Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Hours:
Monday-Friday: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Sunday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Every Sunday:
From 10:15 AM to 11:15 AM: Sai Baba Bhajans
From 11:30 AM to 12:00 noon: Bhajans and Family Mantras
At 12:00 noon: Aarti
From 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM: Yoga Class
At 1:15 PM: Langar Prasad
Activities for Children Every Sunday:
From 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM: Balavihar
Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Every Tuesday:
From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM: Yoga Class
Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Every Wednesday:
From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM: Video Discourse by Sadhguru
Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Every Thursday:
From 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM: Yoga Class
Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Every Saturday:
From 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM: Yoga Class
Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Every Full Moon Day:
At 7:00 PM: Satynarayan Katha
Satyanaraya katha book
Other Religious Occasions: At 7:00 PM: Bhajans
Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Balavihar:
Dear Friends
One of the greatest gifts of India to the world is its culture. We all wish that our children cherish it and that some part of this Great Tradition becomes part of their lives so that they can benefit from the wisdom of the great thinkers and sages who among other things gave us the Vedas, Yoga, Bhakti & Sadhana etc.
Balavihar was started to teach our children our religion, culture and about being good citizens of this country and this world. At Balavihar we endeavor to teach them the importance of being good and that good always prevails. The purpose of Balavihar is also to make our children proud of their heritage and roots. All of this is done with examples and information from the Hindu scriptures. We also teach them the true meaning of various customs and festivals in India.
The classes range from kindergarten to high school. This Balavihar was started in 2004 and has grown through the past few years. The classes are conducted at the new building adjacent to the main hall. The feedback from the parents and children has been very positive and this has encouraged all of us to strive to strengthen our commitment to Balavihar further.
This new building has 6 classrooms, a library and their own bathrooms.
Every one of us gives donations for various good causes throughout the year. This particular donation is for our children. We still encourage donations and services for the continued growth and expansion for all the activities that we envision for Balavihar in the future. You may think of this as an investment in our children and the local Indian community as a whole. We are striving to teach our children the knowledge of good and bad. Knowledge is the greatest form of wealth. The knowledge given to our children now will help them to be better parents and perhaps will pass it down for generations to come. We hope Balavihar will benefit our children for years to come.
Balavihar Committee.
Sadhu Vaswani Hindu Cultural Center Address:
6526 Jefferson Paige Road,
LA 71119, USA
OR call:
Manohar or Bharti Manchandia
Phone: 318-222-2229
Any priest services available
Dear P. M. Sarma
Please Contact the temple for Priest Services. For Phone Number and email id check