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Narayaniyam Ekavimsadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 21

Narayaniyam Ekavimsadasakam in English:

॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ ēkaviṁśadaśakam ॥

nārāyaṇīyaṁ ēkaviṁśadaśakam (21) – nava varṣāḥ tathā saptadvīpāḥ | jaṁbūdvīpādiṣu upāsanāpaddhatiḥ |

madhyōdbhavē bhuva ilāvr̥tanāmni varṣē
gaurīpradhānavanitājanamātrabhāji |
śarvēṇa mantranutibhiḥ sumupāsyamānaṁ
saṅkarṣaṇātmakamadhīśvara saṁśrayē tvām || 21-1 ||

bhadrāśvanāmaka ilāvr̥tapūrvavarṣē
bhadraśravōbhirr̥ṣibhiḥ pariṇūyamānam |
dhyāyāmi dēva hayaśīrṣatanuṁ bhavantam || 21-2 ||

dhyāyāmi dakṣiṇagatē harivarṣavarṣē
prāhlādamukhyapuruṣaiḥ pariṣēvyamāṇam |
jñānapradaṁ narahariṁ bhagavan bhavantam || 21-3 ||

varṣē pratīci lalitātmani kētumālē
līlāviśēṣalalitasmitaśōbhanāṅgam |
lakṣmyā prajāpatisutaiśca niṣēvyamāṇaṁ
tasyāḥ priyāya dhr̥takāmatanuṁ bhajē tvām || 21-4 ||

ramyē hyudīci khalu ramyakanāmni varṣē
tadvarṣanāthamanuvaryasaparyamāṇam |
bhaktaikavatsalamamatsarahr̥tsu bhāntaṁ
matsyākr̥tiṁ bhuvananātha bhajē bhavantam || 21-5 ||

varṣaṁ hiraṇmayasamāhvayamauttarāha-
māsīnamadridhr̥tikarmaṭhakāmaṭhāṅgam |
saṁsēvatē pitr̥gaṇapravarō:’ryamā yaṁ
taṁ tvāṁ bhajāmi bhagavan paracinmayātman || 21-6 ||

kiṁ cōttarēṣu kuruṣu priyayā dharaṇyā
saṁsēvitō mahitamantranutiprabhēdaiḥ |
tvaṁ pāhi vijñanuta yajñavarāhamūrtē || 21-7 ||

yāmyāṁ diśaṁ bhajati kimpuruṣākhyavarṣē
saṁsēvitō hanumatā dr̥ḍhabhaktibhājā |
rāmātmakaḥ parilasanparipāhi viṣṇō || 21-8 ||

śrīnāradēna saha bhāratakhaṇḍamukhyai-
stvaṁ sāṅkhyayōganutibhiḥ samupāsyamānaḥ |
ākalpakālamiha sādhujanābhirakṣī
nārāyaṇō narasakhaḥ paripāhi bhūman || 21-9 ||

plākṣē:’rkarūpamayi śālmala indurūpaṁ
dvīpē bhajanti kuśanāmani vahnirūpam |
krauñcē:’ṁburūpamatha vāyumayaṁ ca śākē
tvāṁ brahmarūpamayi puṣkaranāmni lōkāḥ || 21-10 ||

pucchādikēṣvavayavēṣvabhikalpyamānaiḥ |
tvaṁ śiṁśumāravapuṣā mahatāmupāsyaḥ
sandhyāsu rundhi narakaṁ mama sindhuśāyin || 21-11 ||

pātālamūlabhuvi śēṣatanuṁ bhavantaṁ
lōlaikakuṇḍalavirājisahasraśīrṣam |
nīlāṁbaraṁ dhr̥tahalaṁ bhujagāṅganābhi-
rjuṣṭaṁ bhajē hara gadāngurugēhanātha || 21-12 ||

iti ēkaviṁśadaśakaṁ samāptam ||

Narayaniyam Ekavimsadasakam Meaning:

Oh Lord, I take refuge in you who was praised,
By Lord Shiva using several chants and songs,
Who lives in Ilavrutha continent which is the center of the earth,
And which is inhabited by only females,
And whose first lady is the Goddess Parvathi. ॥ 21.1 ॥

I meditate on you, Oh God who has taken the form of Hayagreeva,
Who is being constantly praised by Bhadrasravass sages,
Who lives in the continent of Bhadraswa, which is east of Ilavrutha,
Who showed expertise in retrieving the concealed Vedas after the deluge. ॥ 21.2 ॥

I meditate on you, Oh Lord Narasimha, who is being well served,
By Prahlada and other devotees, and who is sublime, peaceful and white,
And who grants only pure knowledge to his devotees
And who is in the continent of Harivarsha which is south of Ilavarsha. ॥ 21.3 ॥

I sing about you, Oh Lord who took the form of love* to please thy beloved,
Who is engaged in divine sports, has a very pleasing smile and is pretty,
Who is well served by Goddess Lakshmi and the sons of Prajapathis,
And who is in the pretty continent of Kethumala which is to the west of Ilavarsha ॥ 21.4 ॥
*Some people say it is Pradyumna.

I sing about the God of the universe, who took the incarnation of fish,
Who is worshipped by Vaivaswatha Manu, the lord of the continent,
Who is the chief of those who have love to his devotees,
Who shines graciously in the heart of nonjealous devotees,
And who is in the continent Ramyaka, which is north of Ilavarsha. ॥ 21.5 ॥

I sing about you Oh God in the form of a Tortoise,
Who showed the ability to lift the Mandhara mountain,
Who is well served by Aaryma, the chief of manes,
And who is in the continent of Hiranmaya which in the north of Ilavarsha. ॥ 21.6 ॥

I seek the protection of the God Yagna Varaha Murthy, who is praised by the wise,
Who is being served by Goddess earth with great chants and prayers,
Who had such a gross and big form that his tusks touched the clouds,
And who is in the continent of Utharakuru north of even Hiranmaya. ॥ 21.7 ॥

I seek protection from Lord Vishnu who shined as Lord Rama,
Who is well served by Lord Hanuman who has staunch devotion in him,
Who steals the heart of Sita with his magnificent and very pretty form,
And who is in the continent of Kimpurusha which is to the south of Harivarsha. ॥ 21.8 ॥

I seek the protection of Narayana along with his friend Nara,
Who is praised and sung about by devotees like sage Narada and others,
Who is being worshipped by prayers in the Sankhya and Yogic methods,
Who protects all the good people of this region during the final deluge,
And who is in the continent called Bharatha Varsha. ॥ 21.9 ॥

Oh God, who has the form of Sun in Plaksha island,
Who has the form of Moon in Salmala island,
Who has the form of fire in the islands called Kroosa,
Who has a form of water on the island called Krouncha,
Who has the form of wind god in Saka island,
Who has the form of divine Brahmam in Pushkara island,
You are worshipped by the people of the island in those forms. ॥ 21.10 ॥

Please save me from hell, Oh God who is reclining on the ocean,
Who has the form of the fish Simsumara* worshipped by the great,
And with Dhruva, all the stars and all the planets,
In the place where we imagine its tail and other organs ॥ 21.11 ॥
*Sky is imagined as being occupied by a huge fish.

I sing about you in the form of Adhi sesha, holding a plough,
With a fluttering single earring worn in its thousand hoods,
Who wears blue cloth and is served by serpent maidens,
And occupies the heart of the nether world,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur, please cure me. ॥ 21.12 ॥

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Narayaniyam Ekavimsadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneeyam Dasakam 21

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