Narayaniyam Catustrimsadasakam in English:
॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ catustriṁśadaśakam ॥
nārāyaṇīyaṁ catustriṁśadaśakam (34) – śrīrāmāvatāram
gīrvāṇairarthyamānō daśamukhanidhanaṁ kōsalē:’ṣvr̥ṣyaśr̥ṅgē
putrīyāmiṣṭimiṣṭvā daduṣi daśarathakṣmābhr̥tē pāyasāgryam |
tadbhuktyā tatpurandhrīṣvapi tisr̥ṣu samaṁ jātagarbhāsu jātō
rāmastvaṁ lakṣmaṇēna svayamatha bharatēnāpi śatrughnanāmnā || 34-1 ||
kōdaṇḍī kauśikasya kratuvaramavituṁ lakṣmaṇēnānuyātō
yātō:’bhūstātavācā munikathitamanudvandvaśāntādhvakhēdaḥ |
nr̥ṇāṁ trāṇāya bāṇairmunivacanabalāttāṭakāṁ pāṭayitvā
labdhvāsmādastrajālaṁ munivanamagamō dēva siddhāśramākhyam || 34-2 ||
mārīcaṁ drāvayitvā makhaśirasi śarairanyarakṣāṁsi nighnan
kalyāṁ kurvannahalyāṁ pathi padarajasā prāpya vaidēhagēham |
bhindānaścāndracūḍaṁ dhanuravanisutāmindirāmēva labdhvā
rājyaṁ prātiṣṭhathāstvaṁ tribhirapi ca samaṁ bhrātr̥vīraiḥ sadāraiḥ || 34-3 ||
ārundhānē ruṣāndhē bhr̥gukulatilakē saṅkramayya svatējō
yātē yātō:’syayōdhyāṁ sukhamiha nivasankāntayā kāntamūrtē |
śatrughnēnaikadāthō gatavati bharatē mātulasyādhivāsaṁ
tātārabdhō:’bhiṣēkastava kila vihataḥ kēkayādhīśaputryā || 34-4 ||
tātōktyā yātukāmō vanamanujavadhūsaṁyutaścāpadhāraḥ
paurānārudhya mārgē guhanilayagatastvaṁ jaṭācīradhārī |
nāvā santīrya gaṅgāmadhipadavi punastaṁ bharadvājamārā-
nnatvā tadvākyahētōratisukhamavasaścitrakūṭē girīndrē || 34-5 ||
śrutvā putrārtikhinnaṁ khalu bharatamukhātsvargayātaṁ svatātaṁ
taptō dattvāṁbu tasmai nidadhitha bharatē pādukāṁ mēdinīṁ ca |
atriṁ natvātha gatvā vanamativipulaṁ daṇḍakaṁ caṇḍakāyaṁ
hatvā daityaṁ virādhaṁ sugatimakalayaścāru bhōḥ śārabhaṅgīm || 34-6 ||
natvā:’gastyaṁ samastāśaranikarasapatrākr̥tiṁ tāpasēbhyaḥ
pratyaśrauṣīḥ priyaiṣī tadanu ca muninā vaiṣṇavē divyacāpē |
brahmāstrē cāpi dattē pathi pitr̥suhr̥daṁ vīkṣya bhūyō jaṭāyuṁ
mōdādgōdātaṭāntē pariramasi purā pañcavaṭyāṁ vadhūṭyā || 34-7 ||
prāptāyāḥ śūrpaṇakhyā madanacaladhr̥tērarthanairnissahātmā
tāṁ saumitrau visr̥jya prabalatamaruṣā tēna nirlūnanāsām |
dr̥ṣṭvaināṁ ruṣṭacittaṁ kharamabhipatitaṁ duṣaṇaṁ ca trimūrdhaṁ
vyāhiṁsīrāśarānapyayutasamadhikāṁstatkṣaṇādakṣatōṣmā || 34-8 ||
sāraṅgaṁ sārasākṣyā spr̥hitamanugataḥ prāvadhīrbāṇaghātam |
tanmāyākrandaniryāpitabhavadanujāṁ rāvaṇastāmahārṣī-
ttēnārtō:’pi tvamantaḥ kimapi mudamadhāstadvadhōpāyalābhāt || 34-9 ||
bhūyastanvīṁ vicinvannahr̥ta daśamukhastvadvadhūṁ madvadhēnē-
tyuktvā yātē jaṭāyau divamatha suhr̥daḥ prātanōḥ prētakāryam |
gr̥hṇānaṁ taṁ kabandhaṁ jaghanitha śabarīṁ prēkṣya pampātaṭē tvaṁ
samprāptō vātasūnuṁ bhr̥śamuditamanāḥ pāhi vātālayēśa || 34-10 ||
iti catustriṁśadaśakaṁ samāptam ||
Narayaniyam Catustrimsadasakam Meaning:
Sage Rishyasringa performed a fire sacrifice in Kosala,
Called Puthra kameshti, and gave the potent payasam,
Arising out of the sacrificial fire to king Dasaratha,
And eating that payasam his three queens became pregnant,
And later you were born as Rama along with,
Bharatha, Lakshmana and Shatrugna to these queens,
Fulfilling the word given to devas to kill Ravana. ॥ 34.1 ॥
Oh God, with the permission of your father, you along with Lakshmana,
Armed with a bow went along with sage Viswamithra to protect his fire sacrifice,
And due to the two chants taught by the sage, you did not have any travel problems,
And as per the words of the sage, you killed Thadaga for the good of mankind,
And you reached his hermitage along with several divine arrows given by the saint. ॥ 34.2 ॥
In the beginning of the fire sacrifice, you drove away Mareecha with your arrows,
And later killed other asuras and on the way, you liberated Ahalya from her curse,
And reaching the city of Mithila, you broke the bow of Lord Shiva,
And married Sita who was really Goddess Lakshmi but was the daughter of earth,
And returned back to your country after marriage along with your brothers and their wives. ॥ 34.3 ॥
After the very angry Parsurama stopped you on the way and gave you his own luster,
You reached Ayodhya, Oh pretty Lord and lived in your palace with Sita happily,
And when Bharatha with Shathrugna had gone to his uncle’s house for a stay,
When your father wanted to celebrate your coronation,
It so happened that it was prevented by the daughter of the king of Kekaya. ॥ 34.4 ॥
You along with Sita and Lakshmana went to the forest,
So that the word of your father is honored and obeyed,
And you stopped the citizens of Ayodhya who followed you,
And reached the place of Guha and wearing matted locks and tree hide,
You crossed the river Ganges and on the way saluted sage Bharadwaja,
And according to his advice, you lived happily on the great Chithrakoota mountains. ॥ 34.5 ॥
You became sad when Bharatha told that your father died due to son’s separation,
And gave libations of water to your late father
And gave your slippers and country to Bharatha,
And later you went and saluted sage Athri and then went to the wide Dandakaranya,
And on your way killed the asura called Viradha and later Oh God,
You saw the happy end of sage Sharabha and granted him salvation. ॥ 34.6 ॥
Then later you went and met sage Agasthya and saluted him, and took an oath,
To kill all the hoards of Rakshasas so that the sages can live without problems,
And from the saint received the bow of Vishnu as well as Brahmastra,
And on the way met Jatayu the eagle, who was the best friend of your father,
And happily lived with Sita in Panchavai on the banks of the Godavari river. ॥ 34.7 ॥
You who are having the never tiring power, unable to tolerate Soorpanaka,
Who came there with entreaties of love, send her to your brother Lakshmana,
And the very angry Lakshmana cut her nose off and you fought,
With Khara Dhoosha, Trisiras and more than ten thousand Rakshasas,
Who became angry because of the taking away of the prettiness of Soorpanaka,
And you killed them all without effort instantly. ॥ 34.8 ॥
Hearing the news from his sister, Ravana who was full of anger and passion,
Went and met Mareecha and according to his wish, Mareecha appeared,
As a magical deer in front of your hermitage and when Sita wanted the deer,
You chased the deer and killed him, and hearing him shout in deceptive voice for help,
Sita sent your brother to help you and Ravana abducted Sita,
And knowing that though you became sad, realizing that,
An opportunity and motive to kill Ravana have come, you were happy. ॥ 34.9 ॥
Then, when you were going in search of Sita, and when Jatayu breathed his last,
Telling you that Ravana killed him when he tried to prevent the abduction of Sita,
You did after death ceremonies for that great friend, and later killed Kabandha,
Who attempted to catch both of you and eat you both,
And then visiting Shabhari who was your devotee, you met Hanuman,
Who was the son of wind God on the banks of Pampa and became,
Happy because you got his help, Oh Lord of Guruvatyur, please protect me. ॥ 34.10 ॥
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