Maheswaram Sri Siva Parvathi temple also known as Maheswaram Temple and Daksina Kailasam is situated at Maheswaram (Chenkal), 26 km away from Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The Siva Lingam measures 111 feet and 2 inches in height, the tallest Shiva Linga in the world. The structure comprises six meditation halls, housing 108 distinct Siva lingams and showcasing 64 different forms of Lord Siva.
Lord Siva and Sri Parvathi Devi are the presiding deities and Sri Ganesha and Sri Kartikeya are the sub-deities. Worshipping Shiva, Goddess Parvathi, Vinayaka and Subramanya is known as Sivaparivar darshan, which is believed to provide peace of mind, wealth, prosperity, love, success and genuine bonding between family members.
Nagar idols are installed outside the Chuttambalam of the temple.

Maheswaram Sivaparvathi Temple Timings
Morning: 4:30 AM to 12:00 Noon
Evening: 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Sivalinga Darsan Timings
Morning: 6:00 AM to 1:30 PM
Evening: 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM
The Idols
12 Jyotirlingas are installed inside the Chuttambalam, Devotees firmly believe that worshiping Jyotirlingas brings blessings, removes various afflictions, and eliminates illness from their lives. One remarkable aspect is that devotees from around the world visit the Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple and collectively worship all Jyotirlingas.
Shri Ganesha and his 32 Forms
32 forms of Sri Ganesha are installed and worshipped at Maheswaram Sivaparvathi Temple. The 32 Forms of Sri Ganesha are:
- BalaGanapathi (Child like)
- BhakthiGanapathi (Devotee form)
- Dhundhi Ganapathi (Sought after Ganapathi)
- Durga Ganapathi (Similar to mother Durga)
- Dvija Ganapathi (Born twice)
- Dvimukha Ganapathi (With two heads)
- Ekadanta Ganapathi (Single tusked)
- Ekakshara Ganapathi (Lord of a single letter)
- Haridra Ganapathi (For wealth)
- Heramba Ganapathi (Magnificent protector)
- Kshipra Ganapathi (Quickly blesses)
- Kshipra PrasadaGanapathi (Quick rewarder)
- Lakshmi Ganapathi (The fortunate)
- Maha Ganapathi (Popularly worshipped)
- Nritya Ganapathi (Dancer)
- Rinamochana Ganapathi (Liberator from debts)
- Sankatahara Ganapathi (Dispeller of sorrows)
- Shakthi Ganapathi (Powerfull form)
- Siddhi Ganapathi (Master of Intellect)
- Simha Ganapathi (Fearless)
- Srishti Ganapathi (Creator)
- Taruna Ganapathi (Youthful)
- Trimukha Ganapathi (Three faced)
- Tryakshara Ganapathi (Lord of A-U-M)
- Ucchhishta Ganapathi (Lord of Superiority)
- Uddanda Ganapathi (Enforcer of Dharma)
- Urdhva Ganapathi (The elevated)
- Varada Ganapathi (Boon Giver)
- Vighna Ganapathi (Lord of Obstacles)
- Vijaya Ganapathi (Victorious)
- Vira Ganapathi (Courageous)
- Yoga Ganapathi (in Yogic posture)
About Mahalingam
Located at the northwest corner of the Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple stands the towering Mahalingam, measuring 111 feet in height. This Mahalingam holds the distinction of being the tallest Sivalingam in the world and possesses numerous unique characteristics. Within the Mahalingam, there are not only six meditation halls but also two additional halls—one at the base and the other at the pinnacle. Devotees are granted the opportunity to meditate in each of these halls, focusing on the symbols associated with each chakra present there.
The Prayer hall, situated at the base of the Sivalingam, houses a grand Sivalingam. This serves as a reminder for devotees to personally worship their own deities. Here, devotees can engage in worship of Lord Siva themselves before proceeding to the six subsequent meditation halls, where they can meditate while concentrating on the symbols of each Adhara. Finally, devotees can ascend to the summit of the Mahalingam, reaching the sacred shrine of Sri Sivaparvathi at Kailasam. In this divine space, one can witness a lotus with 1000 petals, symbolizing the Sahasrara chakra.
The path to the upper level of the Mahalingam follows a spiral shape and is enveloped by a cave-like ambiance, adorned with numerous carvings depicting meditating monks. Inside the Mahalingam, one can observe 108 distinct Sivalingams and 64 forms of Lord Siva. The tranquil atmosphere within the Sivalingam imparts a profound spiritual experience to every devotee who visits the Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple.
Maheswaram Temple Festivals
- Ramayana Masarambham
- Karkidaka Vavu
- Chingam 1
- Vinayak Chaturthi
- Vidhyarambham
- Pooja Veppu
- Mandala Kalam Arambham
- Thrikarthika
- Vishu
- Vijayadasami
- Maha Sivarathri
Maheswaram Temple Address
Kerala – 695 132.
Ph: 0471 – 2236 273 ( Office)