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Shri Svapnavilasamrita Ashtakam Lyrics in English and Meaning

Sri Svapnavilasamritashtakam in English:

priye ! svapne drsta saridinasutevatra pulinam
yatha vrndaranye natanapatavastatra bahavah ।
mrdaṅgadyam vadyam vividhamiha kasciddvijamanih
sa vidyudgauraṅgah ksipati jagatim premajaladhau ॥ 1 ॥

kadacitkrsneti pralapati rudan karhicidasau
kva radhe ha heti svasiti patati pronjhati dhrtim ।
natatyullasena kvacidapi ganaih svaih pranayibhi-
strnadibrahmantam jagadatitaram rodayati sah ॥ 2 ॥

tato buddhirbhranta mama samajani preksya kimaho
bhavetso’yam kantah kimayamahamevasmi na parah ।
aham cetkva preyanmama sa kila cetkvahamiti me
bhramo bhuyo bhuyanabhavadatha nidram gatavati ॥ 3 ॥

priye ! drstva tastah kutukini maya darsitacari
ramesadya murtirna khalu bhavati vismayamagat ।
katham vipro vismapayitumasakattvam tava katham
tatha bhrantim dhatte sa hi bhavati ko hanta kimidam ॥ 4 ॥

iti procya prestham ksanamatha paramrsya ramano
hasannakutajnam vyanudadatha tam kaustubhamanim ।
tatha diptam tene sapadi sa yatha drstamiva ta-
dvilasanam laksmam sthiracaraganaih sarvamabhavat ॥ 5 ॥

vibhavyatha proce priyatama maya jnatamakhilam
tavakutam yattvam smitamatanuthastattvamasi sah ।
sphutam yan navadiryadabhimatiratrapyahamiti
sphuranti me tasmadahamapi sa evetyanumime ॥ 6 ॥

yadapyasmakinam ratipadamidam kaustubhamanim
pradipyatraivadidrsadakhilajivanapi bhavan ।
svasaktyavirbhuya svamakhilavilasam pratijanam
nigadya premabdhau punarapi tadadhasyasi jagat ॥ 7 ॥

yaduktam gargena vrajapatisamaksam srutivida
bhavetpito varnah kvacidapi tavaitan na hi mrsa ।
atah svapnah satyo mama ca na tada bhrantirabhavat
tvamevasau saksadiha yadanubhuto’si tadrtam ॥ 8 ॥

pibedyasya svapnamrtamidamaho cittamadhupah
sa sandehasvapnattvaritamiha jagarti sumatih ।
avaptascaitanyam pranayajaladhau khelati yato
bhrsam dhatte tasminnatulakarunam kunjanrpatih ॥ 9 ॥

iti sri visvanathacakravartithakkuraviracitastavamrtalaharyam
sri svapnavilasamrtastakam sampurnam ।

Sri Svapna Vilasamrtastakam Meaning:

1) Srimati Radharani said: Beloved, in a dream I saw a river shore like the Yamuna here. There were many expert dancers as in Vrndavana. There were mrdangas and other instruments. There was a brahmana jewel as splendid as lightning who was tossing the universe into an ocean of pure love.

2) Sometimes He calls out: “O Krsna!” and sometimes He sighs: “O Radha, where are You?” Sometimes He falls to the ground, sometimes He acts wildly, losing all composure, and sometimes He dances ecstatically with His loving associates. He has made all the residents of this world, from the blades of grass up to Lord Brahma, loudly call out the name of Krsna.

3) As I gazed at Him, My intelligence became bewildered. If He is my lover, where am I? If He is I, where is My lover? If He is My lover, where am I? As I slept, I became more and more bewildered.

4) Sri Krsna said: O inquisitive girl, when I showed You Narayana and My other forms You were not surprised. Why does this brahmana surprise You? Why does He bewilder You so You say “Who is He?”

5) After speaking these words to His beloved, the smiling lover, Krsna, touched His Kaustubha jewel. The jewel, understanding the Lord’s intent, glowed and then showed all the same pastimes and all the moving and non moving entities She saw in her dream.

6) Srimati Radharani reflected for a moment and said: Beloved, I know what is in Your heart now that makes You smile. You are He. What You have said and thought is now clear to Me, and therefore I think I am also He.

7) Making this Kaustubha jewel, which is so delightful to Us, shine in this way, You have revealed Yourself to all living entities. By Your own transcendental potency You will appear, display Your pastimes, teach everyone, and again plunge the world into the ocean of pure love.

8) In the king of Vraja’s presence, the learned Vedic scholar Gargacarya said that You will appear with a yellow complexion. He did not lie. This dream of Mine is true. It is not an illusion. In this dream I have directly seen You.

9) If the bumble-bee of the reader’s mind drinks the nectar of this Svapna-vilasamrta, then that intelligent reader will quickly awaken from the dream of materialistic doubt. Such a reader will attain Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He will sport in the ocean of pure love. He will attain the peerless mercy of the king of Vrndavana.

Shri Svapnavilasamrita Ashtakam Lyrics in English and Meaning

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