Thithis and Effects:
Thithi can be found from any horoscope if we know the positions of Sun and Moon in the natal chart. Find out the longitudes (degree) of the Sun and the Moon. Each Thithi constitutes 12 degrees. Therefore, divide the difference in longitudes between the Sun and Moon by 12. You will get the number of the lunar day.
Influence of Thithis:
The influence of Thithis (Lunar days) according to “Yavana Jathaka” is given below.
Lunar Day | Names of Thithis | Explanation |
1st | Prathipada | The person born in this lunar day will have a good wife and also enjoy extra-marital relationships |
2nd | Dwithiya | The person born on this day will seek the truth. This person will be liked by all and will be skilled in using weapons. |
3rd | Thrithiya | Those born on this day will be immoral and will be after immoral women. They will be bent on harming others. |
4th | Charthurthi | Those born on this day will be greedy and will not be helpful to others. They will also be secretive. |
5th | Panchami | Those born on this day will be intelligent and live long. They will have strong moral character. |
6th | Shrashti | Those born on this day will have more male issues. They will be after sensual pleasures and will have a big circle of friends. |
7th | Sapthami | Those born on this day will be rich and will have good character. They will respect elders and learned men. |
8th | Ashtami | The person born on this day will be faithful to the spouse, have many interests and speak well. |
9th | Navami | Those born on this day will be passionate and courageous. They will be interested in and talented to pursue arts and will be deadly to their opponents. |
10th | Dasami | Those born on this day will be highly successful in business pursuits. They will be well-versed in sciences and will have strong convictions. |
11th | Ekadasi | Those born on this day will be unprincipled. They are jealous of other’s progress. Their mind will be occupied by thoughts of cohabiting with women. |
12th | Dwadasi | The person born on this day will be popular with women and amass wealth. This person will have many enemies but will handle them intelligently. |
13th | Thrayodasi | The person born on this day will have wide circle of relatives and will make them happy. This person will be pure at heart, enjoy good health and do everything with great care and perfection. |
14th | Chathuradasi | Those persons born on this day will have a healthy body and a great personality. They will have convictions of their own on everything. |
15th (in bright half of the month) | Pournami | The person born on this day will keep long hair, live up to 80 years of age and will be efficient in all undertakings. |
15th (in dark half of the month) | Amavasya | The person born on this day will become deadly to opponents and will enjoy a good life. |
Generally, a person born in the bright half of the month will have a long life, will be helpful to others, will be a great friend and win over women easily.
The person born in the dark half of the month will harbour thoughts of harming others and have rustic speech. This person may not have order and discipline in life.
Also Read:
Hindu Year and Effects
Hindu Months and Effects
Days of Week and Effects
Thithis and Effects