Narayaniyam Pancacatvarimsadasakam in English:
॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ pañcacatvāriṁśadaśakam ॥
nārāyaṇīyaṁ pañcacatvāriṁśadaśakam (45)- śrīkr̥ṣṇasya bālalīlāḥ
ayi sabala murārē pāṇijānupracāraiḥ
kimapi bhavanabhāgān bhūṣayantau bhavantau |
calitacaraṇakañjau mañjumañjīraśiñjā-
śravaṇakutukabhājau cēratuścāru vēgāt || 45-1 ||
mr̥du mr̥du vihasantāvunmiṣaddantavantau
vadanapatitakēśau dr̥śyapādābjadēśau |
matimaharatamuccaiḥ paśyatāṁ viśvanr̥̄ṇām || 45-2 ||
anusarati janaughē kautukavyākulākṣē
kimapi kr̥taninādaṁ vyāhasantau dravantau |
valitavadanapadmaṁ pr̥ṣṭhatō dattadr̥ṣṭī
kimiva na vidadhāthē kautukaṁ vāsudēva || 45-3 ||
drutagatiṣu patantāvutthitau liptapaṅkau
divi munibhirapaṅkaiḥ sasmitaṁ vandyamānau |
drutamatha jananībhyāṁ sānukampaṁ gr̥hītau
muhurapi parirabdhau drāgyuvāṁ cuṁbitau ca || 45-4 ||
snutakucabharamaṅkē dhārayantī bhavantaṁ
taralamati yaśōdā stanyadā dhanyadhanyā |
kapaṭapaśupa madhyē mugdhahāsāṅkuraṁ tē
daśanamukulahr̥dyaṁ vīkṣya vaktraṁ jaharṣa || 45-5 ||
tadanu caraṇacārī dārakaiḥ sākamārā-
nnilayatatiṣu khēlan bālacāpalyaśālī |
bhavanaśukabiḍālān vatsakāṁścānudhāvan
kathamapi kr̥tahāsairgōpakairvāritō:’bhūḥ || 45-6 ||
haladharasahitastvaṁ yatra yatrōpayātō
vivaśapatitanētrāstatra tatraiva gōpyaḥ |
vigalitagr̥hakr̥tyā vismr̥tāpatyabhr̥tyā
murahara muhuratyantākulā nityamāsan || 45-7 ||
pratinavanavanītaṁ gōpikādattamicchan
kalapadamupagāyan kōmalaṁ kvāpi nr̥tyan |
sadayayuvatilōkairarpitaṁ sarpiraśnan
kvacana navavipakvaṁ dugdhamapyāpibastvam || 45-8 ||
mama khalu baligēhē yācanaṁ jātamāstā-
miha punarabalānāmagratō naiva kurvē |
iti vihitamatiḥ kiṁ dēva santyajya yācñāṁ
dadhighr̥tamaharastvaṁ cāruṇā cōraṇēna || 45-9 ||
tava dadhighr̥tamōṣē ghōṣayōṣājanānā-
mabhajata hr̥di rōṣō nāvakāśaṁ na śōkaḥ |
hr̥dayamapi muṣitvā harṣasindhau nyadhāstvaṁ
sa mama śamaya rōgānvātagēhādhinātha || 45-10 ||
[** pāṭhabhēdāḥ – adhika ślōkāni
śākhāgrē vidhuṁ vilōkya phalamityambāṁ ca tātaṁ muhuḥ
saṁprārthyātha tadā tadīyavacasā prōtkṣiptabāhau tvayi |
citraṁ dēva śaśī sa tē karmagāt kiṁ brūmahē saṁpataḥ
jyōtirmaṇḍalapūritākhilavapuḥ prāgā virāḍrūpatām || 11
kiṁ kiṁ batēdamiti saṁbhrama bhājamēnaṁ
brahmārṇavē kṣaṇamamuṁ parimajjya tātam |
māyāṁ punastanaya-mōhamayīṁ vitanvān
ānandacinmaya jaganmaya pāhi rōgāt || 12
iti pañcacatvāriṁśadaśakaṁ samāptam |
Narayaniyam Pancacatvarimsadasakam Meaning:
Oh, Krishna who is along with Balarama,
You both were crawling on your legs and hands,
And lit up different places charmingly,
And anxious to hear the jingle of your own anklets,
Rotated your legs and moved prettily. ॥ 45.1 ॥
With a very pretty soft, soft smile revealing your teeth,
With curls of hair falling all over your face,
With soles of your feet visible while you are crawling,
And with your bangles sliding and resting on your wrist,
You both have completely charmed the minds of onlookers. ॥ 45.2 ॥
When with a look of ecstasy people try to catch you both,
You make some peculiar sound, laugh loudly and run away,
And then turn back your lovely face and stare at them,
Oh son of Vasudeva, what a great pleasure you gave to those people? ॥ 45.3 ॥
When you were running like that, sometimes you slip and fall,
And then manage to get up with dirt coated all over you,
And those sages who are dust-free salute you with a smile,
And by that time your mothers reach there,
And with pity take you up and hug you as you are,
And then they shower and cover you with kisses. ॥ 45.4 ॥
When her breasts are filled with milk, the very lucky Yasoda,
Would cradle you in her lap, and feed you with her mind wavering with excitement,
In the middle, Oh baby who has put on the guise of a cowherd,
She attained the acme of joy by seeing your charming face and budding teeth. ॥ 45.5 ॥
When you started walking and running, and started playing with neighboring children,
You who used to engage in several attractive mischief and pranks,
And started chasing and catching pet parrots, cats and calves,
The Gopas with loud laugh used to prevent you by blocking your way. ॥ 45.6 ॥
Oh killer of Mura, wherever you and your brother Balarama went,
The eyes of the enraptured Gopis followed you ceaselessly,
And they forget their household chores, their children and also servants,
Used to follow you often and were seen to have time for nothing else. ॥ 45.7 ॥
With extreme desire to eat butter that was given to you by the Gopis,
Some times you used to sing sweetly and dance attractively,
And some other times you ate the butter given by the kind Gopis,
And also drank the freshly boiled milk given by them. ॥ 45.8 ॥
Oh God, possibly thinking that “ I was forced to beg Mahabali,
But I am not prepared to beg before these weak damsels,”
You decided to abandon the way of getting things by begging,
And took resort to the other way of very cleverly planned theft. ॥ 45.9 ॥
The ladies of the Vruja desa did not bother about your stealing their curds,
And they were not pained by it also, most probably because,
You had drowned them in the ocean of joy by stealing their minds,
And Oh Lord of Guruvayur who was like that, please cure my diseases. ॥ 45.10 ॥
The sloka 11 and 12 given below are not there in the authorized Vanamala version.
One day seeing the shining moon above the tree branches,
You mistook it to be a fruit and you pestered your parents for it,
And when they for fun asked you to call it yourself,
On your summoning, the moon descended straight into your hands,
Along with the innumerable stars and you appeared in your supreme form. ॥ 45.11 ॥
When the father was wonderstruck and started prattling “What, what is it”,
You drowned that father for a moment in the divine ocean of joy,
And later brought back the illusion of you being his son,
And Oh God who is like that, save me from my diseases. ॥ 45.12 ॥
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