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70 Symbolism of Various Objects Associated with Sri Ganesha

There are countless objects associated with Sri Ganesh. Each of these objects held by Vinayaka has a symbolic meaning. Here is a list of 70 objects associated with Sri Vigneshwara.

  1. Modak the sweet modaka represents wisdom, yielding everlasting bliss.
  2. Shankh Conch of Ganesha:- When the conch is blown, the loud sound coming from the conch resembles the happy trumpeting of an elephant. This expression of happiness helps to keep evil and negative thoughts away.
  3. Noose:- Pasha or noose stands for his act of bringing his devotees close to him and saving them when they go astray.
  4. Lighting Bolt:- Vajra Shoola or the lightning bolt is a great power, which controls the higher and lower chakras. Thereby giving the spirit control over the mind and the mind control over the matter.
  5. Chakra:- The discus or chakra is the symbolic existence of the sun and mind, which is a weapon wielded for the divinely empowered intellect.
  6. The bowl of modaka Patna (sweets):- Ganesha through his sweet tooth or tusk, is supposed to taste modaka sweet, which is a symbol of liberation.
  7. Gada or Mace:- through the Mace, Ganesha is definite and commanding and determinedly eliminates the karma of his devotees and does not allow fresh karmas to intrude.
  8. Dagger:- The churi or dagger symbolizes the difficult path the spiritual aspirant must walk, likened to the razor’s edge.
  9. The Rudraksha Mala:- Holy beads or rudraksha mala are the prayer beads for Ganesha, who sits at Shiva’s holy feet to receive divine instruction from Shiva to help his devotees.
  10. Flower Arrow:- Puspashara or flower arrow. Ganesha sends the flower-decked arrows so as to keep his devotees from wandering too far from the path of dharma.
  11. Amrita Kumbha:- Pot of Nectar:- It is the symbol of the holy bath Ganesha takes in the temple. It signifies that nectar which flows from the devotee’s Sahasrara to his seat at the base of Muladhara.
  12. Padma:- Lotus:- the will of Ganesha is that all minds must bloom like the lotus flowers. The basic teaching is coming from the depth of mud into the opening of the bud high above the water’s surface.
  13. Ikshukarmuka:- Sugarcane bow:- It shows the generous nature of Ganesha in granting good to his devotees. The bow sends the kindest arrows, the projection of his cognition.
  14. Shara – Arrow:- It implies the virtuous thinking of Ganesha. Each arrow represents the power over thought. Ganesha wants everyone to have good intentions before they commence any work.
  15. Veena:- It indicates the nature of sound. Ganesha is the sound, while Shiva is the ocean; Shiva is the mind, while Ganesha is the echo. A staunch devotee is expected to listen to the music of the veena within himself.
  16. Asura the Goblin:- Ganesha sends his ganas to drive away fear from those who love him. With this, the devotees will lead a better life.
  17. Danda – Staff:- It is a sign of the authority of Ganesha. It is a warning to people not to threaten the ways of dharma and it controls those who have even the thought of doing so.
  18. Camara – the fly Whisk Fan:- As a wise God, Ganesha always sits whisking away the memory of the past within the minds of various devotees.
  19. Kamandala – Water Pot:- A symbol of fullness, so that he fulfills all his devotee’s requirements. He is always dear to those who have been renounced. The Kamandala always gives and never takes.
  20. Dhanush – Bow:- Ganesha sends his gracious will to his devotees through his bow, and the devotees enjoy the divine ecstasy extended by Ganesha.
  21. Naga – The Serpent:- the naga represents the kundalini power residing in all human beings, which is to be aroused through yogic meditation.
  22. Salipallava – the Rice Sprig:- As the life sustainer of people of all strata, Ganesha holds the sprig of paddy and ensures rain of prosperity.
  23. Mudgara – Hammer:- As the promulgator of arts and crafts, Ganesha wields the mallet and supports all craftsmen for a good living.
  24. Shastra – Books:- On his planet and on others, Ganesha is said to edit all the knowledge texts.
  25. Kalpavriksha – Wish-Fulfilling Tree:- In order to gratify all the wishes of his devotees, Ganesha holds a sprig of the wish-fulfilling tree. Our duty is to inform him of our requirements.
  26. Parashavadha (the battle axe):- To fulfill a righteous goal, Ganesha has to take strong measures.
  27. Mahaparashu:- The Large Axe:- This weapon is wielded by Ganesha for frightening the demons and for banishing unwanted thoughts.
  28. Trishul – Trident:- The weapon represents the three-fold power:- love, wisdom and action. He makes his way through the mind’s vast complexities with his abilities.
  29. Nariyal – Coconut:- It is the symbol of ego, soft and sweet, inside, hard and rough outside. When we break a coconut in his holy presence, we have to feel that we are breaking our self-centeredness.
  30. Dhvaja – Flag:- This symbol invites his devotees near to him since he himself is the spirit of a master. This flag is made to fly in his temples and shrines.
  31. Bhagnadanta – Broken Tusk:- A gesture of sacrifice. He shows that one must break the ego, in order to harness all the faculties fully for only one goal, that is, the pursuit of knowledge and the increase of wisdom. We must finish what we begin.
  32. Pasanadharana (the pick axe):- Ganesha knows that trials await everyone, and in order to respond to prayer, he must pick away the dross.
  33. Agni – The Fire:- Ganesha is capable of consuming his own dress and for this gesture, he gives access to his fiery powers. Thus, the symbol stands for the destruction of residual karmas, providing that we make our confessions into its flames.
  34. Khadga – The Sword:- This object being held by Ganesha is bejeweled with precious gems. His devotees need not develop the fear, since he causes defiance of crime and abhorrence of pain.
  35. Phala – Fruits:- Ganesha enjoys varieties of fruits, which enlarge life.
  36. Mulaka – The Radish:- His wish is that we should grow good food to eat.
  37. Kheaka – the Shield:- Ganesha, in order to preserve traditions and to protect all souls on the spiritual path, holds the shield of divine security. This is a symbol of his power to defer the lands of the perfect ones.
  38. Amra- the Mango:- The mango was given to Ganesha by Shiva and through it, he displayed his wisdom.
  39. Trtiyakshi – the third eye:- It represents the highest spiritual vision. The third eye represents the spiritual vision that enables him to see the reality behind the phenomenal world.
  40. Ratnakumbha – Pot of Gems:- Precious gems are like the human self, each with a variety of colors and sizes, facets and loveliness.
  41. Garitrah – the Grains:- Ganesha is said to protect the various kinds of grains that nourishes living beings on earth.
  42. Ikshukanda – Sugarcane:- the sugarcane stick represents the sweetness of life due to the blessings of Ganesha.
  43. Madhu Kumbha – Pot of Honey:- This again is a reminder that sweetness is in nature and not in manmade things and Ganesha pervades over pristine nature.
  44. Kadali Phala – Banana:- to see the real we need to remove the covering of ignorance.
  45. Yoga Dhanda – Meditation staff:- Need to meditate deeply in life.
  46. Trina (Kusha and Durva) – the Grasses:- The importance of all living and nonliving things in nature is taught by Ganesha through Kusha or Durva grass.
  47. Sesame Ball:- Size does not matter, what matters is the real quality.
  48. Shuka – the Parrot:- the importance of good speech and listening to what is good.
  49. Ananasa – the Pineapple:- Do not get offended by harsh outer covering. What matters is what is inside.
  50. Mushaka – the Mouse:- it vouchsafes the all pervasiveness of Ganesha.
  51. Swastika – Mark of Auspiciousness:- it represents good fortune, auspiciousness and luck provided by Ganesha.
  52. Om:- The form of Ganesha is similar to ‘om’ the primordial sound.
  53. Sunda – Elephant Trunk:- the power of Ganesha is depicted through it.
  54. Nilapadma – Blue water Lily:- The current state of the universe.
  55. Panashaphalam – the Jack Fruit:- Like this fruit, our attachments often result in not seeing the goodness.
  56. Prabhavali – the Fiery Arch:- This arch depicts creation, preservation, and fiery dissolution. He sits within it. Above this dwells, Mahakala, the God of time, who ultimately claims everything.
  57. Dalimb – Pomegranate:- Ganesha reminds us that seeds are what matters not the flesh.
  58. Nagapasha – Snake as Ornament:- Overcome fear to know the Truth.
  59. Kapittham – Wood Apple:- we often stop trying we face the first difficulty. The outer covering of wood apple is harsh but what is inside is powerful medicine. To get the grace of God we need to move through harsh situations.
  60. Laddoo:- Sweetness of life is explained through the sweetness.
  61. Kavacha – Armour:- He alone is the protector and savior.
  62. Shashikala – Crescent Moon:- Waxing and waning aspect of life is highlighted.
  63. Mantra:- devotees invoke and take the help of Ganesha through the mantras.
  64. Yajnopavita – Sacred Thread:- it is natural to be ignorant. We should shed ignorance and be born again.
  65. Jambuphalam – Rose Apple:- the path of health, love and purity.
  66. Payasam – Sweet Pudding:- The greatness of cooperation:- milk, sugar and rice join together to make the sweet. In life, we need to find balance by taking different aspects of life.
  67. Shakti – Consort:- there are two consorts of Ganesha representing ida and pingala nadis, the two life currents, emotion and intellect:- Siddhi and Buddhi.
  68. Muladhara Chakra:- Ganesha rules memory and knowledge by sitting on the four-petalled Muladhara.
  69. Vriksha:- Trees:- Cure to all ailments is in nature.
  70. Peacock feather:- The blue color of the peacock represents infinity.
70 Symbolism of Various Objects Associated with Sri Ganesha

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