Tirumala 05/10/16:
The drum beaters of Sholapur have enthralled all the devotees throughout the Simha vahanam procession at the four mada streets this morning with their metrical beating and salutation to the beat.
The one hundred drum beaters of the Param Veer Yoga mandal from the Maharastra that is led by Sri Ketkar Maharaj that were invited by the Hindu Dharma Prachara Parishad bestowed a spectacular show of their salutation steps and drum beating skills.
Split into 3 different groups the drum beaters can gift their skills each throughout the morning and the evening vahana seva with tools like drums, legible and also the Tasha instruments.
The drum beating team comprised of 30 female students from numerous schools of Sholapur and also others were activity beaters .The team had bestowed their skills at numerous temple festivals in Maharashtra- Sri Siddeswarlaya and Sri Pandaripur temple.