Vraj – An Institute of Indian Heritage Darshan:
The sanctum is thrown open Six times a day for DARSHAN enabling devotees to have SRINATHJI’s JANKHI, an unparallel spiritual experience herein devotees experience deep joy and love. These brief glimpses may serve as momentary restorations of the sight of the lord. For devotees Shrinathji is not a mere image but a living deity. Each Darshan has ambiance, a special mood, a particular emotion, appropriate apparel, musical melodies tuned to the time of the day and the season.
All Darshan times are subject to change on Utsav/Festival and Manorath/Occasion. If you are coming on Festival and Occasion, Please call at Vraj for Darshan time. Maha Prssad is prvoided Daily after RejBhog Darshan:
Vraj – An Institute of Indian Heritage DARSHAN TIMING
Darshan timings are subject to change on Utsav/Festival days (listed elsewhere on this website). Please visit website home page or call Vraj before coming to Vraj on Utsav/Festival days.
Anyone coming early for Mangala Darshan must call Vraj Office to verify the Darshan timing the day before.
Normally, Aarti is offered to ShriNathji Prabhu during Mangala, Rajbhog, Sandhya-Aarti and Shayan Darshans. Whenever there is Palana Manorath during Shrungar Darshan, Aarti is also offered during Shrungar Darshan.
ShriYamunaji Aarti (Morning) 7:15 AM – 7:30 AM
Mangala Darshan (Aarti) 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM
Milk Offering to ShriGirirajji-I 9:15 AM
Shrungar Darshan (Palna) 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Rajbhog Dashan (Aarti) 12:00 Noon – 12:45 PM
Dhajaji Manorath
Milk Offering to ShriGirirajji-II 2:15 PM
Utthapan Darshan 4:15 PM – 4:30 PM
Sandhya Aarti Darshan (Aarti) 5:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Shayan Darshan (Aarti) 6:30 PM – 7:00 PM
ShriYamunaji Aarti (Evening) 7:15 PM – 7:30 PM
Vraj – An Institute of Indian Heritage DAILY SERVICE:
Dhajaji and Raajbhog
Giriraj Dudhabhishek
Yamunaji Arti
Whole Day
Whole day Seva Dhajaji
Flowers (Fortnight)
Milk (fortnight)
Fruits (fortnight)
Paan (week)
Vraj at a Glance:
Founded in 1988 on the doctrine of love, Dedication, devotion and servitude, VRAJ is a place of pilgrimage for an average of 100,000 Hindus per year.
Nootan Nandalaya (temple), home of God ShriNathji (manifestation of God Krishna), is built on 300 acres of abundant land of VRAJ surrounded by the size of the hills and accentuated by the tranquility of the forested valleys and the serenity of the green meadows. This fascinating natural environment highlights the fascinating beauty of the Haveli (temple) located on the shores of Lake Chandra Sarovar, in the rich tradition of royal architectural mysticism of Rajasthan. Haveli is 60 feet tall, three stories tall and has more than 50,000 square feet of built area.
VRAJ, an Institute of Indian Heritage, is a prominent Religious-Spiritual-Social-Cultural center for all Hindus in addition to being the foremost bastion of PushtiBhaktiMarg (Hinduism’s Path of ‘Bliss through Love-Devotion’) in the Western World. Hindus of all faiths come to experience not only the spiritual serenity uniquely bestowed over VRAJ, but also to celebrate their cultural and social events.
Founding Members of VRAJ earnestly believed that in today’s world it has become imperative for any temple to transform itself into an establishment that facilitates an integration of society’s Religious, Spiritual, Social and Cultural needs of the time. Keeping up with the changing world, VRAJ has evolved into an institution bridging the gap between the diverse needs of the Hindu community settled in North America.
To bring together the Hindu Youth, to educate them about the Indian heritage and to pass on to them the traditional value system of India, VRAJ organizes summer Youth Camps (www.vrajyouth.org) year after year in addition to sustaining several youth oriented activities round the year.
VRAJ’s willingness to actively support humanitarian causes such as the Rescue-Rebuild-Rehabilitate efforts in the event of natural disasters has benefited many communities. VRAJ provided timely financial assistance to the earthquake victims of Latur (Maharastra, India) in 1996 and of Kutch (Gujarat, India) in 2001, to the Tsunami victims of Tamilnadu, India and to the victims of hurricane Katrina (New Orleans, USA) in 2005.
Well maintained lodging, boarding, cafeteria facilities in VRAJ Campus can accommodate over 200 devotees who may stay at VRAJ for a day, a week or a month.
Several picnic areas on the grounds of VRAJ Campus offer excellent opportunities to Hindu social groups for organizing their gatherings in the natural environment away from the hustle-bustle of the cities.
Vraj : The Heritage:
Not withstanding the popular belief by many Hindus and almost all non-Hindus that Hinduism has many Gods and Goddesses, “The Vedas” (the most ancient scriptures of the entire mankind) declare that ‘There is only ONE GOD (The ParBrahm) who is perceived and worshipped in many forms by various sages and seers.’ “The Vedas” further declare that Bhagvan ShriKrishna is The ParBrahm (Parmatma) Himself. Bhagvan ShriKrishna, known to all Hindus as “Loving God” manifested, in His full form, as ShriGovardhanNathji (ShriNathji) over 500 years ago. Hinduism scriptures declare that ParBrahm also manifested as JaganNath, RangNath, DwarkaNath and BadriNath. In the holy land of India, these four Gods dwell in four directions and the Gods’ God Shri GovardhanNathji dwells in the center at NathDwara (Rajasthan, India).
Bhagvan ShriKrishna in the form of ShriNathji dwells in the Pennsylvania state of United State of America for the benefit of His devotees of North America.
Blessed and Endorsed, in 1988, by the Prime Pontiff of PushtiBhaktiMarg(A Hinduism Tradition), HDH Pradhan Pithadhishwar Goswami Tilkayat 108 Shri Govindlalji Maharajshri of NathDwara, VRAJ’s ShriNathji Temple is the second such temple in the entire world, next only to the 250 years old ShriNathji Temple in NathDwara (Rajasthan,India).
Vraj: The Philosophy
Bhagvan ShriKrishna’s manifestation Shri GovardhaNathji was introduced to His devotes by JagadGuru Shrimad Vallabhacharyaji (Shri MahaPrabhuji).
Shrimad Vallabhacharyaji, also known as Shri MahaPrabhuji, was a renowned Spiritual Guru, an eminent Philosopher and a celebrated Scholar of Hinduism in 15th century India. He appeared on this earth in 1479 AD (on the eleventh day of the second half of the month of Chaitra in the year 1535 Vikram Samvat) and stayed on this earth until 1531 AD.
Based on His understanding of The Vedas, The BrahmaSutras, The Bhagvad Geeta and Shrimad Bhagvat, He evolved the philosophy Love-Devotion and institutionalized PushtiBhaktiMarg – a path of devotion through selfless Love for ShriKrishna.
During His life of 52 years, He wrote treatises and commentaries on scriptures of Hinduism as well as many scholarly books.
Shrimad Vallabhacharyaji (‘Vallabh’ means ‘Beloved’) is the GURU who showed us the way of love-filled devotion to experience Bhagvan ShriKrishna.
His descendents, known as ‘GuruDwar’ – A Gateway to The Guru Shri MahaPrabhuji, has been guiding the followers of PushtiBhaktiMarg for the past 500 years.
PushtiBhaktiMarg is a specific way of practicing the Hinduism and so no different then Hinduism. Hinduism believes in One God but prescribes many paths that lead to The Supreme God. PushtiBhaktiMarg is one such path (method) of Hinduism.
PushtiBhaktiMarg means …….
PushtiBhaktiMarg is one such path (method) of Hinduism.
PushtiBhaktiMarg means …….
Pushti means Support, Encouragement
Bhakti means Love filled Devotion
Marg means Path, Method
1) It is a Path leading to Parmatma ShriKrishna (ShriNathji).
2) It is a path to experience ShriKrishna’s love.
3) It is a path that teaches a devotee how to completely surrender to ShriNathji.
4) It is a path that teaches a devotee how to have total faith in ShriNathji.
5) It is a path that teaches a devotee how to offer selfless love and devotion only to ShriNathji, without Seeking anything but His Love in return.
6) It is a path that promises that devotees’ efforts shall be sustained by ShriNathji Himself.
7) It is a path that promises that ShriNathji shall favor (Grace) all those who shall come to Him.
8) It is a path that is popularly known as ‘Path of Grace’.
Vraj Facilities:
Darshanarthis are always welcome. However, as we provide Mahaprashad (Samooh Priti Bhojan) after Rajbhog Darshan (around 1:00 p.m.), it would be appreciated if the number of devotees is communicated by calling (570) 754-7067 atleast a day prior to arrival.
Overnight Stay:
There are a limited number of Overnight accommodations for members of VRAJ. Others are also extended this privilege on an availability basis. In order to accommodate maximum number of devotees, our current facilities are retreat style. PLEASE BOOK IN ADVANCE. Visitors are requested to report before 9:30 PM.
Vraj – An Institute of Indian Heritage Contact:
51 Manor Road
Schuylkill Haven, PA 17972
PH: (570) 754-7067
Fax (570) 754-3161
e-mail: vrajoffice@vraj.org
Alternate VRAJ Numbers are 570-754-7577 and 570-754-7567
Please be advised that if you are calling in regards to darshan timing or Special events, it will be posted on this site under Annual Events or by clicking on running Marquee at top. For overnight stay please do not send email but call at general phone number provided above.
Vraj – An Institute of Indian Heritage Directions:
From NY & NJ:
I-78 West to PA exit #19 ‘Straustown’,
Rt. on 183N,
Lt. on 895W @ Blinking light.
From DC & Baltimore:
I-95N to 695 to I-83N to I-81N to I-78E to Exit #17 ‘Rherersburg’,
left on 419N,
left on to 183N,
left on to 895W @ Blinking light
From N. VA/NW DC:
I-270N to US 15N to Pa 581W to I-81N to I-78E to Exit #17 ‘Rherersburg’,
left on 419N,
left on to 183N,
left on to 895W @ Blinking light
From West: I-70/I-76E:
Pa Tpk to Carlysle Exit#226 for I-81N, to I-78E to Exit #17 ‘Rherersburg’,
left on 419N,
left on to 183N,
left on to 895W @ Blinking light
From South : I-81N:
I-78E. ‘Allentown to Exit #17 ‘Rherersburg’,
left on 419N,
left on to 183N,
left on to 895W @ Blinking light
From S Jersey/Philadelphia:
I-476N to ‘Lehigh Valley’ Exit #56 to I78W. to Exit #19 ‘Straustown’,
Rt. on 183N,
Lt. on 895W @ Blinking light.
From West: I-80E:
To Exit for I-81S ‘Hazelton’
From North: I-81S:
To Exit #124. ‘St. Claire’ on 61S. to Cressona Mall,
Right on to 183S,
Right on 895W @ Blinking light
From Blinking Light to 895W. to the STOP sign. Straight in to VRAJ.
Allentown – Click here
Harrisburg – Click here
Taxi from Harrisburg Airport – Click here
Amtrak has a stop in Harrisburg
For accessibility information call 1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245).