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Why do we Consider Trees and Plants Sacred?

The Lord, life in us, permeates all living beings, whether plants or animals. Therefore, all are considered sacred. Human life on earth depends on plants and trees. They give us the vital factors that make life on earth possible: food, oxygen, clothing, shelter, medicine, etc.

Therefore, in India, we are taught to consider trees and plants as spiritual. The scriptures of the Indians tell us to plant ten trees if for some reason we have to cut one. It is advisable to use parts of trees and plants only in the amount needed for food, fuel, shelter, etc. We also apologize for a plant or tree before cutting it to avoid incurring a specific sin called soona.

Sacred Plants

Some trees and plants such as tulasi, peepal, etc., which have enormous beneficial qualities, are worshipped to this day. It is believed that divine beings manifest themselves as trees and plants, and many people worship them to satisfy their desires or to please the Lord.

Sacred Trees/ Plants:

Ashoka Tree
Peepal Tree
Banyan Tree
Bael/Bilva Tree
Neem Tree

Why do we Consider Trees and Plants Sacred?

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