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Camphor Uses & Benifits

 AaratiWe use camphor as a holy ingredient during hawans and pujas. It is also used to bring an aromatic flavour in desserts. Did you know that camphor has many medicinal uses? The white crystalline camphor can be used to treat many health as well as skin problems. It is believed that camphor when dissolved in water can be really effective to treat respiratory problems. If mixed with a face pack, camphor can be really good to cure acne and other skin problems.

Medicinal uses of camphor:

Camphor for skin problems:

If you suffer from itching and rash, do this simple home remedy. Take a piece of edible camphor and mix it with some water. Wash the affected area with this camphor rinse area home. You will find progressively reduce itching. But make sure not to use camphor on open wounds and cuts.

Camphor for pregnant women:

In India, we do a camphor oil at home to treat cramps in pregnancy. Mustard oil or coconut oil is heated with synthetic camphor until completely melted. Once it cools to lukewarm temperature, it may be massaged on the legs. Even I was following this remedy when I was pregnant with my son, I was suffering from cramps during the last quarter.

Camphor for ants:

The next time you have an ant problem in your home, do not use chemicals around your home. Dissolve a little edible camphor in a little water and sprinkle over the area and see the ants disappear immediately. It is a very safe way to get rid of ants in the home.

Camphor for bed bugs:

Camphor can be used to effectively treat bed bugs If you have bedbugs, wash the sheets and sun dry the mattress. Then take a large piece of camphor and put it in a muslin bag and keep it between the mattress, it will expel any left over bed bugs and prevent further attacks too.

Camphor for acne and acne scars:

Massaging the skin with a few drops of essential oil of camphor good quality and a base oil will treat acne and acne scars very effective. Never use essential oil of camphor to the skin. Some base oils are good olive oil extra virgin oil, coconut, almond oil, wheat germ, etc.

Camphor for cold in children:

This home remedy for the treatment of chest congestion is very popular in India and it is very effective. To make use, take mustard or coconut oil and heat with little synthetic camphor. When it is hot, rub it on the baby’s chest and back to get a good relief from chest congestion.

Camphor for hair loss and dandruff:

The essential oil of camphor, when added to our ordinary hair oil stimulates blood flow to the surface and promotes hair growth. However, use it as a shampoo before the smell of camphor will be very strong if used as leave in the massage oil. This treatment also treats dandruff.

Camphor Uses & Benifits

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