Antaa Ramamayambee Jagamanta English Lyrics:
anta ramamayam ee jaga manta rama mayam ॥
anta rangamuna atma ramundananta roopamuna vintalu salupaga ॥
somasooryulunu suralu taralunu
a mahambudhulu akhila jagambulu
andandambulu pindandambulu brahmalu modalu ॥
nadulu vanambulu nana mrugamulu
vidita karmamulu veda sastramulu ॥
dikkulunu adi seshudunu
ashta vasuvulu arishad vargamulu ॥
dheerudu bhadrachala rama dasuni
korikalosagedi taraka namamu ॥
Antaa Ramamayambee Jagamanta Meaning:
The whole universe is pervaded by Rama.
Rama is my conscience. Rama performed astounding deeds in his infinite form.
The moon, the sun, the celestial beings, the stars, the oceans, the world, Brahma and other celestials are pervaded by Rama.
The rivers, the forests, all the animals, all the destined acts (karmas), the Vedas, and other holy books are pervaded by Rama.
All the eight directions, Adi Sesha the primordial serpent, the eight verses (celestial beings), all the six evils (craving, anger, delusion, miserliness, arrogance, jealousy) are pervaded by Rama.
This ‘Taraka Namam’ bestows all boons to the bold Bhadrachala Ramadasu.
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Sri Ramadasu Keerthanalu – Antaa Ramamayambee Jagamanta Ramamayam Lyrics in English | Telugu
One of the great creations. Thanks for explaining the meaning