1) Establishing of RMC batching plant to manufacture different grade Design Mix concrete by using locally available hard stone including crusher unit for Coarse aggregate and sand manufacturing unit for fine aggregate, both on hire basis also.
2) Production capacity of the plant is around 100 Cum / Day.
3) Installation of units to be done with in 15 days of placing order.

Quality Control Aspects:
1) Every day required No.of standard size concrete cube to be prepared and cured as per norms.
2) After completion of 7 days curing and 28 days curing block should be tested at reputed Engineering collages/ Devasthanam Engineering lab.
3) If any samples failed to get required strength as per the IS code for which different grades of concrete, then agency should replace and construction to be done with their expenses.
4) Proper records should be maintained for manufactured concrete and concrete supplied to the houses.
5) Batching plant should have facility for cross verification of Design mix ratios adopted in the plant at any moment of time by the concerned authorities.
6) Agency should obtain mix design/Compressive Strength to all proposed grades from reputed Engineering colleges by utilizing locally available stone before establishing batching plant cum crushing unit/on hire basis also.
7) At frequently also, when any changes found in any building materials used for concrete manufacturing including water, then mix design should be obtained from reputed Engineering colleges as proposed by authorities.
8) Concrete should be delivered to beneficiary site and quantity will be measured as per finished RCC component at site.
9) Day wise requirement of concrete may be varied from day to day basing on the preparedness of the beneficiary and centering units.
10) Regarding water supply one point will be provided nearer to the manufacturing unit.
11) Power supply to be obtained by the agency for manufacturing unit.
12) Seignorage charges and other statutory recovery will be made as per the norms prescribed by the government time to time.
13) Agency should keep DD for Rs.10,000/- per each item of work in favour of the Executive Officer, Srisaila Devasthanam, Srisailam in sealed cover.
14) Required documents supporting to their firm capacity and experience for establishing manufacturing units should be enclosed in the sealed cover.
15) The rates quoted in the prescribed format given below are inforce up to 18 Months from the date of entering into agreement.
16) Executive Officer, Srisaila Devasthanam, Srisailam is having every right to change or modify or cancel the enter process at any time without assign any reason to any body, and having right to reject the Products at any time until completion of entire projects.
Rate to be Filled in The Following Format:
Sl. No | Description | Rate | Unit | Deposit amount |
1 | Manufacturing of concrete, centering and laying of concrete at beneficiary house as per APDSS (Certification for availability at least 25,000 sqft of centering materials with sufficient man power) | 1 Cum | Rs.10,000/- | |
2 | Supply and fixing of centering and laying of concrete at beneficiary house as per APDSS (Certification for availability at least 25,000 sqft of centering materials with sufficient man power) | 1 Sqm | Rs.10,000/- |
Sl. No | Description | Rate to be collected for rent/month | Deposit amount |
1 | Manufacturing unit for different size metal and crushing sand by using locally available stone and also concrete manufacturing batching plant for different grades ranging from M10 to M30 (Stones available on site and cement to be supplied by the Department) Excluding these materials, all other operations like., crushing of metal and sand, manufacturing of concrete supply and delivery at beneficiary site and day to day maintenance of the unit etc., has to be born by the agency. Finished products of concrete should be as per IS Standards. | Rs.10,000/- |
# Application including terms and conditions and options for quoting the rates will be downloaded from the Devasthanam Website Srisailamonline (press room)
# Application can also procured from Office the Executive Officer, Srisaila Devasthanam, Srisailam from 16.05.2017 to till 22.05.2017 @ 4.00 PM.
# Last date of submission of filled application along with Demand draft and supporting documents as mentioned above 22.05.2017 @ 5.00 PM
# Opening of sealed quotations in the presence of participant agencies 23.05.2017 @ 4.00 PM
# Agency should put authorized signature at left hand bottom with name and seal of the firm duly accepting the above terms and conditions.