Sri Radha Varashtakam Lyrics in Gujarati:
ચતુર્મુખાદિસંસ્તુતં સમસ્તસાત્વતાનુતમ્ ।
હલાયુધાદિસંયુતં નમામિ રાધિકાધિપમ્ ॥ ૧॥
બકાદિદૈત્યકાલકં સગોપગોપિપાલકમ્ ।
મનોહરાસિતાલકં નમામિ રાધિકાધિપમ્ ॥ ૨॥
સુરેન્દ્રગર્વભઞ્જનં વિરઞ્ચિમોહભઞ્જનમ્ ।
વ્રજાઙ્ગનાનુરઞ્જનં નમામિ રાધિકાધિપમ્ ॥ ૩॥
મયૂરપિચ્છમણ્ડનં ગજેન્દ્રદન્તખણ્ડનમ્ ।
નૃશંસકંસદણ્ડનં નમામિ રાધિકાધિપમ્ ॥ ૪॥
પ્રદત્તવિપ્રદારકં સુદામધામકારકમ્ ।
સુરદ્રુમાપહારકં નમામિ રાધિકાધિપમ્ ॥ ૫॥
ધનઞ્જયાજયાવહં મહાચમૂક્ષયા વહમ્ ।
પિતમહવ્યથાપહં નમામિ રાધિકાધિપમ્ ॥ ૬॥
મુનીન્દ્રશાપકારણં યદુપ્રજાપહારણમ્ ।
ધરાભરાવતારણં નમામિ રાધિકાધિપમ્ ॥ ૭॥
સુવૃક્ષમૂલશાયિનં મૃગારિમોક્ષદાયિનમ્ ।
સ્વકીયધામમાયિનં નમામિ રાધિકાધિપમ્ ॥ ૮॥
ઇદં સમાહિતો હિતં વરાષ્ટકં સદા મુદા ।
જપઞ્જનો જનુર્જરાદિતો દ્રુતં પ્રમુચ્યતે ॥ ૯॥
ઇતિ શ્રીનિમ્બાર્કાચાર્યવિરચિતં શ્રીરાધાવરાષ્ટકં સમ્પૂર્ણમ્ ।
Sri Radhavarashtakam Meaning:
To the One who is worshipped by the four-faced Brahma and other demigods, worshipped by the people of the mode of goodness, Who is accompanied by the Halayudha (the bearer of the plough, Balarama) and others, I offer my obeisances to Lord of Sri Radhika. || 1 ||
To the One who killed many demons like Bakasura (the crane demon), the caretaker of the cowherd boys and girls, Who has enchanting black hair, I offer my obeisances to Lord of Sri Radhika. || 2 ||
To the One who destroyed the false pride of the king of demigods (Indra), the One who destroyed the illusion of Viranci (Lord Brahma), who pleases the damsels of Vraja, I offer my obeisances to Lord of Sri Radhika. || 3 ||
To the One who bears the peacock feather, the One who broke the tusks of an elephant (Kuvalayapida), relieved the suffering of the public by punishing King Kamsa, I offer my obeisances to Lord of Sri Radhika. || 4 ||
To the One who returned the child of the brahmana (Sandipani Muni), who removed the poverty that Sudama had, who stole the tree of the demigods, I offer my obeisances to Lord of Sri Radhika. || 5 ||
To the One who made Dhananjaya (Arjuna) victorious, the one who brought defeat to the great army, the One who removed the pitiful state of the Grandsire Bhisma, I offer my obeisances to Lord of Sri Radhika. || 6 ||
The One who was the cause of the curse by the brahmana (Durvasa Muni) that destroyed the entire Vraja dynasty, thus removing the burden from the Earth, I offer my obeisances to Lord of Sri Radhika. || 7 ||
To the One who rested and reclined on the banyan tree, Who liberated the hunter (Jara) who pierced His foot, Who returned back to His mystical abode, I offer my obeisances to Lord of Sri Radhika. || 8 ||
Thus, the eight prayers glorifying the Lord of Sri Radhika (Varastakam) is equally beneficial to all, and will deliver happiness to all. It will quickly free one from the material word to the one who chants this. || 9 ||