Narayaniyam Trayodasadasakam in English:
॥ nārāyaṇīyaṁ trayōdaśadaśakam ॥
nārāyaṇīyaṁ trayōdaśadaśakam (13) – hiraṇyākṣavadham
hiraṇyākṣaṁ tāvadvarada bhavadanvēṣaṇaparaṁ
carantaṁ sāṁvartē payasi nijajaṅghāparimitē |
bhavadbhaktō gatvā kapaṭapaṭudhīrnāradamuniḥ
śanairūcē nandan danujamapi nindaṁstava balam || 13-1 ||
sa māyāvī viṣṇurharati bhavadīyāṁ vasumatīṁ
prabhō kaṣṭaṁ kaṣṭaṁ kimidamiti tēnābhigaditaḥ |
nadan kvāsau kvāsāviti sa muninā darśitapathō
bhavantaṁ samprāpaddharaṇidharamudyantamudakāt || 13-2 ||
ahō āraṇyō:’yaṁ mr̥ga iti hasantaṁ bahutarai-
rduruktairvidhyantaṁ ditisutamavajñāya bhagavan |
mahīṁ dr̥ṣṭvā daṁṣṭrāśirasi cakitāṁ svēna mahasā
payōdhāvādhāya prasabhamudayuṅkthā mr̥dhavidhau || 13-3 ||
gadāpāṇau daityē tvamapi hi gr̥hītōnnatagadō
niyuddhēna krīḍanghaṭaghaṭaravōdghuṣṭaviyatā |
raṇālōkautsukyānmilati surasaṅghē drutamamuṁ
nirundhyāḥ sandhyātaḥ prathamamiti dhātrā jagadiṣē || 13-4 ||
gadōnmardē tasmiṁstava khalu gadāyāṁ ditibhuvō
gadāghātādbhūmau jhaṭiti patitāyāmahaha bhōḥ |
mr̥dusmērāsyastvaṁ danujakulanirmūlanacaṇaṁ
mahācakraṁ smr̥tvā karabhuvi dadhānō ruruciṣē || 13-5 ||
tataḥ śūlaṁ kālapratimaruṣi daityē visr̥jati
tvayi chindatyēnat karakalitacakrapraharaṇāt |
samāruṣṭō muṣṭyā sa khalu vitudaṁstvāṁ samatanōt
galanmāyē māyāstvayi kila jaganmōhanakarīḥ || 13-6 ||
bhavaccakrajyōtiṣkaṇalavanipātēna vidhutē
tatō māyācakrē vitataghanarōṣāndhamanasam |
svapādāṅguṣṭhēna śravaṇapadamūlē niravadhīḥ || 13-7 ||
[** karāgrēnnasvēna **]
mahākāyassō:’yaṁ tava karasarōjapramathitō
galadraktō vaktrādapatadr̥ṣibhiḥ ślāghitahatiḥ |
tadā tvāmuddāmapramadabharavidyōtihr̥dayā
munīndrāssāndrābhiḥ stutibhiranuvannadhvaratanum || 13-8 ||
[** tvayicchandō **]
tvaci cchandō rōmasvapi kuśagaṇaścakṣuṣi ghr̥taṁ
caturhōtārō:’ṅghrau srugapi vadanē cōdara iḍā |
grahā jihvāyāṁ tē parapuruṣa karṇē ca camasā
vibhō sōmō vīryaṁ varada galadēśē:’pyupasadaḥ || 13-9 ||
mahīyasyā mūrtyā vimalatarakīrtyā ca vilasan |
svadhiṣṇyaṁ samprāptaḥ sukharasavihārī madhuripō
nirundhyā rōgaṁ mē sakalamapi vātālayapatē || 13-10 ||
iti trayōdaśadaśakaṁ samāptam ||
Narayaniyam Trayodasadasakam Meaning:
Then your devotee Narada, who was well versed in diplomacy,
Oh God who blesses, managed to reach Hiranyaksha,
Who was running searching for you and standing in knee-deep deluge water,
And praised in a muted voice, his valor and belittled your prowess and strength. ॥ 13.1 ॥
He told the asura, “That enchanter Vishnu has stolen the earth that was yours,
Oh Lord, alas, alas, this should never happen like this”,
Then that Asura asked roaring “Where is He? Where is He?”,
And then following the path indicated by the sage,
Found you, who was getting out of the water, carrying the earth on your tusk. ॥ 13.2 ॥
Ignoring the asura who was telling “Alas, this is an animal” ,
And also berating you with very abusive words,
Oh Lord, you see that the world at the end of your tusk was trembling with fear,
Put the earth in a stable place outside the water,
And immediately without any hesitation, prepared for war with him. ॥ 13.3 ॥
When the Asura came for a war with a mace,
You also armed yourself with a huge mace,
And when in the war the sound “Ghata, ghata”,
Filled the sky all over and when the devas,
Curious to see the war came in droves,
And Lord Brahma reminded you that he should be killed before dusk. ॥ 13.4 ॥
In the fight with the mace, surprisingly when your mace,
Fell down into the earth due to the hit by the mace of the asura,
To the surprise of everyone, you smiled softly,
Meditated and summoned the Sudarsana Chakra,
Which was famous for exterminating asuras,
And held that in your arms and faced the asura. ॥ 13.5 ॥
The asura blinded with anger prepared to jump on you with a spear,
And you cut it off using the chakra that you held in your hand,
And then he became angrier and using his clenched fists,
Started hurting you by hitting at you, besides he used his magical powers,
Capable of surprising the world and thought that he can hurt you. ॥ 13.6 ॥
When all those magical tactics were destroyed by the embers from your Chakra,
He, who was ignorant, blinded by extreme rage started hitting at you,
You gave him a mighty blow, in the base of his ear with the thumb of your feet.. ॥ 13.7 ॥
That Asura with a very huge body, having received your kick,
Fell down with blood gushing out of his mouth,
And the sages appreciated your act of killing the bad people,
And also due to the uninterrupted great joy that they had,
They made you the personification of fire sacrifices,
And again praised you, with very many meaningful words. ॥ 13.8 ॥
Oh greatest God, Your skins are the meters like Gayathri,
Your hair is the Durba grass, your eyes are the ghee used in sacrifice,
Your four legs are four sages performing the fire sacrifice,
Your face is Sruk, the sacrificial vessel meant for storing ghee,
Your stomach is Ida the vessel used for storing Puroda offering,
Your tongue are the vessels for storing Soma Rasa,
Your ears are the vessels meant for drinking the soma juice,
And your semen is the holy Soma juice itself,
And in your neck are the sacrificial rites called Upanishads. ॥ 13.9 ॥
You with a delighted mind, after having heard this praise of the sages,
With a very huge body and shining with great fame,
Reached Vaikunta which was your own place,
Oh Lord of Guruvayur, you are the same joyful killer of Madhu,
And be pleased to completely stop all diseases affecting me. ॥ 13.10 ॥
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