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Narayaniyam Caturvimsadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 24

Narayaniyam Caturvimsadasakam in English:

॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ caturviṁśadaśakam ॥

nārāyaṇīyaṁ caturviṁśadaśakam (24) – prahlādacaritam

hiraṇyākṣē pōtrīpravaravapuṣā dēva bhavatā
hatē śōkakrōdhaglapitaghr̥tirētasya sahajaḥ |
hiraṇyaprāraṁbhaḥ kaśipuramarārātisadasi
pratijñāmātēnē tava kila vadhārthaṁ madhuripō || 24-1 ||

vidhātāraṁ ghōraṁ sa khalu tapasitvā nacirataḥ
puraḥ sākṣātkurvansuranaramr̥gādyairanidhanam |
varaṁ labdhvā dr̥ptō jagadiha bhavannāyakamidaṁ
parikṣundannindrādaharata divaṁ tvāmagaṇayan || 24-2 ||

nihantuṁ tvāṁ bhūyastava padamavāptasya ca ripō-
rbahirdr̥ṣṭērantardadhitha hr̥dayē sūkṣmavapuṣā |
nadannuccaistatrāpyakhilabhuvanāntē ca mr̥gayan
bhiyā yātaṁ matvā sa khalu jitakāśī nivavr̥tē || 24-3 ||

tatō:’sya prahlādaḥ samajani sutō garbhavasatau
munērvīṇāpāṇēradhigatabhavadbhaktimahimā |
sa vai jātyā daityaḥ śiśurapi samētya tvayi ratiṁ
gatastvadbhaktānāṁ varada paramōdāharaṇatām || 24-4 ||

surārīṇāṁ hāsyaṁ tava caraṇadāsyaṁ nijasutē
sa dr̥ṣṭvā duṣṭātmā gurubhiraśiśikṣacciramamum |
guruprōktaṁ cāsāvidamidamabhadrāya dr̥ḍhami-
tyapākurvan sarvaṁ tava caraṇabhaktyaiva vavr̥dhē || 24-5 ||

adhītēṣu śrēṣṭhaṁ kimiti paripr̥ṣṭē:’tha tanayē
bhavadbhaktiṁ varyāmabhigadati paryākuladhr̥tiḥ |
gurubhyō rōṣitvā sahajamatirasyētyabhividan
vadhōpāyānasmin vyatanuta bhavatpādaśaraṇē || 24-6 ||

sa śūlairāviddhaḥ subahu mathitō diggajagaṇai-
rmahāsarpairdaṣṭō:’pyanaśanagarāhāravidhutaḥ |
girīndrāvakṣiptō:’pyahaha paramātmannayi vibhō
tvayi nyastātmatvātkimapi na nipīḍāmabhajata || 24-7 ||

tataḥ śaṅkāviṣṭaḥ sa punaratiduṣṭō:’sya janakō
gurūktyā tadgēhē kila varuṇapāśaistamaruṇat |
gurōścāsānnidhyē sa punaranugāndaityatanayān
bhavadbhaktēstattvaṁ paramamapi vijñānamaśiṣat || 24-8 ||

pitā śr̥ṇvanbālaprakaramakhilaṁ tvatstutiparaṁ
ruṣāndhaḥ prāhainaṁ kulahataka kastē balamiti |
balaṁ mē vaikuṇṭhastava ca jagatāṁ cāpi sa balaṁ
sa ēva trailōkyaṁ sakalamiti dhīrō:’yamagadīt || 24-9 ||

arē kvāsau kvāsau sakalajagadātmā haririti
prabhintē sma staṁbhaṁ calitakaravālō ditisutaḥ |
ataḥ paścādviṣṇō na hi vaditumīśō:’smi sahasā
kr̥pātman viśvātman pavanapuravāsin mr̥ḍaya mām || 24-10 ||

iti caturviṁśadaśakaṁ samāptam ||

Narayaniyam Caturvimsadasakam Meaning:

Oh Lord who is the killer Of Mura, when you killed Hiranyaksha,
By taking the incarnation of a boar, his brother whose name starts with Hiranya,
Having lost all his joy and happiness due to sorrow and rage,
Took an oath in a assembly of Asuras to kill you. ॥ 24.1 ॥

He after doing great penance , made Brahma to speedily appear before him,
And got a boon from him to be not killed either by Devas, Men or animals,
And as result became very arrogant and without even bothering about you,
Started destroying this world for which you are the Lord,
And snatched away the Heavens from the control of Indra. ॥ 24.2 ॥

Afterwards when he reached your home in Vaikunta to kill you,
You took a micro form and hid yourself in his heart itself,
And he thinking that you were afraid and have run away ,
Roared in loud tones and searched for you in all the worlds,
And returned back to his place c, considering himself as a victor. ॥ 24.3 ॥

Oh granter of desires, after some time , he begot a son called Prahladha,
Who was taught about the greatness of devotion to you,
Even when he was in mother’s womb from a sage who held the Veena,
And though he was an Asura by birth and only a child,
Developed devotion to you and decided to become a model to your devotees. ॥ 24.4 ॥

The evil hearted Hiranyakasipu , seeing the quality in him,
Of the slavish mentality to you, which is despised by the asuras,
Made him study under very many teachers ,
But he brushed aside all those teachings understanding that,
Whatever he has been taught by teachers was evil,
And grew up with staunch devotion to you. ॥ 24.5 ॥

When he was asked as what is the best among what he has learned,
He replied that it is devotion to God, and then Hiranyakasipu lost his joy,
And became angry with the teachers of Prahlada and later,
Understanding that it is due to Prahlada’s natural bent of mind,
He started thinking about methods to kill him ,
Who has completely surrendered at your feet. ॥ 24.6 ॥

Oh Lord , oh divine soul, though Prahlada was pierced ,
Several times by use of sharp spears, though he was,
Made to be trampled by elephants of different directions,
Though he was made to be bitten by poisonous snakes,
Though he was made to starve or eat poisonous food,
Though he was rolled down from huge mountains,
Since he was the one who surrendered his soul to you,
Wonder of wonders, no harm came to him at all. ॥ 24.7 ॥

Deeply upset to see that all his attempts failed,
According to the advice of his teacher ,
Hiranyakasipu tied Prahlada by the ropes of God Varuna,
And made him stay in his Guru’s house,
And that Prahlada when his Guru was absent,
Taught the asura boys who were his friends,
The philosophy behind the devotion to you,
As well as the divine and supreme knowledge. ॥ 24.8 ॥

His father Hiranyakasipu hearing that all the Asura boys,
Were only interested in singing prayers to you,
Became blind with anger and called Prahlada as traitor of his race,
And asked who was his strength and Prahlada who was intelligent,
And not afraid of his father told “Lord Vishnu is my strength”,
And that god is also the strength of you and your kingdom,
And also that Lord Vishnu is the strength of all the three worlds.”. ॥ 24.9 ॥

Hiranyakasipu the son of Dithi started shaking his sword,
And asked , “Where is that Vishnu who is the form of all the three worlds?,
Hey silly boy, where is he?” and gave a blow sufficient to shatter the earth on the pillar,
And Oh God, I am unable to continue to tell as to what happened further,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who is the soul of mercy and soul of the world,
Please bear with me, give me solace, and make me happy. ॥ 24.10 ॥

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Narayaniyam Caturvimsadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 24

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