Hindu Temple of Central Indiana Hours:
Morning: 9.00 AM to 11:30 AM
Evening: 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Weekends: 9.00 AM to 8:00 PM
Extended Hours:
9.00 AM to 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM (long weekends /festivals)
Guru Purnima Date:
Guru Purnima Friday July 27, 2018 Abhishekam at 6.00 PM
Saturday July 28, 2018
Samuhika Sai Vrath Pooja 10.00 AM
We request minimum 100 devotees to participate in this pooja.
Sri Shirdi Saibaba Samadhi Centenary Year Celebrations:
As part of the celebrations, devotees are welcome to book Sai Paduka Abhishekam & Pooja at home starting April 1st, 2018. HTCI Priest will take Baba’s Padukas to devotee’s home and perform Abhishekam & Aarati.
For More details Contact: Haribabu Gollapudi (Seva@htci.org)
Hindu Temple of Central Indiana Address
3350 N. German Church Road,
IN 46235
Phone: 1-844-IN-HINDU (844) 464-4368, (317) 891-9199.
Email: seva@htci.org