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Lord Shiva Ashtakam 1 Lyrics in Hindi With Meaning

Shivaashtakam is one of the most powerful mantras written to sing the glory of Lord Shiva … it is said that a devotee who sings it with devotion after bath and wearing clean white clothes goes into any temple of Shiva with cow’s milk, Bel leaves, sandalwood, flowers, rice, fruits, etc … and most importantly, a pure heart, Shiva Shambho bless his devotees with immense strength and light to fight and overcome all the problems and obstacles that life offers. Shivaashtakam has 8 verses and they are…

Shiva Ashtakam 1 in Hindi:

॥ श्रीशिवाष्टकं १ ॥

॥ अथ श्री शिवाष्टकं ॥

प्रभुं प्राणनाथं विभुं विश्वनाथं जगन्नाथनाथं सदानन्दभाजम् ।
भवद्भव्यभूतेश्वरं भूतनाथं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ १॥

गले रुण्डमालं तनौ सर्पजालं महाकालकालं गणेशाधिपालम् ।
जटाजूटगङ्गोत्तरङ्गैर्विशालं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ २॥

मुदामाकरं मण्डनं मण्डयन्तं महामण्डलं भस्मभूषाधरं तम् ।
अनादिह्यपारं महामोहहारं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ३॥

वटाधोनिवासं महाट्टाट्टहासं महापापनाशं सदासुप्रकाशम् ।
गिरीशं गणेशं महेशं सुरेशं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ४॥

गिरिन्द्रात्मजासंग्रहीतार्धदेहं गिरौ संस्थितं सर्वदा सन्नगेहम् ।
परब्रह्मब्रह्मादिभिर्वन्ध्यमानं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ५॥

कपालं त्रिशूलं कराभ्यां दधानं पदाम्भोजनम्राय कामं ददानम् ।
बलीवर्दयानं सुराणां प्रधानं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ६॥

शरच्चन्द्रगात्रं गुणानन्द पात्रं त्रिनेत्रं पवित्रं धनेशस्य मित्रम् ।
अपर्णाकलत्रं चरित्रं विचित्रं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ७॥

हरं सर्पहारं चिता भूविहारं भवं वेदसारं सदा निर्विकारम् ।
श्मशाने वसन्तं मनोजं दहन्तं शिवं शङ्करं शम्भुमीशानमीडे ॥ ८॥

स्तवं यः प्रभाते नरः शूलपाणे पठेत् सर्वदा भर्गभावानुरक्तः ।
स पुत्रं धनं धान्यमित्रं कलत्रं विचित्रं समासाद्य मोक्षं प्रयाति ॥ ९॥

॥ इति शिवाष्टकम् ॥

Shiva Ashtakam Meaning:

I pray to You, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, Who is the Lord, Who is the Lord of our lives, Who is Vibhu, Who is the Lord of the world, Who is the Lord of Vishnu (Jagannatha), Who is always dwelling in happiness, Who imparts light or shine to everything, Who is the Lord of living beings, Who is the Lord of ghosts, and Who is the Lord of everyone. || 1 ||

I pray to You, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, Who has a garland of the skull around the neck, Who has a net of snakes around His body, Who is the destroyer of the immense-destroyer Kala, Who is the lord of Ganesa, Whose matted-hair are spread-out by the presence of the waves of Ganga falling on His head, and Who is the Lord of everyone. || 2 ||

I pray to You, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, Who scatters happiness [in the world], Who is ornating the universe, Who is the immense universe Himself, Who is possessing the adornment of ashes, Who is without a beginning, Who is without a measure, Who removes the greatest attachments, and Who is the Lord of everyone. || 3 ||

I pray to You, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, Who resides below a Vata (Banyan) tree, Who possesses immense laughter, Who destroys the greatest sins, Who is always resplendent, Who is the Lord of Himalaya, various Gana and the demi-gods, Who is the great Lord, and Who is the Lord of everyone. || 4 ||

I pray to You, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, Who shares half of His body with the daughter of Himalaya, Who is situated in a mountain (Kailasa), Who is always a resort for the depressed, Who is the Atman, Who is referred by (or Who is worthy of reverence by) Brahma and others, and Who is the Lord of everyone. || 5 ||

I pray to You, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, Who holds a skull and a trident in the hands, Who endows the desires of those who are humble to His lotus-feet, Who uses an Ox as a vehicle², Who is supreme and above various demi-gods, and Who is the Lord of everyone. || 6 ||

I pray to You, Stiva, Shankara, Shambhu, Who has a face like the Winter-moon, Who is the subject of happiness of Gana, Who has three eyes, Who is pure, Who is the friend of Kubera (controller of wealth), Who is the consort of Aparna (Parvati), Who has eternal characteristics, and Who is the Lord of everyone. || 7 ||

I pray to You, Shiva, Shankara, Shambhu, Who is known as Hara, Who has a garland of snakes, Who roams around the cremation grounds, Who is the universe, Who is the summary of the Veda (or the One discussed by Veda), Who is always dispassionate, Who is living in the cremation grounds, Who is burning desires born in the mind, and Who is the Lord of everyone. || 8 ||

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Lord Shiva Ashtakam 1 Lyrics in Hindi With Meaning

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