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Fairfax SV Lotus Temple Grihapravesam, House Warming Ceremony Puja Material

1) Reservation with the Temple is required.
2) The following materials are to be supplied by the devotee.
Materials Quantity
Turmeric powder 150 grams
Kumkum 200 grams
Camphor 1 pkt
Incense Sticks 1 pkt
Sandalwood paste/powder 1 pkt
Gods pictures 2-3
Kalasam – vendi chambu 2 (silver or steel or copper)
Panchapatra / Vuddarini 2
Vottulu (Vicks) 1 pkt
Betel leaves and Betel nuts 30 and 10
Kajjuram / dry dates 25
Fruits 3 dozens
Medium Yellow Pumpkin(Gummadi kaya) 1
Sharp knife to cut pumpkin 1
Sunnam and Pasupu for making red color water 1
Coconuts 5
Navadhanyalu 2 small pkts
White towel (big) 1
Blouse Pieces 3 (2 red and 1 yellow – each 1 yard)
Coins (quaters) 3 rolls
Rice 6 kgs
Aluminium Trays 4 (thick, big size)
Ghee 500ml
Vessel / Spoon for doing ghee homam(priest will bring wooded spoon) 1
Rice Flour 1 lb
jaggery 2 lbs
Thread roll 1
Match box / fire starter / candle 1
Milk 1 Gallon
Cashews 1 small pkt
Raisins 1 small pkt
Elachi Few
Almonds 1 small pkt
Dry cocunut shells 6 to 8
Small vendi Aavu Duda (silver calf) 1 (if possible)
New vessel, spoon and lid for boiling milk
New Steel bowl(small) 1
Wood chips 1 small pkt
Flowers 2 bunches
Supari 1/4 kg
Mango leaves 1 Packet

Fairfax SV Lotus Temple Grihapravesam, House Warming Ceremony Puja Material

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