – Shringar Darshan 9.30 am to […]

Sri Krishna Janmashtami Celebration in Vrindavan

Vrindavan is a famous pilgrimage place in north India. Vrindavan is about 15 km from Mathura, the birthplace of Lord Krishna. Vrindavan has almost 5000 temples that are both ancient as well as modern. Vrindavan is the holy town because Lord Krishna spent his formative years here. Vrindavan, located on the banks of river Yamuna, […]

Sri Krishna Janmashtami in Mathura

Mathura, and ancient city of north India, is the birth place of Lord Krishna. Hence, maximum celebration of Janmashtami takes place here. Mathura city is about 145 km from Delhi. About 5000 years ago, Krishna was born to get rid of all evil demons. During Janmashtami, Mathura is completely decorated with festive looks with devotional […]

Performing Rasleela, Krishna Rasa Leela, Shri Krishna Raslila

On Janmashtami, one of the most important aspects of the festivities is Rasleela [divine sport]. Sri Krishna played with his gopis on the banks of Yamuna in Vrindavan. Amongst his gopis, Radha was the most important gopi and closest to Lord Krishna. Radha’s love for Lord Krishna was complete in its purest form. Sri Krishna […]

Sri Krishna Janmashtami Tableau | Gokulashtami Tableau Festival Celebration

Janmashtami’s important feature is Jhanki [tableau] and cribs. These depict various stages of Lord Krishna’s childhood starting from the time of his birth. The word Jhanki means peeping into the past life associated with Janmashtami festival. Also, it is about peeping into Lord Krishna’s life. “Jhankis” are miniature representation of a village that is created […]

Ceremony of Dahi Handi on Janmashtami

Janmashtami celebration is about the birth of famous Lord Krishna. Several ceremonies including Raslila, Jhankis [tableaux], and others are celebrated all over India and worldwide. The most popular ritual of Maharastra is the Dahi Handi. This festival is celebrated with lot of enthusiasm and glee. Lord Krishna was famous for stealing butter from Matka [earthen […]

Sri Krishna Janmashtami Fast

Fasting or Upavasa is the means to move nearer to the Supreme Being to overcome helplessness. The practice of fasting may have originated as an offering for God. Fasting and offering to God was believed to please him/her. Thereby, God would fulfil a boon. During Janmashtami festival the devotees keep the characterised fast. Nirjal Fast […]

Sri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations | Famous Hindu Religious Festival

Janmashtami is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Sri Krishna. This festival is a very popular event in India and worldwide. The devotees of Lord Krishna solemnise this festival with lots of joy and enthusiasm. All beautiful decorative efforts are done for making this festival look wonderful and extremely spectacular. Festivity for over Two […]

Rituals and Customs of Sri Krishna Janmashtami

During Janmashtami festival there are several interesting traditional customs and rituals celebrated in various Indian states. Some of the traditional rituals are common to places all over the country and worldwide. However, there are other customs are unique and restricted to particular region or city. The customs and rituals are religiously observed by the devotees […]

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