Magha Purnima Tuesday 19th February 2019
Magha Purnima Timings:
Purnima Tithi Starts = 1:11 AM on 19-February-2019
Purnima Tithi Ends = 9:23 PM on 19-February-2019
About Maghi Purnima:
The Purnima of Magha month is auspicious in every sense. Hindu texts and doctrines mention the need for taking of holy bath during the Magha Purnima day. Austerity measures are also observed with strict devotion. Besides these, devotees indulge in the art of giving which is essentially charity work. The Magha Maasam thus ends by the appearance of Magha Purnima or Maghi Purnima on its final day. Devotees undertake various devotional acts on this day that include the holy dip and fast.
Magha Purnima is not only significant because of Puranmasi, but also because some celebrate this day as Sant Ravidas Jayanti. The rituals for this begins on the Paush Purnima day by the morning routine of holy dip in the River Ganges or even the Yamuna River as the case maybe. This month-long holy water morning bath everyday ends when Magha Purnima sets in. Daanam or charity is done with great zeal during this period. Charity is done in several ways depending on affordability and convenience. The auspicious day brings an end to Kalpawas which means the end to the camp where devotees set up camp for that month by maintaining strict religious rituals and customs.