1. What is the Bhagavad-Gita?
“Bhagavad-Gita” means the song of God. It is the conversation between a man called Arjuna, and God Himself in the human form, Lord Krishna. It is the only scripture on the planet that can be called the word of God in person. This conversation took place 5000 years ago in Kurukshetra, India. The Bhagavad-Gita is based on questions raised from man (Arjuna) and answers given by God (Lord Krishna).
2. What information does the Bhagavad-Gita provide?
The Bhagavad-Gita provides information regarding:
# God (Isvara)
# Souls (Jivas), the living entities like you and me
# Time (Kala)
# Activities (Karma)
# Material Nature (Prakrti)
No other scripture on the planet provides this information. From the above five, karma is temporary and the others are all eternal. Thus God, living entities, time, and matter are eternal.
3. What does the Bhagavad-Gita teach?
Spiritual self-realization is the subject matter of the Bhagavad-Gita.
# There is only one God
# We are the soul, which is eternal
# God is the father of all living beings
# Why we suffer or enjoy
# What is the relationship between God and living beings
# How brilliant God looks
# How great God is
# How Krishna is God
# What are the qualities of godly human beings
# What are the qualities of demonic human beings
# How God witnesses all our actions
# How living beings move up or down in species
# How we can serve God
4. What is the history of the Bhagavad-Gita?
Unlike the non-Vedic scriptures (scriptures from outside India), the Bhagavad-Gita, is not a one off scripture, it’s eternal. It was last spoken 5000 years ago by Lord Krishna to Arjuna, and 120.533 million years ago to the person who maintains the sun planet, Vivasvan. It was first spoken in this universe, 155.522 trillion years ago. The Bhagavad-Gita has also been spoken by Lord Krishna in
millions of other universes.
“I gave this science of self-realization knowledge to Vivasvan, and he gave it to Manu, and Manu gave the knowledge to his son, Iksvaku.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 4.1)
Vivasvan is a demigod who maintains the sun planet. Demigods are very powerful human beings, they are NOT the Supreme (the God).
“Although I am unborn, imperishable, eternal, and the Lord of all living beings, using My internal energy, I still appear in My original spiritual form.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 4.6)
Lord Krishna appears once on this planet in His original form, once in every daytime of Brahma, which is every 8.64 billion years, and each time the Bhagavad-Gita is spoken by Him. So far in the current cosmic cycle, Lord Krishna has appeared and spoken the Bhagavad-Gita more than 18,000 times on this planet (age of universe/timing of appearance=155.522 trillion/8.64 billion). This is how great Lord Krishna (God), His teachings, and the Bhagavad-Gita are. “Once in a day of Brahma, He descends to this world to manifest His transcendental pastimes.”
(Caitanya-caritamrta Adi-Lila 3.6)
5. Does the Bhagavad-Gita state that those who don’t follow it go to hell?
One of the differences between the Bhagavad-Gita and the Non-Vedic scriptures is that the God of the Bhagavad-Gita is a responsible, mature, loving, and caring person. He is not a bully, hater, curser, nor childish.
“I hate no one. I am equal to all living beings…” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.29)
“…One who has no enemies among all living beings comes to Me.” (Lord Krishna,Bhagavad-Gita 11.55)
“One who is compassionate to all living beings … – These are some of the qualities of those born with divine nature.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 16.1-3)
The fact that the people of various religions exist is the simple proof that it is God’s will that they exist. God is the creator of all living beings.
I have come across many in my life who say that I will go to hell because I don’t follow their religion. They think that God made a mistake by creating those who don’t follow their religion. They clearly don’t understand that God is in full control, infallible, and thus all living beings have the right to exist by the will of God. Some people think that God is testing us by creating people of various religions to see who converts. This is a non-sense ideology because the eternal God has been creating people eternally on this planet in this universe and on other planets in millions of other universes. It is foolish to think that God has only recently created His religion. God is eternal and His religion is also eternal, Sanatan-Dharma.
“I am transcendental, beyond the fallible and infallible, and because I am the greatest, I am celebrated as the Supreme person, on the material, and spiritual planets, and in the Vedas.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.18)
6. Does God sustain all living beings?
Yes, it’s God’s will that the variety of people and animals exist.
# Does the sun only give light to the followers of one religion? No. The sun gives light to all plants, animals, oceans, and all humans
# Do the plants only give fruit and vegetables to people of one religion? No. They provide for all living beings everywhere
# Does it only rain on land occupied by people of one religion? No. It rains on land occupied by all living beings everywhere
“All species of living beings in this material creation appear by taking birth, and I am the seed giving father.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 14.4)
7. Show me God, only then will I believe?
Most of us can’t even meet the President of a small country on this insignificant planet. So how can we meet the President of millions of universes?
God is not our servant who will come in front of us whenever we desire it. If we want to see Him, then we have to accept His terms.
Have you seen Japan? No! But you still believe there is a country called Japan, even though you have not seen it. You are willing to accept the authority of world maps created by people and also the words of people who have seen Japan. Why not accept the authority of the eternal Vedic scriptures which state that Lord Krishna is the Supreme person, who has appeared more than 18,000 times in His original form (same body) and each time proving He is the Supreme person. Why not accept the authority of millions of Vedic followers who have seen Lord Krishna?
“By performing devotional service unto Me [Krishna], without deviation. You can begin to understand My mysteries, and thus I can be seen in this form, standing before you.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 11.54)
As Lord Krishna states in this verse, by serving Him without deviation, one will eventually see Him, face-to-face. A 5 year old boy called Druva, saw Lord Vishnu face to face, after just a few months of performing severe penances. Another 5 year old boy called Prahlad, saw Lord Krishna in His form as Lord Nrishingha. Millions of people have already seen Lord Krishna, face-to-face, and you can too, but you have to become qualified to see Him.
For those who are not qualified: the foolish, sinful, and less intelligent, God will remain unknown/invisible
8. What is the evidence for God?
The scientists and atheists say there is no God:
# Can any scientist create life? Every second God is creating trillions of living beings in various forms. This is evidence of God
# Everything on this planet is maintained by living beings, so who is maintaining everything beyond this planet? This is evidence of God
# Can any scientist create trees that produce fruits and vegetables? This is evidence of God
# The cow takes water and grass and turns it into milk. Can any scientist do this? This is evidence of God
# According to the scientists, it would take over 400 billion nuclear weapons to produce the same amount of heat that the sun produces in just 1 second, and the sun has been doing this for at least 15 billion years according to the scientists themselves. Can the scientists replicate the sun, even for 1 second? This is evidence of God
# The sun always rises and sets on time, and the seasons come and go on time. Is this by chance? This is evidence of God.
# The legs of trillions of living beings, including humans are 100% of the same length. Is this by chance? This is evidence of God
# Why is there a variety of living beings? Can a manufacturing company produce anything without the input from a person? This is evidence of God
# Every human face is unique, is this by chance? Can a manufacturing company produce unique products without any input from a person? This is evidence of God
# The human body is symmetrical (both halves are 100% same). Is this by chance? This is evidence of God
# Why doesn’t the donkey think like a human and vice versa? This is evidence of God If you throw some bricks on the ground, will they form into a house? Without a spiritual being, the bricks cannot be formed into anything. Do the atoms combine to form certain molecules by chance? No. It’s Krishna (God) who is present in every atom who combines the atoms to form specific molecules
“I am the origin of all creations. There is nothing, moving or non-moving, that can exist without Me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.39)
“With a single particle of Myself [Krishna], I maintain the entire creation.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.42)
Some people shout that God is great but they have absolutely no idea how great He is. Lord Krishna maintains the millions of universes in the material creation with just one particle of Himself. This is how great Lord Krishna (God) is.
Some facts to help you realize the existence of God.
a) A barber says there is no God, because if there were a God then there would be no poverty, disease, and suffering. There are many long haired and unshaven people. Does this mean that there are no barbers? The barber agrees that there are long haired and unshaven people,
but the problem is that they don’t go to him. In a similar way, people don’t approach God nor do they follow His teachings and thus there is material existence with poverty, disease, and suffering.
b) A doctor says there is no God, because if there were a God then there would be no poverty, and suffering. There are many diseased people everywhere in the world. Does this mean there are no doctors? The doctor agrees that there are many diseased people in the world, but the problem is that they don’t go to a doctor. In a similar way, people don’t approach God nor do they follow His teachings and thus there is poverty, and suffering.
c) A painter says there is no God, because if there were a God then there would be no poverty, disease, and suffering in the world. There are many unpainted buildings in the world, does this mean there are no painters? People can have their home painted but they need to find a
painter. In a similar way, there is a God, but people need to look for Him.
d) A banker says there is no God, because if there were a God then there would be no murders in the world. There are many people living in poverty. Does this mean there are no banks full of money? Why don’t the banks give out loans to all the poor? The banker says, we can only
give to those who are qualified. In a similar way, there is a God, but only those who are qualified, will know Him.
e) An Optician says there is no God, because I haven’t seen Him. There are millions who cannot see properly. Does this mean there are no Opticians? The optician says, we can only help those who approach us. In a similar way, God will eventually be seen, face to Face, by those
who approach Him.
f) A person living in the desert says he believes in God but He must be formless, because nobody around here has seen Him. Can anyone see waterfalls in the desert? No? Does this mean there are no waterfalls? In a similar way, God has a form but He cannot be Seen in places where even the animals cannot be seen.
g) A person says nobody has seen God, and thus there is no God. Have you seen what the 7 billion people in the world today and the zillions who lived in the past have seen? No? So how can you say nobody has seen God?
h) A pilot says there is no God, because I have not seen him. There are millions of people who have never flown in an airplane. Does this mean there are no pilots? The pilot says I can only take those who book through the airline company. In a similar way, God can only be known by those who approach a representative of God, a genuine spiritual master.
i) A medical college professor says there is no God, because he hasn’t seen Him. There are millions who have never seen a medical college. Does this mean there are no medical colleges? The professor says only the most intelligent are qualified to see and attend a medical college. In a similar way, only the most intelligent can See and understand God.
j) A sports personality says there is no God, because I have not seen God perform. There are millions who cannot perform. Does this mean that there are no sports? The sports personality says it takes time, effort, and luck to perform well and become a sports personality. In a
similar way, it takes time, effort, and the will of God to know Him.
k) A cleaner says there is no God, because if there were a God then there would be no chaos in the world. There are many dirty places in the world, does this mean there are no cleaners? The cleaner says we do clean but people keep messing up. In a similar way, God created a
perfect world, but people keep messing it up.
l) A blind person says there is no God, because he cannot seem Him. He cannot see anyone, does this mean nobody is existing?
m) An atheists says I won’t believe in God unless He appears in front of me. A pig in Africa is saying he doesn’t believe in the existence of human beings, unless he sees the President of America, face to face. Will the President waste his time to visit a pig? In a similar way, God is not so cheap. Only those who are qualified can See Him face to Face. Millions have already Seen Him, and you can also, but first you need to become qualified and look for Him. You will only find Him in the Vedic scriptures. There are trillions of living beings, why should God visit you?
n) A person says he can’t find the description of God in the scriptures he has read, and thus God is indescribable. If you want learn to construct buildings then you have to read books on engineering and not books on cake making. In a similar way, if you want to know God then
you have to read the Vedic scriptures, the only scriptures where God is fully described.
9. What is religion?
To follow the teachings/laws of God is called religion. Since God is eternal, His teachings must also be eternal, and thus the religion of God must also be eternal.
# God is eternal, meaning He has always existed
# If God has eternally existed, then man must also have eternally existed. Why would God live alone?
# The teachings/laws created by God for man to follow must have eternally existed That eternal religion which was created by the eternal God is called “Sanatan-Dharma”, which literally means the ‘Eternal Religion’, and referred to as the Vedic religion or pure Hinduism. The
eternal teachings of God are contained in the Vedic Scriptures.
The highest form of religion is that by which one becomes fully conscious of the existence of God, including His form, name, qualities, pastimes, abode and all-pervasive features. When everything is completely known, that is the perfection of religious knowledge, and this can only be achieved by the Vedic knowledge. God is not described in the non-Vedic scriptures.
The Vedic religion has been proven to be the oldest on the planet, and the oldest scriptures on the planet are the Vedic scriptures, which were written in the oldest language known to man, Sanskrit. Sanskrit is known to be the most systematic language on the planet, the best language.
“You are the Supreme person, eternal, imperishable, inexhaustible, the sustainer of the eternal religion. You are the basis of this universe.” (Arjuna to Lord Krishna, Bhagavad Gita 11.18)
It is only Lord Krishna who is eternally known as the Supreme Person, God. All other so-called Gods are recent man-made creations and they cannot exhibit the qualities of God. Only Lord Krishna has so far proved Himself to be the one true God, and not just once, but millions of times.
10. What is the purpose of religion?
The purpose of religion is to know, serve, and love God. But you can only serve and love someone, if you know him or her. You cannot serve or love an invisible or unknown person. Only the Vedic scriptures describe exactly who the person God is. The non-Vedic scriptures don’t have a clue as to who God is. Serving and loving God includes serving and loving all the creatures of God. This means serving and loving all human beings and animals. We should not hurt or eat any of our brothers and sisters. The animals are also our brothers and sisters.
“Being freed from attachments, fear, anger, and fully situated in thought of me, many have become purified by penance and knowledge of me. They all attained pure love for me. (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 4.10)
Can anyone love an unknown or invisible person? No. This can be proven by the fact that mothers kill their unborn and thus unseen child with abortion. How many mothers would kill their live (seen) child? It is only possible to love a known and visible person.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a Christian missionary, admitted towards the end of her life that she felt emptiness in her life. This was emptiness of God. One can read the non-Vedic scriptures for millions of years but will never be able to describe God, because they do not describe Him. Only the Vedic scripture describe God and in complete. Thus if one wants to know God and be religious, then one must read and follow the eternal Vedic scriptures.
11. Is freedom of religion the will of God?
Yes. God is in full control and by His will, the people of various religions are being created every second.
Thus by not allowing freedom of religion, one is acting against the will of God. Those who are against the will of God are wicked, unbelievers, faithless, and envious of God.
“Those who are envious, cruel, full of hate, and wicked, are the lowest among men. I repeatedly cast these evildoers into the wombs of demonic species. Such persons are foolish and can never approach me. Birth after birth, they enter into the wombs of demonic species, and gradually sink down to the lowest state of life.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 16.19-20)
There are some people who want to practice their religion/ideology everywhere in the world, but they don’t give the same right to others. This is called wickedness, and for such persons, God will be unknown/unseen and just an idea. Humans who cannot describe God are covered in complete ignorance, by their beliefs.
12. Who are the unbelievers?
As already stated, those who are against the will of God are called the unbelievers.
# It is God who is creating the people of various religions, and thus those who don’t allow freedom of religion are the unbelievers
# It is God who is creating the animals and for the same reason as humans, to live. Thus, those who think that animals are food are the unbelievers
# It is God who is creating people who worship Him in His image form, and thus those who are against image worship are the unbelievers
# It is God who is placing souls in particular bodies in particular situations exactly based on what the soul deserves (karma), and thus those who believe things happen by chance are the unbelievers
# God is most merciful and forgiving. To prove this, He gives us unlimited chances of life (reincarnation), and thus those who believe this is the only life are the unbelievers
# God is eternal and thus humans have also eternally existed. Those who believe humans have only existed for a few thousand years are the unbelievers
# The eternal God has made Himself completely describable to humans. Those who follow ideologies, where God is not described are the unbelievers
“One who does not hate anyone, is friendly and compassionate to all living beings, shares his belongings with others, has no sense of ownership, free from ego; even-minded in both happiness and distress, forgiving, tolerant in all situations, always satisfied, worships
Me with determination and devotion. Such a person is very dear to Me.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 12.13-14)
13. Are the sinners doomed?
No. Lord Krishna is very merciful and forgiving to those who want to stop sinning and change their lives for the better.
“Even if you are the greatest sinner, when you are on the boat of spiritual knowledge, you will be able to cross over the river of miseries, caused by reactions to sinful activities.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 4.36)
This is yet another proof that Lord Krishna is God. He doesn’t send people to eternal hell or burn people in fires. He is so nice that even the sinners can be saved simply by stopping all sinful activities and surrendering unto Him. The main sinful activities are lying, animal killing (meat eating), intoxicating (drugs, alcohol, tobacco smoking/chewing), having relationships outside marriage, hatred, violence, anger, and greed. One should give up these sinful activities.
14. What is the difference between man-made and God made knowledge?
God is eternal and thus His teachings must also be eternal. God is universal and thus His knowledge must also be universal. That knowledge, which is eternal and universal, comes from God, and that which is not eternal (recently created) and not universal (cannot exist beyond this planet) is manmade knowledge.
15. What is universal knowledge?
That knowledge which is existing beyond this planet and in other universes is called universal knowledge. That knowledge which cannot exist beyond this planet is called non-universal, and thus man-made knowledge.
Only the Vedic scriptures exist beyond this planet and thus the Vedic knowledge is universal. In this universe, the Vedic knowledge was first imparted to Brahma at the beginning of creation. This was 155.522 trillion years ago. The Vedic knowledge is also established in millions of other universes.
“O great one, you pervade from outer space to Earth in all directions, seeing you in this wonderful and terrifying form of yours, all the planetary systems are disturbed.” (Arjuna to Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 11.20)
Only the Vedic knowledge is eternal and universal. This is because it comes from God, Lord Krishna.
16. What Vedic scriptures are there?
Sanatan-Dharma, the eternal religion has far more scriptures than the scriptures of all the other world religions put together.
Here is a list of some Vedic scriptures:
Four Vedas – Rig, Yajur, Sama Atharva (Over 20,176 verses)
108 Upanishads (over 4000 verses)
Ramayan (over 25,000 verses)
Mahabharat (over 100,000 verses)
18 Puranas (400,000 verses)
Caitanya-caritamrta (11,555 verses)
Other Vedic scriptures (Over 250,000 verses)
Total: Over 810,000 verses
The 810,000 verses are what remains, as there were actually millions of verses in the Vedic scriptures and most of the knowledge has been lost due to destruction by invaders and failure to pass on the knowledge (lack of preaching). The Bhagavad-Gita has 700 verses and is contained within the Mahabharat. It’s the essence of all Vedic knowledge. The Srimad-Bhagavatam has 18,000 verses and is the other most important scripture, this is one of the 18 Puranas. All the Vedic knowledge is eternal and is repeatedly reestablished by Lord Krishna.
The word veda means ‘knowledge’ and the aim of the Vedic knowledge is to understand God. Acting in accordance with the Vedic injunctions is called following Vedic principles. The highest Vedic principle is to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna.
“Give up all other religious beliefs and just surrender unto Me [Krishna]. I will release you from all your sins. Do not worry.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 18.66)
The Vedic knowledge is vast, superior, and comes from God. This can be realized by knowing the number of verses in the Vedic scriptures (as above) and the non-Vedic scriptures.
There are 6236 verses in the Islamic Koran, which was written less than 1400 years ago and this is a one off scripture, thus only created once and will never be recreated. There are 35,527 verses in the Christian Bible, which was written less than 2000 years ago and this is also a one off scripture, to be never recreated. It’s impossible for the Koran and Bible to exist beyond this planet.
Only the Vedic scriptures exist beyond this planet in millions of universes and 120.533 million years ago, Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita to Vivasvan on the sun planet. Vivasvan is placed in charge of maintaining the sun planet. The foolish will find it hard to believe that there are living beings on the sun planet because they think that they cannot live there and thus nobody can. Just because you cannot live in the water, does it mean nobody can? There are millions of living beings living in the water. Just because you cannot live in the earth, does it mean nobody can? There are millions of living beings living in the earth. In a similar way, there are millions of living beings living in heat. Here is another proof of this: we cannot live in a room with a temperature of 36 degrees Celsius for a long time, but within our body the temperature is 36 degrees Celsius, and there are millions of living beings living within our body, like worms and bacteria. Even on this planet, the scientists have found organisms living and multiplying at temperatures of over 300 degrees Celsius
(microorganisms from the mysterious red rain of Kerala, India).
The vast Vedic knowledge comes from God, otherwise how could anyone makeup over 810,000 unique verses of information, over 5000 years ago? Also the Vedic knowledge is eternal, this is yet another proof that this knowledge comes from God, Lord Krishna.
17. Are the Vedic scriptures the origin of all knowledge?
The Vedic knowledge existed before the creation of this universe and is given by Lord Krishna to the first living being at the beginning of creation, which was 155.522 trillion years ago. The Vedic knowledge was last written down 5000 years ago by Lord Krishna in His form as Veda Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedic scriptures.
“I am seated in the hearts of all living beings, from me comes memory, knowledge, and forgetfulness. I am the compiler, knower of the Vedas, and known by all the Vedas.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.15)
All the true knowledge that can be found in the non-Vedic scriptures originates from the Vedic scriptures. This can be proven by the fact that the Vedic scriptures came first and all the true knowledge found in the non-Vedic scriptures can be found in greater details in the Vedic scriptures, and the Vedic knowledge is vast compared to the non-Vedic knowledge.
18. Is Vedic knowledge eternal?
All the Vedic knowledge existed before creation and is given by Lord Krishna, in His Lord Vishnu form to the first living being, Brahma, at the beginning of each cycle of creation and annihilation in each of the millions of universes. The duration of each cycle is 311.040 trillion years (311 trillion, 40 billion years). We are currently 155.522 trillion (155 trillion, 522 billion years) years into the
current cycle.
The Vedic knowledge is eternal, universal, and it comes from God (Lord Krishna).
“One day of Brahma lasts one thousand cycles of four yugas [4.32 billion years]. The night is also of the same duration. At the start of Brahma’s day, all living beings become manifested from the un-manifest state. Then at night, all living beings become unmanifest again. This is repeated again, and again. At the beginning of each day of Brahma, all living beings are manifested, and at night, they are helplessly un-manifested.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 8.17-19)
19. What are the 6 Pillars of Sanatan-Dharma (The Eternal Religion)?
1) Truthfulness – One must always speak the truth, stand up for the truth, side with the truth, and not hide any information. Withholding information is also lying, even in the human courts.
2) Mercy – Being compassionate to all living beings is the unique teaching of Sanatan-Dharma, this is because the Vedic teachings come from God, Lord Krishna. The person who is the father of all living beings and He wants all His human children to be especially kind to their
less fortunate brothers/sisters, the animals. Thus one must not hurt or eat the animals.
3) Austerity – There are many austerities that one can perform. Living a simple life by not making demands on others, not bothering others, not being attached to materialistic items, eating simply (eat whatever is available/given and not making demands), fasting, physical
austerities like standing on one leg, chanting, giving up one’s time to serve Lord Krishna and humanity.
4) Cleanliness – We must take bath at least once a day, brush our teeth at least twice a day, keep the home, work area, streets, and rivers, clean.
5) Charity – You should donate a portion of your income in the service of Lord Krishna and humanity. This will ensure wealth in the future. Have you ever wondered why some are born in rich families and some in poverty? However, you should not donate expecting something in
6) Spiritual Education – The Vedic scriptures provide the original, detailed, and the most complete knowledge in many fields and the only scriptures where God is completely described. Vedic knowledge realization evolves the consciousness and eventually frees one from material life. No Vedic knowledge realization ensures gradual degradation of the soul to lower species (plants/animals).
20. What are the four Yugas (Ages)?
Just as there are four seasons, there are four ages in which we keep circulating, one after the other:
Satya Yuga: The age of truth. Only one religion (Sanatan Dharma) exists in the whole world. The Yuga lasts 1.728 million years and the lifespan of humans is 100,000 years. People are mostly selfsatisfied, merciful, and friendly to all living beings. They derive pleasure from within, see all things equally, and always endeavor for spiritual advancement.
Treta Yuga: The introduction of ignorance takes place in this age, but still only one religion exists in the whole world. The Yuga lasts 1.296 million years and the lifespan of humans is 10,000 years. People are devoted to rituals and severe austerities, but the principles of religion are reduced by 25%.
Dvapara Yuga: Decline in the truth and religious values take effect in this age, but still only one religion is followed in the whole World. The Yuga lasts 864,000 years and the lifespan of humans is 1000 years. People devote themselves to the study of the Vedas, are very opulent and enjoy life with large families, but the principles of religion are reduced by 50%. Dissatisfaction, untruth, violence and enmity increase.
Kali Yuga: The age of darkness, ignorance, and degradation. Many man made religions and deviations blossom in the World. The Yuga lasts 432,000 years and the lifespan of humans is 100 years at the beginning and this gradually reduces to 12 years. People tend to be greedy, badly behaved, obsessed with material desires, and fight with one another without any reasons. Only 25% of the principles of religion remain and these gradually decrease by the increasing principles of irreligion (mainly untruth, violence, enmity, dissatisfaction, following unknown/unproven/unseen characters as God).
We are currently 5000 years into Kali Yuga. As each day passes, man is becoming more ignorant and degraded. The result of which is more suffering for mankind.
21. What is the life span of Brahma?
As mentioned in the previous verse (8.17-19), one day of Brahma lasts one thousand cycles of the four yugas.
1000 cycles of the four yugas is:
1000 x (1.728+1.296+0.864+0.432) = 100 x (4.32 Million)
= 4320 Million = 4.32 Billion years
Thus one day (12 hours) of Brahma is 4.32 Billion Earth years, and he lives for 100 of his years, which is 311 trillion, 40 billion years for us.
4.32 Billion x 2 x 30 x 12 x 100 = 311 trillion, 40 billion years.
Just think how fantastic the life of Brahma is compared to us, but even he has to die one day and he has already lived for 155.522 trillion years, this is his current age and half his long life is over. We live a very short life of at most 100 years and should realize that this material life is meant for spiritual realization and not material accumulation and attachments. We are working like donkies to accumulate properties, and bank balances, but this is all a complete waste of life. If we don’t use our time, energy, and wealth in the service of Lord Krishna.
22. What scriptures should I follow?
You can follow the recently created man-made scriptures, which have limited knowledge and do not describe God. Or you can follow the eternal Vedic scriptures, which have vast knowledge and completely describe God. The choice is yours.
Lord Krishna gave the Vedic knowledge to Brahma, the first living being created in the universe, at the beginning of each cycle. In the current cycle, this was 155.522 trillion years ago. Thus the Vedic knowledge is eternal and comes directly from God (Lord Krishna).
“I am telling you this ancient science of linking with the Supreme [Yoga], because you are My friend and devotee. Therefore you can understand the mystery of this highest science.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 4.3)
The Vedic knowledge can be understood by those who are open minded and willing to accept the truth.
“My devotees become righteous, attain lasting peace, and never perish. “Lord Krishna (Bhagavad-Gita 9.31)
The genuine devotees of Lord Krishna are truthful, charitable, and friendly to all living beings. When the devotees of Lord Krishna decrease in the world, there will be degradation and humans will become killers, haters, and ignorant.
“There is nothing superior to Me. Everything is resting upon me. Just like pearls are strung on a thread.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 7.7)
Those who are willing to accept the truth will realize that Lord Krishna is the one true God, because He has appeared and proved Himself to be the Supreme, not just once but millions of times.
“This is the purest knowledge, the king of education, the king of the most confidential knowledge. It is the highest knowledge, most righteous, and everlasting.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 9.2)
The Bhagavad-Gita provides the best spiritual education and those who follow it will become righteous in this life and benefit eternally by being transferred to the spiritual creation at the end of this short life. All other so-called knowledge may bring temporary benefits, but is completely useless at the time of death. We cannot take our degrees in Medicine/Engineering/Law with us when we die.
23. How we differentiate between God and imposters?
In this age of Kali, the age of ignorance and irreligion. There will be many imposters who claim to be God or an incarnation of God. By knowing what is God will very easily expose the imposters.
For a person to be called God or Bhagawan, He must satisfy at least all the following conditions:
# God is known eternally and not just recently. God must be eternal and thus He must also be known eternally on this planet and in millions of universes
# God has an eternal body. He must have appeared in the same body many times and not just once. This proves that He is eternal. This is one of the differences between God and His creations. Man has a body that is temporary, but God has a body that is eternal and thus He appears in the same body whenever He appears
# God is the most beautiful Person. God has created humans and other living beings, which are beautiful to some degree and some are more beautiful than others. Why would God create others beautiful and Himself ugly or average looking? God does not have wrinkles, a beard, or
white hair
# God has made living beings powerful and some are more powerful than others and thus God must be the most powerful Person
# God has given opulence to humans and some are more opulent than others. Thus, God must be the most opulent Person
# God has given riches to humans and some are richer than others. Thus, God must be the richest Person
# God has made the sun which is all pervading, because the sun is everywhere in the universe. Thus, God must also be all pervading and thus omnipresent (present everywhere). God is greater than His creations
# God has made humans who are renounced to some degree, and some are more renounced than others. Thus, God must be the most renounced Person
# God has made humans who are forgiving, compassionate, merciful, and tolerant, and some are more forgiving, compassionate, merciful, and tolerant compared to others. Thus, God must be the most forgiving, compassionate, merciful, and tolerant Person
# God has given us memory power so we can remember things, thus God must have all memory
# God must be the most famous Person, He must be known for millions of years and not just a few hundred or a few thousand years
# God has all eighteen mystic siddhis (perfections) in full. These are listed in another question
Anyone who claims to be God should have at least all the qualities just described. Otherwise he is not God. So far, only Lord Krishna has proved that He has all the above qualities, not just once, but millions of times, because He has appeared millions of times.
“I am transcendental, beyond the fallible and infallible, and because I am the greatest, I am celebrated as the Supreme person, on the material, and spiritual planets, and in the Vedas.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 15.18)
“All living beings have their source from My material and spiritual energies, and know for certain that I am the origin and dissolution of the entire creation.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 7.6)
Once you know the qualities of God, you will not accept any cheap person as God.
24. Who is Krishna?
Lord Krishna is God. He has appeared more than 18,000 times in His original form as Krishna and millions of times in His other forms and each time He appears, many demonic living beings challenge Him. Lord Krishna very easily defeats them all. Also, every time He appears, He saves all His followers. This is simple proof that He is the one and only God. Do you know anyone else who has appeared millions of times and each time proved He was God? Do you know anyone else who has appeared more than once in their same body?
“I am the origin of the whole creation. Everything emanates from me. The wise worship me [Krishna] with devotion.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.8)
There are millions of universes and Lord Krishna is the origin of everything.
“With a single particle of Myself [Krishna], I maintain the entire creation.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 10.42)
With a tiny particle of Himself, Lord Krishna creates and maintains millions of universes. This is how great Lord Krishna (God) is.
There are many who claim themselves to be God, or their followers claim them to be God. But how many of them actually prove themselves to be the God. Lord Krishna very clearly proved Himself to be the God, not just once but millions of times. Full details can be found in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.
25. He Passed Away?
When a person dies, we say ‘he passed away’. The body is right in front of us, but still we say ‘he passed away’. This implies there are 2 entities, the ‘body’ and the ‘he’. The ‘he’ is the soul, the real person.
This is the fundamental teaching of the Bhagavad-Gita, the real ‘he’ is the soul and not the body.
“Just as a person gives up old and worn out garments for new garments. In a similar way, the embodied soul accepts new bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-Gita 2.22)
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