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Sri Radhika Ashtakam by Shri Krishna Das Kavi Lyrics in English with Meaning

Shri Krishnadasa Kavi’s Sri Radhikashtakam Lyrics in English:

Sri Krsna dasa kavi rajaviracitam ।
kunkumakta kancanabja garva hari gaurabha
pitanancitabja gandha kirti nindi saurabha
ballavesha sunu sarva vanchitartha sadhika
mahyam atma pada padma dasya dastu radhika || 1 ||

kauravinda kanti nindi citra patta shatika
krishna matta bhringa keli phulla pushpa vatika
krishna nitya sangamartha padma bandhu radhika
mahyam atma pada padma dasya dastu radhika || 2 ||

saukumarya shrishta pallavali kirti nigraha
candra candanotpalendu sevya sita vigraha
svabhimarsha ballavisha kama tapa badhika
mahyam atma pada padma dasya dastu radhika || 3 ||

vishva vandya yauvatabhivanditapi ya rama
rupa navya yauvanadi sapada na yat sama
shila harda lilaya ca sa yato ‘sti nadhika
mahyam atma pada padma dasya dastu radhika || 4 ||

rasa lasya gita narma sat kalali pandita
prema ramya rupa vesha sad gunali mandita
visva navya gopa yoshid alito ‘pi yadhika
mahyam atma pada padma dasya dastu radhika || 5 ||

nitya navya rupa keli krishna bhava sampada
krishna raga bandha gopa yauvateshu kampada
krishna rupa vesha keli lagna sat samadhika
mahyam atma pada padma dasya dastu radhika || 6 ||

sveda kampa kantakashru gadgadadi sancita
marsha harsha vamatadi bhava bhushanancita
krishna netra toshi ratna mandanali dadhika
mahyam atma pada padma dasya dastu radhika || 7 ||

ya kshanardha krishna viprayoga santatoditaneka
dainya capaladi bhava vrinda modita
yatna labdha krishna sanga nirgatakhiladhika
mahyam atma pada padma dasya dastu radhika || 8 ||

ashtakena yas tv anena nauti krishna vallabham
darshane ‘pi shailajadi yoshid ali durlabham
krishna sanga nanditatma dasya sidhu bhajanam
tam karoti nanditali sancayashu sa janam || 9 ||

iti srikrsnadasakavirajaviracitam sriradhikastakam sampurnam ।

Sri Radha Stotram Meaning :

Her splendorous golden complexion steals the pride of a golden lotus flower anointed with a tinge of red kunkum (vermillion). Her sweet fragrance mocks the fame of the aroma of a lotus flower sprinkled with saffron powder. She is fully qualified to fulfill all the desires of the son of the king of the cowherd men. May Sri Radhika bestow upon me the service of Her own lotus feet. || 1 ||

Her amazing and colorful silken garments make the splendor of red coral feel ashamed. She is a garden of blossoming flowers where the maddened bumble-bee named Krsna performs amorous pastimes. She worships the Sun-god daily in order to attain the continual association of Her beloved Krsna. May Sri Radhika bestow upon me the service of Her own lotus feet. || 2 ||

Her charming youthful delicacy negates the fame of the freshly-sprouted leaves. Her refreshing form is worthy of being served by the cooling moon, sandalwood paste, lotus flowers, and camphor. When She touches the master of the gopis, She dispels the burning heat of His lusty desires. May Sri Radhika bestow upon me the service of Her own lotus feet. || 3 ||

Although the goddess of fortune, Laksmi Devi, is adored by other youthful goddesses, who are themselves, glorified throughout the universe, still she is nowhere near Sri Radhika in the matter of beauty, praiseworthy youthfulness, or other divine feminine opulences. There is no one in the material or the spiritual worlds that is superior to Radhika in the expression of naturally loving pastimes. May Sri Radhika bestow upon me the service of Her own lotus feet. || 4 ||

She is very learned in many transcendental arts, such as performing in the rasa dance, singing, and joking. She is decorated with many divine qualities, such as loving nature, exquisite beauty, and wonderful garments and ornaments. Even among the cowherd damsels of Vraja, who are praised by the entire universe, She is the best in every way. May Sri Radhika bestow upon me the service of Her own lotus feet. || 5 ||

She possesses the opulences of eternal youthful beauty, eternal pastimes, and eternal love for Krsna. Her ecstatic feelings of love for Krsna cause the gopis, who are also in love with Krsna, to tremble. She is always attached to meditating on Sri Krsna’s beautiful form, ornaments, garments, and pastimes. May Sri Radhika bestow upon me the service of Her own lotus feet. || 6 ||

She is graced with eight ecstatic symptoms (sattvika-bhava), such as trembling, perspiring, standing up on bodily hairs, tears, faltering of the voice, and so forth. She is adorned with different ecstatic emotional ornaments, such as impatience, joy, contrariness, and so forth. She is decorated with beautiful jewels that give total delight to the eyes of Krsna. May Sri Radhika bestow upon me the service of Her own lotus feet. || 7 ||

If She is apart from Krsna, for even half a moment, She becomes stricken with wretched suffering, restlessness, and a multitude of other ecstatic symptoms of separation. When She regains the association of Krsna after some effort, then all of Her anguish immediately vanishes. May Sri Radhika bestow upon me the service of Her own lotus feet. || 8 ||

It is very difficult for Parvati and other exalted goddesses to attain even a glimpse of Srimati Radharani, who is dear to Lord Krsna. But if someone glorifies Her by reciting these eight verses, then She who is delighted by Krsna’s continuous association will grant the sweet nectar of Her personal service to that person, who thereby enters the assembly of Her similarly delighted girlfriends. || 9 ||

Sri Radhika Ashtakam by Shri Krishna Das Kavi Lyrics in English with Meaning

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