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Onam Games Attakalam | Kerala Combat Festival | Kerala Onam Festival

Attakalam is the second combat game played on the occasion of Onam. The first combat game called ‘Kayyankali’ has already been discussed. Attakalam is less dangerous and less aggressive of the two. Another difference is Attakalam is played in batches and Kayyankali is played alone. Attakalam requires strength, dexterity and a lot of practice. Players […]

Onam Games Kayyankali | Kerala Martial Art | Kerala Onam Festival

Kayyankali is a combat and an extremely violent one. Men of strength play it on the occasion of Onam. To play Kayyankali, men fight one-to-one without using any weapon. The stronger man wins. Kayyankali differs from the other type of combat called ‘Attakamal’. Kayyankali is played singly. Meanwhile, Attakamal is played in batches and it […]

Onam Games Talappanthukali | Kerala Onam Festival

The Ball Game: Talappanthukali is one of the major out-door games played on the occasion of Onam. The game is essentially a ball game and extremely popular one. Preparing the Ball: There is a unique way in which the ball is prepared for Pantukali. Layers and layers of dried up plantain are wrapped in the […]

Onam Games Onakalikal | Kerala Onam Festival

Onakalikal is a collective name for the numerous games played on the occasion of Onam. After a sumptuous Onasadya meal, the time is ideal to indulge in a bit of merriment. People of Kerala are energetic and they make the most of it including sports. There are various kinds of games devised for this occasion […]

Vallamkali Boat Race | Onam Festival Vallam Kali Boat Race

Vallamkali or the Snake Boat Race is the most enchanting facet of the festival of Onam. This event is promoted as a major tourist attraction of Kerala. Vallamkali draws a large number of domestic and international tourists. Vallamkali has been going on for several years; its popularity is soaring with each passing year. Much credit […]

About Pookalam | Pookalam Designs for Onam Festival

Pookalam is an intricate and colourful arrangement of flowers place on the floor in front courtyard. Tradition of decorating the Pookalam is extremely popular in Kerala. This is followed as a ritual in every household during the ten-day-long Onam festival. ‘Pookhalam’ is made of two words. These are ‘poov’ meaning flower and ‘kalam’ meaning coloured […]

Thiruvonam Tenth Day of Onam Festival | Thiruvonam – Day Ten

Thiruvonam Aashamsakal! The enchanting state of Kerala reverberates with the chants of Onaashmsakal, “To everyone, Onam Wishes”. People exchange warm greetings of the occasion on the tenth and most important day of Onam. People of Kerala believe that on Thiruvonam the spirit of legendary King Mahabali visits everyone. Activities begin early in the morning. People […]

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