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Dayaa Sathakam

Swamy Desikan’s Dayaa Sathakam Slokams 81 to 108 and Meaning

SLOKAM 81: kR^ipe vigatavelayaa kR^ita samagra poShaistvayaa kali jvalana durgate jagati kaaLa meghaayitam.h. vR^iSha xiti dharaadiShu sthiti padeShu saanuplavaiH vR^iShaadripati vigrahair.h vyapagataakhilaa vagrahaiH..81 MEANING: Oh Dayaa Devi! Inspired by Your command, the Lord of ThiruvEnkatam manifests Himself as ArchA Moorthys at different dhivya dEsams. Those divine forms of Your Lord are the nourishing rain bearing […]

Swamy Desikan’s Dayaa Sathakam Slokams 61 to 80 and Meaning

SLOKAM 61: akuupaarair.h ekodaka samaya vaitaNDika javaiH anirvaapyaaM xipraM xapayitum avidhyaakhya baDabaam.h. kripe tvaM tattaadrik.h prathima vriSha prithvI dhara pati svaruupa dvaiguNya dviguNa nija binduH prabhavasi..61 MEANING: Oh Dayaa DEvi! If anyone asks how big is the hill of ThiruvEnkatam, we can only say that it is very, very big. Your Lord is the Master […]

Swamy Desikan’s Dayaa Sathakam Slokams 41 to 60 and Meaning

SLOKAM 41: aaj~naaM khyaatiM dhanamanucharaan.h aadhi raajyaadikaM vaa kaale dhriShTvaa kamala vasater apyaki~nchit.h karaaNi. padmaa kaantaM praNihitavatIM paalane.ananya saadhye saaraabhij~naa jagati kritinaH saMshrayante daye tvaam.h..41 MEANING: The key words in this slOkam are: “DayE! Jagathi Saara abhij~naa: kruthina: ananya saadhyE paalanE PadhmA Kaantham PraNihithavatheem ThvAm SamSrayanthE” (Oh Dayaa Devi! In this world, the fortunate ones […]

Swamy Desikan’s Dayaa Sathakam Slokams 21 to 40 and Meaning

SLOKAM 21 samayopanataistava pravaahaih anukampe krita samplavaa dharitri. sharanaagata sasya maaliniyam vrishashailesha krishivalam dhinoti..21 MEANING: Oh Dayaa Devi! Through the timely floods of Your Dayaa, the crop of Prapannas get irrigated and nourished thoroughly and the Lord of Thiruvenkatam, the farmer, who labors in His Leela Vibhuthi is delighted by Your efforts on His behalf. […]

Swamy Desikan’s Dayaa Sathakam Slokams 1 to 20 and Meaning

Annotated Commentary in English BY Oppiliappan Koil Sri Varadachari Sathakopan. INTRODUCTION: This stotram celebrates the auspicious quality (Kalyana Guna) of Mercy (Dayaa) of the Lord of Thiruvenkatam. Of All the Kalyana Gunaas of Venkataadhri Sekhara Vibhu, His Dayaa is the most important one for the uplift of the Chetanaas. The concept of Prapatthi and Thiruvenkatamudayaan’s […]

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