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Tirumala Balaji Tirupati Temple Thulabharam, Niluvudopidi Details, FAQ’s

About Tirumala Venkateswara Swamy Temple Thulabharam:

Thulabharam Tirumala Tirupati Temple is held Opposite to Srivari Padi Kavali. In the Thulabaram ritual, a devotee sits on a pan of the weighing balance and the other pan is filled with materials greater than the weight of the devotee. Devotees usually offer sugar, jaggery or coins.

The commodity used to weigh is donated to Tirumala Venkateswara Temple. T.T.D, the administrative body of the temple, provides the materials needed for performing Tulabharam. Few devotees fulfill their vows by exchanging with Rupee coins. Few fulfill their vows by Niluvudopidi i.e, they simply remove whatever the ornaments they wear and drop the same in the Hundi. Behind Thulabaram, we find a Central Control Room where all the closed-circuit T.Vs are constantly monitored in a single place.

Tirumala Tirupati Malayappa Temple Thulabharam Procedure:

The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam has simplified the Thulabharam procedure inside Srivari Temple and made it convenient for the devotees.

New Procedure:
The T.T.D accepts all offerings in the form of cash only and fixed rates as per quantity to the weight of person or child Like the value of Rs. 1 Offered is Rs.220 per one kg, Rs.5 offered is Rs.380 per one kg. Similarly, Rice per kg is valued at Rs.30 (as per current market rate), Sugar at Rs.60 (as per current market rate), and Jaggery at Rs.50 (as per current market rate) and Sugar Candy at Rs.60 (as per current market rate).

The entire process of Thulabharam accounts is handled by two nationalized banks Indian Bank and Syndicate bank inside the temple. ‘An amount on par with money collected is deposited in the bank. The banks operate the Thulabaram account by shift – It is Indian Bank during day time and Syndicate at night.

If someone brings in the coins it will be considered for Thulabharam at the end devotee has to deposit coins in Srivari Hundi after weighing.

Tirumala Thulabharam

Tirumala Tirupati Thulabharam FAQ’s:

  1. No special ticket is required for Thulabharam, Darshan ticket will do for that
  2. After entering Mahadwaram, Thulabharam site is on the left corner, please find the Thulabharam Tirumala Tirupati in the photo-Gallery
  3. After Thulabharam, you are allowed to rejoin Darshan Queue.
  4. Your complete family can go for Thulabharam site and there is age limit for weighing at Thulabharam site
  5. Thulbharam Tirumala Tirupati is operating for 24 hours.
Tirumala Balaji Tirupati Temple Thulabharam, Niluvudopidi Details, FAQ’s

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