EkashlokI Sundarakandam in Bengali:
॥ একশ্লোকী সুন্দরকাণ্ডম্ ॥
য়স্য শ্রীহনুমাননুগ্রহ বলাত্তীর্ণাম্বুধির্লীলয়া
লঙ্কাং প্রাপ্য নিশাম্য রামদয়িতাম্ ভঙ্ক্ত্বা বনং রাক্ষসান্ ।
অক্ষাদীন্ বিনিহত্য বীক্ষ্য দশকম্ দগ্ধ্বা পুরীং তাং পুনঃ
তীর্ণাব্ধিঃ কপিভির্যুতো য়মনমত্ তম্ রামচন্দ্রম্ভজে ॥
ইতি রাঘবেন্দ্রস্বামিবিরচিতং একশ্লোকী সুন্দরকাণ্ডং সম্পূর্ণম্ ।
EkashlokI Sundarakandam Meaning:
I worship that Shri Rama, by whose grace, Shri Hanuman, who has Lakshmi kaTAkSha (grace), playfully crossed the ocean, reached Lanka after overcoming various obstacles, who after getting the status update from Sita (wife of Rama), destroyed the forest except for Ashoka Vana, the place where Sita resided, destroyed the entire army (about 80 crores) headed by Akshaya Kumaran, son of Ravana, by merely displaying the power of his palm, who after meeting Ravana in his chamber and burning Lanka into ashes, returned to Rama and worshiped Shri Rama along with other monkeys.
Raghavendra Swami wrote the shloka summarizing Sundarakandam of Ramayana which comprises 2885 verses spread in 68 chapters.
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EkashlokI Sundarakandam Lyrics in Hindi | English | Bengali | Gujarati | Punjabi | Kannada | Malayalam | Oriya | Telugu | Tamil