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The Yoga of Devotion

About Bhakti Yoga – Bhakti Marga

Yoga is more than just physical exercise. The word “yoga” comes from the Sanskrit root Yuj, which means to be related or combined. Bhakti is derived from the Sanskrit word bhaj, which means – service of love. Bhakti-yoga means to connect with the Supreme by the service of love devotion. The Bhagavad Gita, the central […]

What is Bhakti Yoga? | Bhakti Yoga Iskcon | Art of Living India

Bhakti is derived from the Sanskrit word bhaj, which means – loving service. Yoga in Sanskrit means – connection. Bhakti yoga means to connect to the supreme by means of loving pure devotional service. We all have love or Bhakti within our self. However, it is in dormant state. There is a simple way to […]

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