Narayaniyam Catuscatvarimsadasakam in English:
॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ catuścatvāriṁśadaśakam ॥
nārāyaṇīyaṁ catuścatvāriṁśadaśakam (44) – nāmakaraṇasaṁskārādi
gūḍhaṁ vasudēvagirā kartuṁ tē niṣkriyasya saṁskārān |
hr̥dgatahōrātatvō gargamunistvadgr̥haṁ vibhō gatavān || 44-1 ||
nandō:’tha nanditātmā vr̥ndiṣṭaṁ mānayannamuṁ yaminām |
mandasmitārdramūcē tvatsaṁskārān vidhātumutsukadhīḥ || 44-2 ||
yaduvaṁśācāryatvātsunibhr̥tamidamārya kāryamiti kathayan |
gargō nirgatapulakaścakrē tava sāgrajasya nāmāni || 44-3 ||
kathamasya nāma kurvē sahasranāmnō hyanantanāmnō vā |
iti nūnaṁ gargamuniścakrē tava nāma nāma rahasi vibhō || 44-4 ||
kr̥ṣidhātuṇakārābhyāṁ sattānandātmatāṁ kilābhilapat |
jagadaghakarṣitvaṁ vā kathayadr̥ṣiḥ kr̥ṣṇanāma tē vyatanōt || 44-5 ||
anyāṁśca nāmabhēdān vyākurvannagrajē ca rāmādīn |
atimānuṣānubhāvaṁ nyagadattvāmaprakāśayanpitrē || 44-6 ||
snihyati yastava putrē muhyati sa na māyikaiḥ punaśśōkaiḥ |
druhyati yassa tu naśyēdityavadattē mahattvamr̥ṣivaryaḥ || 44-7 ||
jēṣyati bahutaradaityān nēṣyati nijabandhulōkamamalapadam |
śrōṣyati suvimalakīrtīrasyēti bhavadvibhūtimr̥ṣirūcē || 44-8 ||
amunaiva sarvadurgaṁ taritāstha kr̥tāsthamatra tiṣṭhadhvam |
harirēvētyanabhilapannityādi tvāmavarṇayatsa muniḥ || 44-9 ||
gargē:’tha nirgatē:’smin nanditanandādinandyamānastvam |
madgadamudgatakaruṇō nirgamaya śrīmarutpurādhīśa || 44-10 ||
iti catuścatvāriṁśadaśakaṁ samāptam |
Narayaniyam Catuscatvarimsadasakam Meaning:
Oh Lord, Sage Garga who is an expert in the science of astrology,
Came as per the secret request of Vasudeva, to your house,
To conduct naming and other ceremonies,
To you who is very much beyond all ceremonies. ॥ 44.1 ॥
Afterward the very much pleased Nandagopa,
with great zest to conduct the naming ceremony,
Respected Garga who was greatest among sages,
With a soft smile and made a request to him. ॥ 44.2 ॥
Sage Garga, thrilled at the prospect told,
“Since I am the Guru of the Yadhu clan,
This ceremony should be performed very secretly,”
And named you along with your elder brother. ॥ 44.3 ॥
The sage Garga must have decided to conduct the ceremony in secret,
Possibly wondering as to how he will ever give a name to you,
Who has one thousand names or even countless names. ॥ 44.4 ॥
Adding the prefix “Krish” to the suffix “Na”,
To denote that you are the embodiment of true joy,
Or possibly denoting you as the one who destroys sins of the world,
The great sage named you as “Krishna.”. ॥ 44.5 ॥
He also gave you other names and also,
Gave names like Rama to your elder brother,
And explained their significance to Nanda your father,
Without revealing that you are God but made him understand,
That you are a superman with qualities that are not in others. ॥ 44.6 ॥
That great sage telling about your greatness told,
“He who shows love to your son would be free from Maya,
And will never ever suffer sorrows of this world,
And he who causes trouble to him would be destroyed.” ॥ 44.7 ॥
Again sage Garga telling about your greatness told,
“This baby will win over a very large number of Asuras,
Keep his own people in a place devoid of any sorrow,
And you will hear about his very pure fame.” ॥ 44.8 ॥
That sage further described without revealing you are Hari,
That “you will cross all obstacles with the help of this baby,
And so remain always with devotion to this baby”. ॥ 44.9 ॥
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, You who was nurtured and pampered,
By the very happy Nanda Gopa and others,
After the departure of sage Garga, may please,cure my illness. ॥ 44.10 ॥
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