Narayaniyam Pancavimsadasakam in English:
॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ pañcaviṁśadaśakam ॥
nārāyaṇīyaṁ pañcaviṁśadaśakam (25) – narasiṁhāvatāram
staṁbhē ghaṭṭayatō hiraṇyakaśipōḥ karṇau samācūrṇaya-
nnāghūrṇajjagadaṇḍakuṇḍakuharō ghōrastavābhūdravaḥ |
śrutvā yaṁ kila daityarājahr̥dayē pūrvaṁ kadāpyaśrutaṁ
kampaḥ kaścana sampapāta calitō:’pyaṁbhōjabhūrviṣṭarāt || 25-1 ||
daityē dikṣu visr̥ṣṭacakṣuṣi mahāsaṁraṁbhiṇi staṁbhataḥ
saṁbhūtaṁ na mr̥gātmakaṁ na manujākāraṁ vapustē vibhō |
kiṁ kiṁ bhīṣaṇamētadadbhutamiti vyudbhrāntacittē:’surē
visphūrjaddhavalōgrarōmavikasadvarṣmā samājr̥ṁbhathāḥ || 25-2 ||
taptasvarṇasavarṇaghūrṇadatirūkṣākṣaṁ saṭākēsara-
prōtkampapranikuṁbitāṁbaramahō jīyāttavēdaṁ vapuḥ |
vyāttavyāptamahādarīsakhamukhaṁ khaḍgōgravalganmahā-
jihvānirgamadr̥śyamānasumahādaṁṣṭrāyugōḍḍāmaram || 25-3 ||
utsarpadvalibhaṅgabhīṣaṇahanuṁ hrasvasthavīyastara-
grīvaṁ pīvaradōśśatōdgatanakhakrūrāṁśudūrōlbaṇam |
vyōmōllaṅghi ghanāghanōpamaghanapradhvānanirdhāvita-
spardhāluprakaraṁ namāmi bhavatastannārasiṁhaṁ vapuḥ || 25-4 ||
nūnaṁ viṣṇurayaṁ nihanmyamumiti bhrāmyadgadābhīṣaṇaṁ
daityēndraṁ samupādravantamadhr̥thā dōrbhyāṁ pr̥thubhyāmamum |
vīrō nirgalitō:’tha khaḍgaphalakē gr̥hṇanvicitraśramān
vyāvr̥ṇvanpunarāpapāta bhuvanagrāsōdyataṁ tvāmahō || 25-5 ||
bhrāmyantaṁ ditijādhamaṁ punarapi prōdgr̥hya dōrbhyāṁ javāt
dvārē:’thōruyugē nipātya nakharānvyutkhāya vakṣōbhuvi |
nirbhindannadhigarbhanirbharagaladraktāṁbu baddhōtsavaṁ
pāyaṁ pāyamudairayō bahujagatsaṁhārisiṁhāravān || 25-6 ||
tyaktvā taṁ hatamāśu raktalaharīsiktōnnamadvarṣmaṇi
pratyutpatya samastadaityapaṭalīṁ cākhādyamānē tvayi | [** cāsvādyamānē **]
bhrāmyadbhūmi vikampitāṁbudhikulaṁ vyālōlaśailōtkaraṁ
prōtsarpatkhacaraṁ carācaramahō duḥsthāmavasthāṁ dadhau || 25-7 ||
tāvanmāṁsavapākarālavapuṣaṁ ghōrāntramālādharaṁ
tvāṁ madhyēsabhamiddharōṣamuṣitaṁ durvāragurvāravam |
abhyētuṁ na śaśāka kō:’pi bhuvanē dūrē sthitā bhīravaḥ
sarvē śarvaviriñcavāsavamukhāḥ pratyēkamastōṣata || 25-8 ||
bhūyō:’pyakṣatarōṣadhāmni bhavati brahmājñayā bālakē
prahlādē padayōrnamatyapabhayē kāruṇyabhārākulaḥ |
śāntastvaṁ karamasya mūrdhni samadhāḥ stōtrairathōdgāyata-
stasyākāmadhiyō:’pi tēnitha varaṁ lōkāya cānugraham || 25-9 ||
ēvaṁ nāṭitaraudracēṣṭita vibhō śrītāpanīyābhidha-
śrutyantasphuṭagītasarvamahimannatyantaśuddhākr̥tē |
tattādr̥ṅnikhilōttaraṁ punarahō kastvāṁ parō laṅghayēt
prahlādapriya hē marutpurapatē sarvāmayātpāhi mām || 25-10 ||
iti pañcaviṁśadaśakaṁ samāptam ||
Narayaniyam Pancavimsadasakam Meaning:
When Hiranyakasipu hit at the pillar with great force,
A deafening great sound which was capable of shattering the ears,
And which was capable of rotating the great vessel of the universe,
Was heard and Hiranyakasipu after hearing the sound which he has never heard,
Was shaken by an unknown fear and even Brahma was shaken from his seat. ॥ 25.1 ॥
When that Asura who became very angry, rolled his eyes in all directions,
And Oh Lord you with a form that is neither an animal nor a man,
Jumped out of the pillar making him ask himself,
“What is this form which is fearsome and wonderful” and was aghast,
And you with the white sharp hair all over you started growing big. ॥ 25.2 ॥
Let there be a victory to this form of yours, with the colour of molten gold,
With very powerful eyes, with the hairs of your mane standing out,
And covering the sky as well as all the directions, With an open mouth,
Which was like a huge big cave, with a very long protruding tongue,
Which was similar to a sword when extended, and with two big protruding teeth. ॥ 25.3 ॥
I salute your form of the combination of man and lion, with a fierce-looking jaw.
Crisscrossed by swollen nerve ends, With a very short but very stout neck,
Which is fierce-looking due with the rays emanating from the from,
The nails of those stout fingers, Which was standing with head touching the sky,
And which was making a noise like the fierce thunder from clouds about to rain,
So that enemy would run away due to fear and nervousness. ॥ 25.4 ॥
Concluding that this must be Vishnu and that he will kill him,
Hiranyakasipu, the king of Asuras tried to go near him rotating a mace,
And you caught hold of his hands by your very stout hands and that hero,
Shook his hands and got free from your grip, and took a sword and a shield,
And after showing many steps and wonder of wonders, jumped at you,
And you looked as if you were prepared to swallow the entire universe. ॥ 25.5 ॥
Then the asura started rotating again without getting caught by you,
And you caught hold of him with both your hands and,
Pressed him on your thighs, you being seated on the threshold,
And you tore his chest with your very sharp nails, and drank his blood,
Gushing out of him with great satisfaction and roared like a lion,
As if the entire universe was going asunder. ॥ 25.6 ॥
Then within an instant, you threw his body away,
And with your body which was drenched by his blood,
Again and again, attacked the asura clan, biting and killing them,
And wonder of all wonders, there was total chaos in the universe,
Which was with rotating earth, a tumultuous ocean,
With shaking and tottering mountains and,
With the stars and planets which were getting scattered. ॥ 25.7 ॥
At that time you were looking gruesome,
with your body being coated with flesh and blood,
And wearing the intestines of the asuras as garland,
And were roaring loudly like a very great big lion,
And sat in the assembly hall with limitless anger,
And no one in the world was prepared to come near you,
And even Shiva, Brahma and Indra prayed, moving away from you. ॥ 25.8 ॥
But in spite of more and more prayers addressed to you,
You continued to be in the throes of uncontrollable rage,
And when as per the wishes of Brahma, the young Prahlada,
Without fear came near you and saluted you by falling at your feet,
You due to a heart filled with compassion became peaceful and calm,
And keep your hand on the forehead of Prahlada who was loudly singing your praise,
And gave him several boons without asking the boy,
And also blessed the entire world with prosperity. ॥ 25.9 ॥
Oh God, who put on this act of great rage and anger,
Who has a very clean body and who is having,
All the great qualities as mentioned and sung,
In the Nrusimha thapaneeya Upanishad,
Who can match you, who can be greater than you,
And who can dare to Attack you,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who likes Prahlada,
Please protect me from all sorts of diseases. ॥ 25.10 ॥
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