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Hinduism Glossary of Terms – M

Madhya =  (1) The central Consciousness; the pure I-consciousness. (2) The Susumna or central pranic nadi.
Madhyadhama =  The central nadi in the pranamayakosa, also known as brahmanadi or Susumna
Madhyama =  Sabda in its subtle form as existing in the antahkarana prior to its gross manifestation.
Madhyama-pada =  the central or middle state.
Madhyamaka =  Buddhist philosophy that teaches that Reality lies in the middle and not in any of the tetralemma;
Madhyamika =  The follower of the Buddhist Madhyamaka philosophy.
Madhyasakti =  Samvit-sakti, the central Consciousness-power.
Mahabodha =  the great awakening, the grand illumination.
Mahamantra =  The great mantra of pure consciousness, of Supreme I-consciousness.
Mahamaya (apara) =  The state below Suddha Vidya and above Maya in which resides the vijnanakala. In this state there is only prakasa without vimarsa.
Mahahrada =  The highest, purest I-consciousness. It is called mahahrada or the great lake because of its limpidity and depth.
Mahamaya (para) =  The lower stratum of Suddha vidya in which reside the vidyesvaras who, though considering themselves as of the nature of pure consciousness take the world to be different from the Self.
Mahananda =  In anavopaya, the fifth stage of ananda resulting from the resting of consciousness on udana agni that devours all thepramanas and prameyas
Mahanaya =  Krama discipline
Mahartha =  The greatest end; the highest value; the pure I-consciousness; the Kaula discipline.
Mahasatta =  the Highest Reality which is absolute Light and freedom and the source of all existence.
Mahasunya =  the great void
Mahavyapti =  the grand fusion; the grand pervasion
Mahesvara =  The highest lord; parama Siva- the Absolute
Mahesvarya =  The power of Maheshvara, the supreme lord;
Maheswaryadayah =  Mahesvari and other deities presiding over the groups of letters.
Mala =  Impurity ; impurity of the Soul ; the coverings or fetters of the Soul ; Dross; limitation; ignorance that hampers the free expression of the spirit.
Mala Bandham =  Bond of ignorance, and of matter.
Malini =  Sakti of letters which holds the entire universe within itself and in which the letters are arranged in an irregular way from ‘na’ to ‘pha’.
Manas =  That aspect of mind which co-operates with the senses in building perceptions, and which builds up images and concepts, intention and thought-construct.
Manomayakosa =  The sheath of the mind
Manthana Bhairava =  Bhairava that churns i.e. dissolves all objects into Self-consciousness; Svacchanda Bhairava.
Mantra =  (1) Sacred word or formula to be chanted (2) In Saktopaya that sacred word or formula by which the nature of the Supreme is reflected on as identical with the Self. It is called mantra, because it induces manana or reflection on the Supreme and because it provides trana or protection from the whirlgig of transmigratory life. In Saktopaya, the citta itself assumes the form of mantra. (3) The experient who has realized the Suddha Vidyatattva
Mantra-mahesvara =  The experient who has realized Sasasiva tattva
Mantra-virya =  The perfect and full I-consciousness; Siva-Consciousness, the experience of para-vak
Mantresvara =  The experient who has realized Isvara tattva
maNipUrakam =  mystic chakra at naval
Marici =  Sakti
Marut =  Breath (exhalation or inhalation)
Mati =  understanding; intuitive intelligence.
Matrka =  (1) The little unknown mother, the letter and wordpower which is the basis of all knowledge (2) The paravak sakti that generates the world.
Matrka-cakra =  The group of Saktis pertaining to Matrka
Mathika =  The four traditions of Saiva religion.
Maya Mala =  (Literally). That which is evolved and resolved ; matter; cosmic matter ; non ego ; object. It does not mean Mitya or delusion or illusion. I find the word invariably so translated in all the existing translations of Sanskrit works into English. This is forcing into the word the views of a particular school of Philosophers, namely the Hindu Idealists.
Maya =  from ‘ma’ to measure, the finitising or limiting principle of the Divine; a tattva below Suddha vidya, the principle of veiling the Infinite and projecting the finite; the source of the five kancukas; the finitising power of Parama Siva
mAya (mAyai) =  illusion
Maya (In Samkara Vedanta) =  The beginningless cause that brings about the illusion of the world.
Maya pramata =  The empirical self, governed by Maya.
Maya-sakti =  The sakti of Siva that displays difference in identity and gives rise to maya tattva; the finishing power of the Infinite.
Maya tattva =  The principle that throws a veil over pure consciousness and is the material cause of physical manifestation, the source of the five kancukas.
mAyAvAdam =  Idealism. The doctrine that regards the Souls and the material universe as non-existent a mere myth, a delusion or illusion. The Saiva, Ramanuja, and Madhawa are all agreed in applying the term to denote the Hindu Idealist, though the Hindu Idealist does not relish the term and the usage itself is very old. The same as EkAtmavAdam.
mAyAvAdi =  An Idealist.
Mayiya mala =  The limitation due to Maya which gives to the soul its gross and subtle body, and brings about a sense of difference.
Meya (prameya) =  Object
Mimamsaka =  the follower of the Mimamsa system of philosophy
Mitya =  Illusion or delusion. Could this word have been confounded with Maya ?
Moha =  Delusion by which one regards the body as the self; Maya.
Moksa =  liberation, same as mukti.
moxa, moksha =  liberation
Mudra =  (1) Mud (joy), ra (to give); it is called mudra, because it gives the bliss of spiritual consciousness or because it seals up(mudranat) the universe into the being of turiya consciousness (2) Yogic control of certain organs as help in concentration.
Mudra-krama or Krama-mudra =  The condition in which the mind by the force of samavesa swings alternately between the internal (Self or Siva) and the external (the world which now appears as the form of Siva).
Mudra-virya =  The power by which there is emergence of the Supreme I-consciousness; mantra-virya; khecari state.
Mukta =  The finally emancipated and beatified Soul. (Lit :) freed.
Mukta-siva =  The classes of experients who have acquired Siva-Consciousness Mantra, Mantresvara, Mantramahesvara, and experients known as Siva, Rudra and Bhairava
Mukti, moksha =  Liberation from bondage; acquisition of Siva-consciousness: Jivan-mukti-Liberation while living i.e acquisition of Siva-consciousness while the physical, biological and psychic life are still going on. Videha-mukti- establishment in Siva-consciousness after the mortal body has been dissolved.
Murti =  Most manifest Kriya-sakti
mUlasthAnam =  sactum sanctorum, the main and core abode in the temple, garbhagruham
Muladhara =  the pranic centre below the genitals
mulAdhAram =  root-support, the first mystic center (chakra) on the kuNDalini nADi
mulaprakriti =  Same as Maya ; undifferentiated cosmic matter.
murti =  manifestation, embodiment, statue

Hinduism Glossary of Terms – M

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