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Narayaniyam Saptatrimsadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneyam Dasakam 37

Narayaniyam Saptatrimsadasakam in English:

॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ saptatriṁśadaśakam ॥

nārāyaṇīyaṁ saptatriṁśadaśakam (37) – śrīkr̥ṣṇāvatārōpakramam

sāndrānandatanō harē nanu purā daivāsurē saṅgarē
tvatkr̥ttā api karmaśēṣavaśatō yē tē na yātā gatim |
tēṣāṁ bhūtalajanmanāṁ ditibhuvāṁ bhārēṇa durārditā
bhūmiḥ prāpa viriñcamāśritapadaṁ dēvaiḥ puraivāgataiḥ || 37-1 ||

hā hā durjanabhūribhāramathitāṁ pāthōnidhau pātukā-
mētāṁ pālaya hanta mē vivaśatāṁ sampr̥ccha dēvānimān |
ityādipracurapralāpavivaśāmālōkya dhātā mahīṁ
dēvānāṁ vadanāni vīkṣya paritō dadhyau bhavantaṁ harē || 37-2 ||

ūcē cāṁbujabhūramūnayi surāḥ satyaṁ dharitryā vacō
nanvasyā bhavatāṁ ca rakṣaṇavidhau dakṣō hi lakṣmīpatiḥ |
sarvē śarvapurassarā vayamitō gatvā payōvāridhiṁ
natvā taṁ stumahē javāditi yuyaḥ sākaṁ tavākētanam || 37-3 ||

tē mugdhānilaśālidugdhajaladhēstīraṁ gatāḥ saṅgatā
yāvattvatpadacintanaikamanasastāvatsa pāthōjabhūḥ |
tvadvācaṁ hr̥dayē niśamya sakalānānandayannūcivā-
nākhyātaḥ paramātmanā svayamahaṁ vākyaṁ tadākarṇyatām || 37-4 ||

jānē dīnadaśāmahaṁ diviṣadāṁ bhūmēśca bhīmairnr̥pai-
statkṣēpāya bhavāmi yādavakulē sō:’haṁ samagrātmanā |
dēvā vr̥ṣṇikulē bhavantu kalayā dēvāṅganāścāvanau
matsēvārthamiti tvadīyavacanaṁ pāthōjabhūrūcivān || 37-5 ||

śrutvā karṇarasāyanaṁ tava vacaḥ sarvēṣu nirvāpita-
svāntēṣvīśa gatēṣu tāvakakr̥pāpīyūṣatr̥ptātmasu |
vikhyātē mathurāpurē kila bhavatsānnidhyapuṇyōttarē
dhanyāṁ dēvakanandanāmudavahadrājā sa śūrātmajaḥ || 37-6 ||

udvāhāvasitau tadīyasahajaḥ kaṁsō:’tha sammānaya-
nnētau sūtatayā gataḥ pathi rathē vyōmōtthayā tvadgirā |
asyāstvāmatiduṣṭamaṣṭamasutō hantēti hantēritaḥ
santrāsātsa tu hantumantikagatāṁ tanvīṁ kr̥pāṇīmadhāt || 37-7 ||

gr̥hṇānaścikurēṣu tāṁ khalamatiḥ śaurēściraṁ sāntvanai-
rnō muñcanpunarātmajārpaṇagirā prītō:’tha yātō gr̥hān |
ādyaṁ tvatsahajaṁ tathārpitamapi snēhēna nāhannasau
duṣṭānāmapi dēva puṣṭakaruṇā dr̥ṣṭā hi dhīrēkadā || 37-8 ||

tāvattvanmanasaiva nāradamuniḥ prōcē sa bhōjēśvaraṁ
yūyaṁ nanvasurāḥ surāśca yadavō jānāsi kiṁ na prabhō |
māyāvī sa harirbhavadvadhakr̥tē bhāvī suraprārthanā-
dityākarṇya yadūnadūdhunadasau śaurēśca sūnūnahan || 37-9 ||

prāptē saptamagarbhatāmahipatau tvatprēraṇānmāyayā
nītē mādhava rōhiṇīṁ tvamapi bhōḥ saccitsukhaikātmakaḥ |
dēvakyā jaṭharaṁ vivēśitha vibhō saṁstūyamānaḥ suraiḥ
sa tvaṁ kr̥ṣṇa vidhūya rōgapaṭalīṁ bhaktiṁ parāṁ dēhi mē || 37-10 ||

iti saptatriṁśadaśakaṁ samāptam |

Narayaniyam Saptatrimsadasakam Meaning:

Oh, Lord Vishnu who is the form of divine joy,
Though all the asuras were killed by you
In the battle between Asuras and devas,
Some of them in whom good deeds and sins
Were remaining and did not attain salvation,
Were born in the earth and the earth unable to bear their burden,
Took refuge at the feet of Brahma, who was already approached by all devas. ॥ 37.1 ॥

When the goddess earth lamented pitiably saying,
“Ho, ho I am being crushed by the weight of bad asuras,
And has almost gone and fallen and drowned in the sea,
And so please protect me and you can know about,
My sufferings by asking these Devas assembled here”,
Brahma saw her with compassion and also,
Looked at the faces of devas who were standing with forlorn faces,
And Oh Lord Vishnu, he started meditating on you. ॥ 37.2 ॥

Then Lord Brahma addressing all the devas told them,
“Oh devas, what mother earth has told is very much true,
And it is Lord Vishnu who is taking care of the interests,
Of all of you and also this Goddess of earth, and so,
Let us all approach Lord shiva,
And with him go to the ocean of milk and surrender to him,
And also sing his praises without any delay”,
And all of them came to the place of your residence. ॥ 37.3 ॥

All of them reached the shores of an ocean of milk blessed by a gentle breeze,
And stood together meditating on their feet and Lord Brahma,
Took your great words deep into his mind and making everyone happy,
Told,“ That divine soul Lord Vishnu told me as follows:-“ ॥ 37.4 ॥

Then that Lord Brahma told them your own words as follows,
“ I understand the sufferings of earth and devas due to the very bad kings,
And to completely annihilate those kings, I would be born,
In the Yadava clan, taking my fully complete incarnation,
And let all the devas and deva maidens be born in the clan Of Vrishnis*,
To serve me, along with their power.” ॥ 37.5 ॥

Oh God, hearing your words which were like nectar in their ears,
And getting a completely peaceful mind by the nectar of your mercy,
They all went back to their respective places of residence,
And due to your presence, in the holy and famous city of Mathura,
Vasudeva the son of Soora married the lucky daughter of Devaka. ॥ 37.6 ॥

After the marriage of Devaki and Vasudeva, Kamsa, the brother of Devaki,
Respected them well and went as their chariot driver and on the way,
You told as a voice of the sky, “Hey evil one, Her eighth son would kill you,”,
And the enraged Kamsa was greatly scared and took his sword to kill Devaki. ॥ 37.7 ॥

When that evil one caught hold of the hair of Devaki and was about to kill her,
Vasudeva tried to plead and console him and when he did leave his grip,
Told that he would undertake to give all the babies born to Devaki to him,
And this made Kamsa go home with happiness and later when Vasudeva,
Handed your first brother to Kamsa, he did not kill the child due to love,
And Oh God, this shows that even evil hard-hearted ones have some times mercy. ॥ 37.8 ॥

During that time according to your wishes, when the famous sage Narada,
Told Kamsa, the king of Bhojas as follows, “You all belong to the asura clan,
And the Yadavas belong to the deva clan and Oh lord, do you not know,
“That Vishnu as per the request of devas is going to be born to kill you.”,
Kamsa made life difficult for all the Yadavas and killed all children of Vasudeva. ॥ 37.9 ॥

Then the king of snakes became the fetus of the seventh pregnancy of Devaki,
And Oh Madhava, according to your suggestion Maya Devi, put that child,
In to the womb of Rohini and at that time you who are the embodiment of divine joy,
Entered the womb of Devaki and the devas submitted prayers to you,
And Oh God, you who did all this may please remove all my sickness,
And bless me with supreme devotion towards you. ॥ 37.10 ॥

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Narayaniyam Saptatrimsadasakam Lyrics in English | Narayaneyam Dasakam 37

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