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Hindu Temple Society of North America Religious Services

Hindu Temple Society of North America Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: 7:30 AM to 9:00 PM

These are the religious services that are performed in the Temple on the days scheduled. For example, Abhishekam for Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapati is usually played at 9.00 AM. from Monday to Saturday and at 11.00 AM on Sundays.

Hindu Temple Society of North America

Please note that services booked online MUST BE CONFIRMED with the temple accountant directly at (718) 460-8484 ext. 112 at least 24 hours before the date of service. PLEASE SEE THE POLICY OF DAKSHINA & GRATUITY POLICY given Below.

Hindu Temple Society of North America Services in Temple:

Abhishekam: $51.00
Archana with coconut: $12.00
Archana without coconut: $10.00
Guru Paduka Pooja: $31.00
Homam (Ganapati): $51.00
Lamp Diya: $1.00
Navavarana Pooja: $31.00
Sahasranama Pooja: $12.00
Satyanarayana Pooja: $31.00
Trisatinama Archana: $11.00
Vada Mala for Sri Hanuman 108 Vadas: $101.00
Vada Mala for Sri Hanuman 24 Vadas with Archana: $35.00
Vada Mala for Sri Hanuman 54 Vadas: $51.00
Veda Parayanam per 1 hr session: $11.00

Hindu Temple Society of North America Services at Home:

Abhishekam: $255.00
Annaprasanam: $201.00
Apara Kriya: $201.00
Bhima Ratha Shanti (70th Birthday) – Outside Temple: $501.00
Ekadasavara Rudrabhishekam: $501.00
Griha Pravesam: $301.00
Hair Offering: $201.00
Homam (Chandi): $375.00
Homam (Ganapati / All Others): $251.00
Homam (Navagraha): $281.00
Kalyana Utsavam: $575.00
Last Rites: $225.00
Namakaranam: $201.00
Navavarana Pooja: $275.00
Punyahavachanam: $201.00
Sadabhishekam (80th Birthday): $501.00
Sashtiapda Purti (60th Birthday): $501.00
Satyanarayana Pooja: $251.00
Seemantam: $501.00
Sraddham: $201.00
Tarpanam: $175.00
Upanayanam: $501.00
Veda Parayanam per 1 hr session: $151.00
Vidya Arambham: $201.00
Wedding: $501.00
Wedding Engagement: $275.00

Hindu Temple Society of North America Services Non Scheduled Day Services:

Abhishekam: $131.00
Annaprasanam: $101.00
Apara Kriya: $101.00
Bhima Ratha Shanti (70th Birthday): $350.00
Ekadasavara Rudrabhishekam: $375.00
Guru Paduka Pooja: $51.00
Hair Offering: $101.00
Harati: $2.00
Homam (Chandi): $251.00
Homam (Ganapati / All Others): $131.00
Homam (Navagraha): $161.00
Kalyana Utsavam: $201.00
Kanaka Abhishekam: $301.00
Namakaranam: $101.00
Navavarana Pooja: $125.00
Punyahavachanam: $101.00
Sadabhishekam (80th Birthday): $350.00
Sahasranama Archana: $25.00
Sashtiapda Purti (60th Birthday): $450.00
Satyanarayana Pooja: $125.00
Satyanarayana Pooja (Sat / Sun): $101.00
Seemantam: $375.00
Sraddham: $61.00
Tarpanam: $31.00
Trisatinama Archana: $21.00
Upanayanam: $375.00
Vahana Pooja: $31.00
Veda Parayanam per 1 hr session: $51.00
Vidya Arambham: $101.00
Wedding: $375.00
Wedding Engagement: $151.00


One of the main goals of our Temple has been and continues to be to provide the highest levels of religious services and other auxiliary services to the faithful, whether in the Temple or in their homes. We are extremely pleased to recognize the tireless efforts of our priests and kitchen staff for their dedicated service. To further improve our services, we now inform the devotees who request the services of our priests outside and inside the Temple to confirm the event with the anticipation of the name of the priest assigned for the service. We constantly evaluate the comments of the faithful in order, whenever possible, to improve the quality of our services and to implement their suggestions. Due to the requirements dictated by Temple needs, it is not always possible to assign all priests to provide external services at any time, without affecting the quality of service rendered in the Temple.

To be fair to all priests, Devasthãnam has established a fair system whereby the dakshina won by all priests for services rendered inside and outside the Temple will be equally distributed among ALL PRIESTS, so that there is no priest left. In the same way, a separate group has been established for the gratuity earned by the kitchen staff and the staff and funds of the community center in these groups will be distributed equally between ALL THE KITCHEN STAFF AND ALL THE STAFF OF THE CENTER COMMUNITY, respectively.

However, this system of grouping and the equitable distribution of dakshina / gratuity among the staff will only be effective if the devotees fully understand the foundations that support it and observe the following suggestions:
a) As much as possible, DO NOT make cash payments.
b) DO NOT pay dakshina / gratuityor tips separately to priests, cooks or kitchen staff.
c) Make your payment BY A CHECK on behalf of the Hindu Temple Society of North America or BY CREDIT CARD.
d) Please CIRCLE the check in the envelope provided and give it to the priest.
e) COMPLETE the printed form on the envelope or card for the kitchen / community center staff showing the distribution of your payment between the services, pooja samagri, dakshina / gratuity We ask ALL devotees to extend their full cooperation in this regard.

Thank you.
Temple Management

Hindu Temple Society of North America Religious Services:


● Regular Abhishekam for all deities
● Sankha Abhishekam for all
● Ekadasavara Rudrabhishekam deities (at the Temple only)
● Kanaka Abhishekam for all deities
● Sarva Devata Abhishekam (at the Temple only)


● Ashtottara Sata Nama (108)
● Sahasra Nama (1008)
● Trisati (300)


● Ganapati Homam
● Rudra Homam
● Sarva Devata Homam
● Sudarsana Homam
● Chandi Homam
● Dhanvantari Homam
● Vishnu Homam
● Saraswati Homam
● Lakshmi Narasimha
● Navagraha Homam
● Naga Santi Homam Homam
● Mrityunjaya Homam
● Subrahmanya Homam
● Lakshmi KuberaHomam
● Ayushya Homam
● Hanuman Homam
● Garuda Homam


● Nama Karanam
● Seemantham
● Shashti Abda Poorthi
● Punyahavachanam
● Griha Arambham and Sathabhishekam
● Annaprasanam
● Griha Pravesam
● Apara Kriyas
● Vidyarambham
● Upanayanam
● Hiranya Sraddham / Pitru Tarpanam
● Hair Offering
● Vivaham (Wedding)


● Sri Satyanarayana Pooja
● Sri Guru Paduka Pooja
● Sree Maha Meru
● Kalyana Utsavam
● Navavarana Pooja
● Navagraha Santi


● New Business
● Veda Parayana
● Sundara Khanda
● Travel
● Saptasati Parayanam Parayanam
● New Vehicle
● New House

In addition to the above services, priests may perform, at the request of the devotees, all special poojas not mentioned above. We will do our utmost to assign Priest chosen by the devotee to perform the requested services.

Hindu Temple Society of North America Address:

45-57 Bowne Street,
NY 11355.
Phone: (718) 460-8484 Ext 112
Fax: (718) 461-8055

Hindu Temple Society of North America Religious Services

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