Narayaniyam Ekonasititama Dasakam in English:
॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ ēkōnāśītitama daśakam ॥
nārāyaṇīyaṁ ēkōnāśītitama daśakam (79) – rukmiṇīharaṇaṁ-vivāham
balasamētabalānugatō bhavān
puramagāhata bhīṣmakamānitaḥ |
dvijasutaṁ tvadupāgamavādinaṁ
dhr̥tarasā tarasā praṇanāma sā || 79-1 ||
bhuvanakāntamavēkṣya bhavadvapu-
rnr̥pasutasya niśamya ca cēṣṭitam |
vipulakhēdajuṣāṁ puravāsināṁ
saruditairuditairagamanniśā || 79-2 ||
tadanu vanditumindumukhī śivāṁ
vihitamaṅgalabhūṣaṇabhāsurā |
svapurataḥ purataḥ subhaṭāvr̥tā || 79-3 ||
kulavadhūbhirupētya kumārikā
girisutāṁ paripūjya ca sādaram |
muhurayācata tatpadapaṅkajē
nipatitā patitāṁ tava kēvalam || 79-4 ||
nr̥pakulē nibhr̥taṁ tvayi ca sthitē |
nr̥pasutā niragādgirijālayā-
tsuruciraṁ rucirañjitadiṅmukhā || 79-5 ||
bhuvanamōhanarūparucā tadā
vivaśitākhilarājakadaṁbayā |
tvamapi dēva kaṭākṣavimōkṣaṇaiḥ
pramadayā madayāñcakr̥ṣē manāk || 79-6 ||
kvanu gamiṣyasi candramukhīti tāṁ
sarasamētya karēṇa haran kṣaṇāt |
samadhirōpya rathaṁ tvamapāhr̥thā
bhuvi tatō vitatō ninadō dviṣām || 79-7 ||
kva nu gataḥ paśupāla iti krudhā
kr̥taraṇā yadubhiśca jitā nr̥pāḥ |
na tu bhavānudacālyata tairahō
piśunakaiḥ śunakairiva kēsarī || 79-8 ||
tadanu rukmiṇamāgatamāhavē
vadhamupēkṣya nibadhya virūpayan |
hr̥tamadaṁ parimucya balōktibhiḥ
puramayā ramayā saha kāntayā || 79-9 ||
praṇayakautukajr̥ṁbhitamanmathām |
aramayaḥ khalu nātha yathāsukhaṁ
rahasi tāṁ hasitāṁśulasanmukhīm || 79-10 ||
pramadamākalayanpunarēkadā |
r̥jumatēḥ kila vakrāgirā bhavān
varatanōratanōdatilōlatām || 79-11 ||
tadadhikairatha lālanakauśalaiḥ
praṇayinīmadhikaṁ sukhayannimām |
ayi mukunda bhavaccaritāni naḥ
pragadatāṁ gadatāntimapākuru || 79-12 ||
iti ēkōnāśītitamadaśakaṁ samāptaṁ |
Narayaniyam Ekonasititama Dasakam Meaning:
When you reached Kundina, followed by an army led by Balarama,
And was received properly by Bheeshmaka the father of Rukmani,
And hearing from the Brahmin lad about your arrival,
She was filled with extreme happiness and saluted him. ॥ 79.1 ॥
That night somehow inched out along with the sorrow of the citizens,
After seeing you like the most handsome one on earth.
And also hearing about the acts of their prince Rugmi. ॥ 79.2 ॥
At that time the moon-faced Rukmani who has pledged her life to you,
Decked with auspicious ornaments fitting the occasion and with luster,
Started from her house guarded by valorous soldiers,
From the women’s area of the palace to the temple of Parvathi. ॥ 79.3 ॥
That princess Rukmani went along with respectable women,
And saluted and worshipped Parvathi with devotion,
And fell at the lotus feet of that goddess and again and again,
Prayed that you alone should be her husband. ॥ 79.4 ॥
When other kings were jostling with each other to see Rukmani,
Due to the wish to see her and when you were standing peacefully,
That princess Rukmani came out of the temple,
Lighting up the entire area with her great radiating beauty. ॥ 79.5 ॥
When due to her splendorous beauty she drove,
All kings into the throes of great ecstasy,
Oh God, she also attracted you by her glances. ॥ 79.6 ॥
You went speedily near Rukmani and told her,
“Hey moon-faced one, where are you trying to go,”
And then caught her by your hands and made her,
Board your chariot and abducted her and the sound,
Of the enemies there filled the entire earth. ॥ 79.7 ॥
Balarama and other Yadavas easily defeated those kings,
Who were shouting, “where has the cowherd gone?”
And they were not even able to shake you a bit,
Like the dogs attempting to fight the lion, Great wonder. ॥ 79.8 ॥
And then you imprisoned Rugmi who came to war with you,
And disfigured him by the shaving of his head and face and killed his pride,
But you freed him and sent him back as per the advice of Balarama,
And you proceeded to Dwaraka along with your wife who was goddess Lakshmi. ॥ 79.9 ॥
Filled with shyness due to its being a new relationship,
Filled with love, joy and also passion,
Was Rukmani whose face lit up with her smile,
And Oh Lord, you took her to a lonely place and,
Engaged in love play and increased her joy. ॥ 79.10 ॥
Like this during day and night by jocular conversations,
While you were increasing her happiness,
one day by making an ambiguous talk,
You created great sorrow in the very innocent Rukmani. ॥ 79.11 ॥
Then you enhanced her joy and happiness by still bolder talks,
And new methods and increased the pleasure more than before
Of Rukmani who was your dearest darling and Oh Mukunda,
Please cure diseases of mine , who is narrating your story. ॥ 79.12 ॥
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